Daschle House Papers - Box 3

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 1: B03-F056 H.R. 1068 Co-sponsor: Idaho Wilderness Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F057 H.R. 1096 Co-sponsor: Farm Emergency Credit Act; Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F061 H.R. 1207 Co-sponsor: Gold medal for Harry Chapin Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F065 H.R. 1309 Co-sponsor: High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F066 H.R. 1356 Co-sponsor: Employee Educational Assistance Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F068 H.R. 1395 Co-sponsor: Congressional Pay Reform Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F071 H.R. 1426 Original Co-sponsor: amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F077 H.R. 1524 Co-sponsor: Employee Polygraph Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F081 H.R. 1615 Co-sponsor: Extend 401(k) Plans To Rural Electric Cooperatives Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F086 H.R. 1720 Original Co-sponsor: Impose duties on imported ethyl alcohol Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F092 H.R. 1914 Co-sponsor: Foreign Subsidiary Taxation Equity Act Folder undated
DA 1: B03-F093 H.R. 1917 Co-sponsor: Correct Social Security notch problem Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F101 H.R. 2030: Employment Opportunities for Disabled Americans Act Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F103 H.R. 2080 Co-sponsor: Food Assistance and Africa Agriculture Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F112 H.R. 2344 Co-sponsor: Improve assistance to certain disabled veterans, and for Veterans' Administration home loan origination fees Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F115 H.R. 2424 Co-sponsor: Fair Share Minimum Tax Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F116 H.R. 2504 Co-sponsor: Reform the Medicare Reimbursement System Folder 1984
DA 1: B03-F118 H.R. 2581 Co-sponsor: Farmer-Owned Reserve Effectiveness Proposal Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F123 H.R. 2798 Co-sponsor: Prohibit employment discrimination based on individuals being a member of the Armed Forces or National Guard Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F124 H.R. 2821 Introduction Original Co-sponsor: Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to reduce costs of commodity programs Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F129 H.R. 2854 Co-sponsor: Postal Service employee rights Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F130 H.R. 2860 Co-sponsor: End unfair treatment of widowed Social Security Recipients and their dependents Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F136 H.R. 3026 Co-sponsor: Life imprisonment for persons convicted of espionage during peacetime Folder undated
DA 1: B03-F138 Farm Credit Crisis; Statement: National Heritage Resource Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F139 H.R. 3099 Co-sponsor: Require telephones to be hearing aid-compatible Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F142 H.Res. 25 Co-sponsor: Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F146 H.Res. 131 Co-sponsor: Oppose student financial aid cuts Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F150 H.Res. 245 Co-sponsor: Honor 350th anniversary of the National Guard with a commemorative stamp Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F151 H.Res. 268 Co-sponsor: Tax certain employer-paid benefits and other life-support benefits Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F153 H.Res. 352 Co-sponsor: Call upon Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to stop persecution of Hebrew teachers and cultural activists Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F154 H.Res. 412: Maintain the 3-year basis recovery rule for taxing civil service retirement benefits Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F157 H.R. 1096: FMHA Emergency Agricultural Credit Assistance; Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F169 Congressional Record: Letters from South Dakota Farmers; 1985 December 17 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F173 H.R. 2100 The Farm Bill: Speech Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F181 Dear Colleague: Farm Crisis Not Over; 1985 June 7 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F001 H.J.Res. 606 Co-sponsor: Jewish Heritage Week Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F013 H.R. 11 Co-sponsor: Amend income tax code Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F015 H.R. 13 Co-sponsor: Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F016 H.R. 21 Co-sponsor: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F017 H.R. 43 Co-sponsor: Overseas Teachers Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F018 H.R. 68 Co-sponsor: Extend to federal civilian and postal employees the right to participate in political activities Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F019 H.R. 70 Co-sponsor: Audit the Federal Reserve Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F020 H.R. 85 Co-sponsor: Revise dependency and indemnity compensation for surviving spouses of veterans Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F029 H.R. 583 Introduction: Central South Dakota Water Supply System Act of 1985; Daschle Statement in Congressional Record Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F031 H.R. 587 Co-sponsor: Amend Internal Revenue Code to make permanent the deduction for Charitable contributions Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F032 H.R. 622 Co-sponsor: Fair Voting Hours Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F036 H.R. 747 Co-sponsor: Effective Schools Development in Education Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F039 H.R. 773 Co-sponsor: Provides a separate exclusion for public safety vehicles for tax purposes Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F040 H.R. 797 Co-sponsor: Homemakers Equity Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F041 H.R. 800 Co-sponsor: Fair Tax Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F042 H.R. 822 Co-sponsor: Report on conditions of displaced Salvadorans Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F043 H.R. 825 Co-sponsor: Establish the Social Security Administration as an independent agency Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F046 H.R. 864 Co-sponsor: Improve veterans' benefits for former prisoners of war Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F053 H.R. 1017 Co-sponsor: Airline Fringe Benefit Equity Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F056 H.R. 1068 Co-sponsor: Idaho Wilderness Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F059 H.R. 1156 Introduction (Bereuter): Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among Native Americans; Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F060 H.R. 1195 Co-sponsor: Improve the Congressional budget process Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F061 H.R. 1207 Co-sponsor: Gold medal for Harry Chapin Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F065 H.R. 1309 Co-sponsor: High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F068 H.R. 1395 Co-sponsor: Congressional Pay Reform Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F070 H.R. 1400 Co-sponsor: Extend authorization for general revenue sharing for five years Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F071 H.R. 1426 Original Co-sponsor: amend the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F077 H.R. 1524 Co-sponsor: Employee Polygraph Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F078 H.R. 1552 Co-sponsor: Reform defense procurement practices Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F080 H.R. 1591 Introduction Original Co-sponsor: Amend the Agriculture and Food Act of 1981 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F081 H.R. 1615 Co-sponsor: Extend 401(k) Plans To Rural Electric Cooperatives Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F082 H.R. 1616 Co-sponsor: Require employers to notify and consult with employees before ordering a plant closing or permanent layoff Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F088 H.R. 1802 Co-sponsor: Employment Security and Opportunities For Veterans in the Civil Service Folder 1984
DA 1: B03-F089 H.R. 1805 Co-sponsor: Correct Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act problem Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F096 H.R. 1989 Introduction Original Co-sponsor with Dorgan: Mandatory Fish Inspection Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F098 H.R. 2001 Co-sponsor: Renewable Energy and Conservation Transition Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F100 H.R. 2025 Introduction Original Co-sponsor: Amend the Small Reclamation Project Act of 1956 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F102 H.R. 2069 Co-sponsor Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F105 H.R. 2116 Co-sponsor: Amend Title 18 of the Social Security Act Folder 1984
DA 1: B03-F106 H.R. 2158 Introduction Original Co-sponsor: Prohibit Nicaraguan imports Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F110 H.R. 2262 Co-sponsor: Stop waste by defense contractors Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F111 H.R. 2343 Co-sponsor: Veterans' Compensation Benefits Amendments of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F112 H.R. 2344 Co-sponsor: Improve assistance to certain disabled veterans, and for Veterans' Administration home loan origination fees Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F122 H.R. 2795 Introduction Original Co-sponsor: Provide for a study of the use of unleaded fuel in agricultural machinery Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F002 House Joint Resolution 615 Co-sponsor: Gaucher's Disease Awareness Week Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F010 H.J.Res. 733 Sponsor: National Outreach to the Rural Disabled Day Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F012 H.R. 10 Co-sponsor: To amend the public works and Economic Development Act of 1965 and the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F014 H.R. 12 Co-sponsor: Pro-rate Social Security benefits Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F021 H.R. 99 Co-sponsor: American Conservation Corps bill Folder 1984
DA 1: B03-F026 H.R. 505 Co-sponsor: Veterans' Administration Health-Care Amendments of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F027 H.R. 512: To grant a Federal charter to the Vietnam Veterans of America; Congressional Record Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F028 H.R. 531 Original Co-sponsor: Repeal a portion of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F034 H.R. 693 Co-sponsor: To raise the rural interstate speed limits Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F037 H.R. 757 Co-sponsor: Veterans' Housing and Memorial Affairs Amendments of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F044 H.R. 845 Original Co-sponsor: Amend Internal Revenue Code of 1954 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F047 H.R. 874 Co-sponsor: Restrict disaster loan program to family farms Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F049 H.R. 927 Co-sponsor: Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F051 H.R. 994 Co-sponsor: Controlled Substances Penalties Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F067 H.R. 1383 Original Co-sponsor: Agricultural Productivity Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F072 H.R. 1436 Co-sponsor: Grant a national charter to The Retired Enlisted Association Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F073 H.R. 1444 Co-sponsor: Eliminate tax deduction for defense contractor public relations costs Folder 1984
DA 1: B03-F083 H.R. 1665 Co-sponsor: Relax National Minimum Driving Age requirements Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F084 H.R. 1668 Co-sponsor: Voter registration Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F085 H.R. 1709 Co-sponsor: Increase maximum life insurance coverage for veterans Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F095 H.R. 1950 Co-sponsor: Trade Law Modernization Act Folder 1985