Daschle House Papers - Box 3

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 1: B03-F097 H.R. 1994 Co-sponsor: Tax deductibility for stipends, scholarships, and fellowship grants for students Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F103 H.R. 2080 Co-sponsor: Food Assistance and Africa Agriculture Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F107 H.R. 2185 Co-sponsor: Natural Gas Utilization Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F108 H.R. 2205 Co-sponsor: Erect a memorial to honor Armed Forces of the United States who served in the Korean war Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F114 H.R. 2383 Co-sponsor: Farm Policy Reform Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F120 H.R. 2676 Co-sponsor: Simplify certification process for sheltered workshops for the handicapped Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F121 H.R. 2781 Co-sponsor: Protect Americans travelling abroad Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F131 H.R. 2908 Original Co-sponsor: Amend Education Amendments of 1978 relating to Indian education programs Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F132 H.R. 2911 Co-sponsor: Exempt audio recordings solely for household use from copyright infringement liability Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F136 H.R. 3026 Co-sponsor: Life imprisonment for persons convicted of espionage during peacetime Folder undated
DA 1: B03-F137 H.R. 3043 Co-sponsor: Authorize establishment of a United Nations Headquarters District Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F139 H.R. 3099 Co-sponsor: Require telephones to be hearing aid-compatible Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F141 H.Res. 20 Co-sponsor: Continue Select Committee on Hunger Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F144 H.Res. 72 Co-sponsor: Reaffirm commitment to Job Corps Program Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F145 H.Res. 74 Co-sponsor: Call upon Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to stop persecution of Hebrew teachers and cultural activists Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F147 H.Res. 144 Co-sponsor: Recognize 50th anniversary of Rural Electrification Program Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F148 H.Res. 165 Co-sponsor: Honor commitment to boaters and fishermen under Wallop-Breaux Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F151 H.Res. 268 Co-sponsor: Tax certain employer-paid benefits and other life-support benefits Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F153 H.Res. 352 Co-sponsor: Call upon Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to stop persecution of Hebrew teachers and cultural activists Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F156 H.R. 4455: Emergency Livestock Feed Assistance; Statement Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F157 H.R. 1096: FMHA Emergency Agricultural Credit Assistance; Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F158 H.R. 3927: Emergency Farm Credit Act of 1985 (opposition); Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F159 Farm Bill 1985: Bases and Yields Record; Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F164 Agriculture: Prospects for 1986 University of South Dakota; Speech Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F167 Congressional Record: Complex Problems; Editorial on Farm Crisis; 1985 October 24 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F168 Congressional Record: Article on Goose Surplus; Roast Goose; 1985 December 3 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F171 Alexander Amendment to Farm Bill: Speech Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F172 Farm Bill at the Crossroads 1985: Press Release Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F174 Congressional Record: Farm-aid Concert; 1985 September 18 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F002 House Joint Resolution 615 Co-sponsor: Gaucher's Disease Awareness Week Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F003 H.J.Res. 618 Co-sponsor: National Kidney Program Day Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F004 H.J.Res. 619 Co-sponsor: National Drug Abuse Education and Prevention Week Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F009 H.J.Res. 692 Co-sponsor: National Housing Week Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F010 H.J.Res. 733 Sponsor: National Outreach to the Rural Disabled Day Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F011 H.R. 2 Co-sponsor: Sunset Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F012 H.R. 10 Co-sponsor: To amend the public works and Economic Development Act of 1965 and the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F017 H.R. 43 Co-sponsor: Overseas Teachers Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F020 H.R. 85 Co-sponsor: Revise dependency and indemnity compensation for surviving spouses of veterans Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F022 H.R. 100 Co-sponsor: Hunger in Africa Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F031 H.R. 587 Co-sponsor: Amend Internal Revenue Code to make permanent the deduction for Charitable contributions Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F034 H.R. 693 Co-sponsor: To raise the rural interstate speed limits Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F042 H.R. 822 Co-sponsor: Report on conditions of displaced Salvadorans Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F043 H.R. 825 Co-sponsor: Establish the Social Security Administration as an independent agency Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F044 H.R. 845 Original Co-sponsor: Amend Internal Revenue Code of 1954 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F046 H.R. 864 Co-sponsor: Improve veterans' benefits for former prisoners of war Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F051 H.R. 994 Co-sponsor: Controlled Substances Penalties Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F069 H.R. 1399 Original Co-sponsor Introduction: Family Farmer Bankruptcy Reform Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F072 H.R. 1436 Co-sponsor: Grant a national charter to The Retired Enlisted Association Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F075 H.R. 1458 Co-sponsor: Extend deduction for expenses incurred in connection with the elimination of architectural and transportation barriers for the handicapped and elderly Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F076 H.R. 1523 Co-sponsor: Amend the Education of the Handicapped Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F079 H.R. 1577 Co-sponsor: Extend military commissary and exchange privileges to certain Reserve members of the uniformed services Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F082 H.R. 1616 Co-sponsor: Require employers to notify and consult with employees before ordering a plant closing or permanent layoff Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F094 H.R. 1940 Co-sponsor: Authorize a military hazardous waste cleanup Superfund Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F095 H.R. 1950 Co-sponsor: Trade Law Modernization Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F098 H.R. 2001 Co-sponsor: Renewable Energy and Conservation Transition Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F099 H.R. 2007 Co-sponsor: Scale back progress payment on Department of Defense contracts Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F100 H.R. 2025 Introduction Original Co-sponsor: Amend the Small Reclamation Project Act of 1956 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F102 H.R. 2069 Co-sponsor Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F107 H.R. 2185 Co-sponsor: Natural Gas Utilization Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F111 H.R. 2343 Co-sponsor: Veterans' Compensation Benefits Amendments of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F113 H.R. 2382 Introduction Original Co-sponsor: Beekeeper Preservative Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F114 H.R. 2383 Co-sponsor: Farm Policy Reform Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F121 H.R. 2781 Co-sponsor: Protect Americans travelling abroad Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F125 H.R. 2823 Co-sponsor: University Research Facilities Revitalization Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F126 H.R. 2829 Co-sponsor: Elder abuse Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F132 H.R. 2911 Co-sponsor: Exempt audio recordings solely for household use from copyright infringement liability Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F133 H.R. 2943 Co-sponsor: Clarify congressional intent regarding the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F140 H.R. 3131 Introduction Original Co-sponsor: Telecommunications Trade Act of 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F143 H.Res. 60 Co-sponsor: Require committee review of the Grace Commission recommendations Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F148 H.Res. 165 Co-sponsor: Honor commitment to boaters and fishermen under Wallop-Breaux Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F152 H.Res. 311 Co-sponsor: Designate February 1986 as Anti-Apartheid Awareness Month Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F159 Farm Bill 1985: Bases and Yields Record; Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F161 United States Department of Agriculture Disaster Assistance Record: Statement Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F163 Daschle on Reagan's Budget for Fiscal Year 1987: House floor statement; 1986 March 13 Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F164 Agriculture: Prospects for 1986 University of South Dakota; Speech Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F166 Congressional Record: Letters from South Dakota School children 1985 October 24 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F167 Congressional Record: Complex Problems; Editorial on Farm Crisis; 1985 October 24 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F172 Farm Bill at the Crossroads 1985: Press Release Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F174 Congressional Record: Farm-aid Concert; 1985 September 18 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F180 Dear Colleague: National Agriculture Day; 1985 March 18 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F129 H.R. 2854 Co-sponsor: Postal Service employee rights Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F130 H.R. 2860 Co-sponsor: End unfair treatment of widowed Social Security Recipients and their dependents Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F134 H.R. 3006 Co-sponsor: Benefit equity for former National Guard technicians Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F143 H.Res. 60 Co-sponsor: Require committee review of the Grace Commission recommendations Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F150 H.Res. 245 Co-sponsor: Honor 350th anniversary of the National Guard with a commemorative stamp Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F152 H.Res. 311 Co-sponsor: Designate February 1986 as Anti-Apartheid Awareness Month Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F163 Daschle on Reagan's Budget for Fiscal Year 1987: House floor statement; 1986 March 13 Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F169 Congressional Record: Letters from South Dakota Farmers; 1985 December 17 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F173 H.R. 2100 The Farm Bill: Speech Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F175 H.R. 2211: Family Farm Bankruptcy Act; Speech Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F180 Dear Colleague: National Agriculture Day; 1985 March 18 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F008 H.J.Res. 656: Federal Housing Authority Folder 1986
DA 1: B03-F014 H.R. 12 Co-sponsor: Pro-rate Social Security benefits Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F018 H.R. 68 Co-sponsor: Extend to federal civilian and postal employees the right to participate in political activities Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F019 H.R. 70 Co-sponsor: Audit the Federal Reserve Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F025 H.R. 382 Co-sponsor: To set a two-year budget cycle Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F028 H.R. 531 Original Co-sponsor: Repeal a portion of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F040 H.R. 797 Co-sponsor: Homemakers Equity Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F041 H.R. 800 Co-sponsor: Fair Tax Act Folder 1985
DA 1: B03-F049 H.R. 927 Co-sponsor: Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood Act of 1985 Folder 1985