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MA 22 - B06-F35 |
Schultz Symposium 1 of 2 |
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1981 |
MA 22 | B01 |
T.W. Schultz Collection |
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MA 22 - B01-F02 |
General: Correspondence 1 of 2 |
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1975-1982, 1988-1989 |
MA 22 - B01-F00 |
Publications: "Agriculture in an Unstable Economy--Revisited," Journal of the Northeastern Agricultural Economics Council, vol. 3, no. 2 |
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1974 October |
MA 22 - B01-F13 |
Publications: "Capital Rationing, Uncertainty, and Farm-Tenancy Reform," The Journal of Political Economy, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 309-324 (reprint) |
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1940 June |
MA 22 - B01-F17 |
Publications: "Dissertation del Dr. Theodore W. Schultz: Comercio y productividad agropecuarie: una vision politica y economica para el largo plazo," 4a Convencion de Bancos Privados Nacionales, Extrategias para el Crecimiento Economico, Actas y Documentos Tecnicos |
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1986 |
MA 22 - B02-F03 |
Publications: "La Economia de ser pobre," Secretaria de Agricultura y Recursos Hidraulicos Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agricolas |
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1981 |
MA 22 - B02-F06 |
Publications: Economic Education Workshop: Why do reasonable men disagree on Economic Questions |
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1954 |
MA 22 - B03-F08 |
Publications: "Governments, Foundations and the Bias of Research," reprinted from Minerva, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 460-468 (reprint) |
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1979 Autumn |
MA 22 - B04-F02 |
Publications: "Institutions and the Rising Economic Value of Man," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 1113-1122 (reprint) |
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1968 December |
MA 22 - B04-F03 |
Publications: "Investment in Entrepreneurial Ability," Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 82, p. 437-448 (reprint) |
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1980 |
MA 22 - B04-F04 |
Publications: "Investment in Human Capital," Community Development Review, Department of State, Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C., vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 21-38 |
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1963 June |
MA 22 - B04-F05 |
Publications: "Investment in Human Capital," The American Economic Review, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 1-17 (reprint) |
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1961 March |
MA 22 - B04-F16 |
Publications: "Migration: An Economist's View," in Human Migration, edited by William H. McNeill and Ruth Adams, Indiana University Press, pp. 350-359 |
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1978 |
MA 22 - B04-F18 |
Publications: Notes covering Observations and Imperessions Jotted down while in China entering from Hong Kong, Novemeber 11 and Leaving December 2, 1980 from Peking |
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1980 |
MA 22 - B04-F22 |
Publications: "Our Welfare State and the Welfare of Farm People," The Social Service Review, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 123-129 (reprint) |
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1964 June |
MA 22 | B05 |
T.W. Schultz Collection |
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MA 22 - B05-F03 |
Publications: "The Rate of Return in Allocating Investment Resources to Education," in Economics Papers, The Economic Society of Australia and New Zealand, New South Wales and Victorian Branches, no. 27, pp. 40-55 |
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1968 June |
MA 22 - B05-F05 |
Publications: "The Reckoning of Education as Human Capital," Education, Income, and Human Capital, vol. 35, pp. 297-306 (reprint) |
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1970 |
MA 22 - B05-F06 |
Publications: "Reflections on Agricultural Production, Output and Supply," Journal of Farm Economics, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 748-762 (reprint) |
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1956 August |
MA 22 - B05-F09 |
Publications: "India's Hunger: Report of the Famine Mission to India," by chairman, Theodore W. Schultz, American Famine Mission to India |
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1946 |
MA 22 - B05-F11 |
Publications: "Retrospective Assessment of the Economic Test Scores of Counties on the Oil Question During the 1970s," WATTec 10, The Annual Energy Conference & Exhibition, Proceedings of the Public Awareness Symposium, pp. 29-38 |
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1983 February 23-25 |
MA 22 - B05-F18 |
Publications: "Uber einige wichtige Zusammenhange zwischen Politik, Wirtschaft und Landwirtschaft," Agrarwirtschaft, Jahrgang 25, Heft 11, pp. 309-313 |
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1976 November |
MA 22 - B05-F24 |
Publications: "Value of U.S. Farm Surpluses to Underdeveloped Countries," The Journal of Farm Economics, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 1019-1030 (reprint) |
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1960 December |
MA 22 - B06-F03 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "Capital Formation by Education," Journal of Political Economy, v. 68, pp. 571-583 |
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1960 |
MA 22 - B06-F05 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "The Dynamics of Soil Erosion in the United States: A Critical View," Agricultural Economics Paper no. 82:8 |
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1982 March |
MA 22 - B06-F12 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "Food, Population and the Ecosystem," Agricultural Economics Paper no. 71:10 (draft) |
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1971 July 20 |
MA 22 - B06-F14 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "The Hungry, Crowded Competitive World: A Longer View of History Should Dispel Pessimism," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, pp. 26-31 |
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1977 October |
MA 22 - B06-F15 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "The International Part in Expanding Indian Agriculture," from C.H. Shah, ed., Agricultural Development of India, Bombay: Orient London Ltd., Chapter 3, pp. 53-71 |
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1979 |
MA 22 - B06-F16 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "Investment in Entrepreneurial Ability," Scandinavisn Journal of Economics, v. 82, no. 4 |
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1980 |
MA 22 - B06-F19 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "The Making of Economics," Human Capital Paper 91:2 |
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1991 |
MA 22 - B06-F20 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "Nobel Lecture - Concluding Remarks," Journalof Political Economy, v. 88 |
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1980 |
MA 22 - B06-F21 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "On Economics, Agriculture, and the Political Economy," Agricultural Economics Paper no. 76:17 - Elmhirst Lecture - International Conference of Abricultural Economists, Nairobi, Kenya |
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1976 July/August |
MA 22 - B06-F28 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "Population, People, Parents," Human Capital Paper no. 82:8, for the 30th Year Celebration of the Population Council (draft) |
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1982 June 4 |
MA 22 - B06-F31 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "Resources for Higher Education, an Economist's View," The Journal of Political Economy, v. 76, no. 3, pp. 327-347 (reprint) |
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1968 May/June |
MA 22 - B06-F33 |
Dale Hoover Collection on Schultz: "Tensions Between Economics and Politics in Dealing with Agriculture," Agricultural Economics Paper no. 84:24 (draft) |
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1984 December/1985 January/August |
MA 22 - B06-F36 |
Schultz Symposium 2 of 2 |
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1981 |
MA 22 - B06-F37 |
Schultz Symposium |
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1980-1981 |