Showing 1846 results

Subjects term Scope note Finding Aid count Authority record count
Water quality management

Use for: Water quality control

32 0
Water resources development
  • topic
187 0
Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (United States)

Use for: Act to Provide for the Conservation and Development of Water and Related Resources, to Authorize the Secretary of the Army to Construct Various Projects for Improvements to Rivers and Harbors of the United States, and for Other Purposes (United States), Public Law 106-541 (United States)

0 0
Water resources development--Economic aspects
  • topic
1 0
Water resources development--Law and legislation 0 0
Water treatment plants

Use for: Water purification plants

5 0
Watercolor painting

Use for: Water-color painting, Water-color paintings, Water-colors, Watercolor paintings, Watercolors

  • topic
4 0
Water--Law and legislation

Use for: Waters--Law and legislation

21 0

Use for: Aquatic pollution, Fresh water -- Pollution, Freshwater pollution, Inland water pollution, Lake pollution, Lakes -- Pollution, Reservoirs -- Pollution, River pollution, Rivers -- Pollution, Stream pollution, Water contamination, Water pollutants

14 0

Use for: Hydraulic power plants, Hydroelectric power, Hydroelectricity, Hydropower, Waterpower

3 0

Use for: Availability, Water, Water availability, Water resources

  • topic
88 0

Use for: Availability, Water, Water availability, Water resources

0 0
Water-supply, Rural

Use for: Rural water-supply

  • topic
0 0
Weapons industry

Use for: Arms industry, Military weapons industry, Munitions industry, Munitions

1 0
Weather control

Use for: Artificial weather control, Cloud modification, Weather modification

2 0
Weeping willow

Use for: Babylon weeping willow, Salix babylonica

  • topic
0 0
Welding--Study and teaching (Higher)
  • topic
1 0
Wells (1)

Use for: Tube wells, Water wells

2 0
Wetland ecology 1 0

Use for: Aquatic resources, Landforms

133 0
Wetlands--Law and legislation 0 0
Whales 1 0

Use for: Breadstuffs, Cultivated wheats, Spring wheat, Triticum, Triticum aestivum, Triticum sativum, Triticum vulgare, Wheats, Cultivated

  • topic
7 0
Wheat rusts
  • topic
1 0
Wheat streak mosaic virus 26 0
  • topic
9 0
Wheat--Disease and pest resistance
  • topic
1 0
Wheat--Disease and pest resistance--Genetic aspects
  • topic
0 0
  • topic
1 0
  • topic
18 0
  • topic
6 0
Whitewater Inquiry (1993-2000)

Use for: Whitewater Inquiry, Whitewater Case

0 0
Whooping crane

Use for: Big white crane, Whooper (Crane), Whooping cranes

1 0
Wild leek

Use for: Allium tricoccum, Leek, Three-seed, Leek, Wild, Ramp (Plant), Ramps (Plant), Three-seed leek

  • topic
0 0
Wilderness areas

Use for: Lands, Protected wild, Places, Protected wild, Protected wild lands, Protected wild places, Protected wildlands, Regions, Wilderness, Wild lands, Protected, Wild places, Protected, Wilderness areas -- Conservation, Wilderness regions, Wildlands, Protected

7 0
Wildlife conservation 1 0

Use for: Salix, Sallies, Sallows

  • topic
0 0
Wind power

Use for: Wind energy, Windpower

6 0
Winter sports

Use for: Artics sports, Ice carnivals, Ice sports

  • topic
0 0
Women -- Societies and clubs 0 1
Women artists

Use for: Artists, Women, Women as artists

  • topic
1 0
Women authors, American

Use for: American women authors

  • topic
1 0
Women college graduates--Societies and clubs
  • topic
2 0
Women college teachers

Use for: Women as college teachers

  • topic
1 0
Women governors
  • topic
0 0
Women in community development--South Dakota--Biography 1 0
Women in higher education
  • topic
1 0
Women in journalism
  • topic
1 0
Women legislators

Use for: Congresswomen

  • topic
1 0
Women novelists, American

Use for: American women novelists

  • topic
1 0
Women nutritionists

Use for: Women in nutrition

  • topic
1 0
Women pioneers

Use for: Frontier women, Pioneer women

  • topic
2 0
Women pioneers--South Dakota--Biography 1 0
Women runners 7 0
Women teachers

Use for: Women as teachers

  • topic
1 0
  • topic
0 0
Women's choirs

Use for: Female choirs, Female choruses, Women's choruses (Musical groups)

  • topic
2 0
Women's clubs--South Dakota--History 1 0
Women's studies

Use for: Female studies, Feminist studies, Women studies, Women -- Study and teaching

  • topic
1 0
Women--Social life and customs
  • topic
1 0
Women--Societies and clubs

Use for: Women--Clubs, Women's clubs, Women's organizations

  • topic
750 0
Wood warblers

Use for: Compsothlypidae, Mniotiltidae, New World warblers, Parulidae, Parulinae, Warblers, New World, Warblers, Wood

  • topic
0 0

Use for: Fleece

2 0
Working class families 0 0
Workshops (Adult education)

Use for: Ateliers (Adult education)

  • topic
1 0
World War I, 1914-1918

Use for: First World War, 1914-1918, Great War, 1914-1918, World War 1, World War One, WWI (World War, 1914-1918)

  • topic
2 0
World War, 1939-1945

Use for: World War (1939-1945), European War (1939-1945), Second World War (1939-1945), World War 2 (1939-1945), World War II (1939-1945), World War Two (1939-1945), WWII (World War (1939-1945)), WW II (World War (1939-1945))

  • event
3 0
Wounded Knee Massacre (South Dakota : 1890)

Use for: Wounded Knee Massacre (South Dakota : 1890), Wounded Knee, Battle of (S.D. : 1890), Wounded Knee Creek, Battle of (1890)

  • event
1 0
Wrestling (2)
  • topic
14604 619
Wrestling coaches
  • topic
717 46
Wrestling coaching
  • topic
67 40
Wrestling holds

Use for: Holds, Wrestling

  • topic
8 0
Wrestling matches

Use for: Matches, Wrestling

  • topic
1 0
  • topic
1 0
  • topic
20 0
Year 2000 date conversion (Computer systems)

Use for: 2000 A.D. date conversion (Computer systems), Century change problem (Computer systems), Date conversion problem (Computer systems), Millennium bug (Computer systems), Millennium date conversion (Computer systems), Two thousand, A.D., date conversion (Computer systems), Y2K problem (Computer systems), Year 2000 compliance (Computer systems), Year 2000 computer problem (Computer systems), Year 2000 computing crisis, Year 2000 date-change problem (Computer systems), Year 2000 date problem (Computer systems), Year 2000 millennium bug (Computer systems), Year 2000 software crisis

  • topic
0 0
Young men
  • topic
1 0

Use for: Young people, Young persons, Youngsters, Youths

  • topic
1 0
Yucca glauca

Use for: Beargrass, Great Plains yucca, Plains soapweed, Small sopaweed yucca, Soapweed, Soapweed yucca, Soapwell, Spanish bayonet (Plant)

  • topic
0 0
z-delete 0 0
Z-delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0
Z-Delete 0 0