Level of description
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UA 5.11: B06-F10 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Hydrologic Data for 1994-96 for the Huron Project of the High Plains Ground-water Demonstration Program |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F11 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Agricultural Chemical Leaching Studies as Affected by Tillage and Crop Management |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F15 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Land Classification of the Lake Dakota Plain in South Dakota with Remote Sensing Methods |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F16 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Recommendations for Use of Satellite Imagery in Operational Groundwater Surveys |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F17 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Investigation of Remote Sensing to Detect Near-Surface Groundwater on Irrigated Lands |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F22 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Evaportranspiration Variations Within and Downwind from a Sprinkler Irrigated Area |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F25 |
Missouri River Basin Project: South Dakota Water Resources Booklet |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B01-F01 |
Analytical services (pamphlet) |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B01-F03 |
Irrigation: Research-Education-Extension |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B01-F05 |
Operating budget request (general infomation sheet) |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F02 |
Missouri River Basin Project: : Impact of Water Quality Standards on the Development of the Big Sioux River Near Sioux Falls, South Dakota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F08 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Definite Plan Report on Tower, Greenwood, and Yankton Units, South Dakota Pumping Division, South Dakota Missouri River Basin Project: |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F04 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Interim Information Report, Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix D-Project Lands ; Appendix E-Irrigation |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F06 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Interim Information Report, Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix G-Designs and Estimates |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F09 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Lake Andes - Wagner Irrigation Development Feasibility report. Volume 1 - Main Report |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F12 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Lake Andes - Wagner Irrigation Development Feasibility report. Volume 4 - Appendix H-Operations and Maintenance ; Appendix I-Cost Extimates ; Appendix J-Project Economics and Financing |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F13 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Listings of Missouri River Basin Investigation Reports and Selected References fro Other Sources pertaining to Missouri Basin Indian Reservations. Report no. 108. |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F14 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Missouri River Basin Development Program |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F15 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Missouri River Basin State Water Resources Planning Seminar, summary proceedings. |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B04-F09 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix G-Geology |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B05-F04 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix K-Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B05-F06 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix N-Cooperating Agency Reports |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F01 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Addenda to the supplemental report, Initial Stage-190,000 acres. |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F18 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration Preediction Using Skylab Data |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F23 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Animal Waste Management in the Northern Great Plains |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B01 |
SD Water Resources Institute Records Box 1 |
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UA 5.11: B02-F07 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Critical Water Issues in the Missouri River Basin. Missouri River Basin Governors Conference |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F09 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Definite Plan Report on Tower, Greenwood, and Yankton Units, South Dakota Pumping Division. Appendix A-General Information, Appendix B-Hydrology |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F15 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Framework Plan for the Missouri River Basin |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F01 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Impact of Imposing a Water Quality Standard on a Live Stream |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F02 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Interim Information Report, Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F05 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Interim Information Report, Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix F-Drainage |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F10 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Lake Andes - Wagner Irrigation Development Feasibility report. Volume 2 - Appendix-A Project Setting ; Appendix B-Project Lands ; Appendix C-Water Supply |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B04 |
SD Water Resources Institute Records Box 4 |
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UA 5.11: B04-F02 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B04-F03 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix A-General Information ; Appendix B-Alternative Plans |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B04-F04 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix C-Hydrology |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B04-F06 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix E-Agricultural Economy |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B04-F08 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix F-Drainage |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B05-F03 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix J-Designs and Estimates |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B05-F05 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix L-Municipal and Industrial Water Supply ; Appendix M-Power |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F02 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report on Adequacy of Flows in the Missouri River. Missouri Basin Inter-Agency Committee |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F04 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report on Pine Ridge Unit, South Dakota-Nebraska |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F05 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report on Soil-and-Water Relationship of the Little White Unit. White Division-South Dakota Missouri River Basin Project: |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F07 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Safety Evaluation of Existing Dams. A Water Resources Technical Publication |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F08 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Technical Paper Surface Water Supply Including Instream Water Use. Missouri Basin States Association. |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F09 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Selenium in South Dakota Waters |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F12 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Swine Lagoon Effluent Applied to Costal Bermudagrass |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F13 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Analysis fo the Seasonal Streamflow Variation for the Primary Unregulated Water Courses in South Dakota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F14 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Food Selectivity of the Shovelnose Sturgeon, Scaphirhynchus Platorynchus in the Missouri River |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F20 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Evaporation Reduction Investigation: Pactoloa Reservoir, South Dakota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F21 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Revegetation of Shallow Lakes: A Case Stdy of Heron Lake Minnesota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F24 |
Missouri River Basin Project: How Wells Affect Shallow Glacial Ground-Water Supplies in South Dakota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B01-F02 |
Investigation in soil management and irrigation in South Dakota - Annual report |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02 |
SD Water Resources Institute Records Box 2 |
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UA 5.11: B02-F05 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Aquifer Irrigation - Integrated Irrigation-Dryland Farms, Oahe Area, South Dakota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F06 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Aquifer Irrigation - Integrated Irrigation-Dryland Farms, Oahe Area, South Dakota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F10 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Definite Plan Report on Tower, Greenwood, and Yankton Units, South Dakota Pumping Division. Appendix C-Project Lands |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F12 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Definite Plan Report on Tower, Greenwood, and Yankton Units, South Dakota Pumping Division. Appendix H-Operation, Maintence, and Replacement ; Appendix J-Power ; Appendix K-Cooperative Agency Reports |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F03 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Interim Information Report, Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix A-General Information ; Appendix B-Alternate Plant ; Appendix C-Hydrology |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F11 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Lake Andes - Wagner Irrigation Development Feasibility report. Volume 3 - Appendix D-Geotechnical ; Appendix E-Irrigation System ; Appendix F-Drainage System ; Appendix G-Environmental Assessment |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F16 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Missouri River Cost Recovery Authority, Final Report to Governor George S. Mickelson |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B04-F05 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix D-Project Lands |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B05-F01 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix H-Materials |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B05-F02 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix J-Designs and Estimates |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B05-F07 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix P-Economic and Financial Analysis |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B05-F08 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix Q-Economic and social impacts |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06 |
SD Water Resources Institute Records Box 6 |
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UA 5.11: B06-F06 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report on South Dakota Pumping Division, South Dakota Missouri River Basin Project: , Appendix A-General Description ; Appendix B-Hydrology ; Appendix C-Division Lands ; Appendix D-Agricultural Economy |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F19 |
Missouri River Basin Project: The Utilization of Select Habitats by Immature and Adult Fishes in the Unchannelized Missouri River |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B01-F04 |
Large Springs in the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Report of Investigations no. 107 |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F01 |
Photographs 0001-0020 |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F03 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Appraisal Report on Eastern South Dakota Basins, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program South Dakota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F04 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Aquifer Irrigation - Integrated Irrigation-Dryland Farms, Oahe Area, South Dakota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F11 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Definite Plan Report on Tower, Greenwood, and Yankton Units, South Dakota Pumping Division, South Dakota Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix D-Agricultural Economy ; Appendix E-Economic and Financial Analysis |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F13 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Economic Impact of Missouri River Mainstem Dams in South Dakota, Reseach report |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B02-F14 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Final environmental statement. Initial state, Oahe Unit, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, South Dakota |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03 |
SD Water Resources Institute Records Box 3 |
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UA 5.11: B03-F07 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Interim Information Report, Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix H-Operation, Maintenance, and Replacement ; Appendix J-Municipal-Industrial Water and Pollution Control ; Appendix K-Power ; Appendix L-Wildlife and Recreation ; Appendix M-Economic Analysis ; Appendix N-Economic Impacts |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F08 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Investigation of Channel Degradation. 1985 Update. Missouri River Gavins Point Dam to Platte River Confluence |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B03-F17 |
Missouri River Basin Project: National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA). American Water Resources Association Monograph Series no. 19. |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B04-F01 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Oglala Irrigation Project Cattle Enterprise, Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, A Missouri River Basin Study (report no. 179) |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B04-F07 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Appendix F-Drainage |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B05 |
SD Water Resources Institute Records Box 5 |
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UA 5.11: B05-F09 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report of Oahe Unit. James Division, South Dakota, Missouri River Basin Project. Supplemental Report, Initial State-190,000 acres. |
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1976 |
UA 5.11: B06-F03 |
Missouri River Basin Project: Report on Cheyenne Division, Wyoming-South Dakota Missouri River Basin Project: |
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1976 |