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- South Dakota State University. Academic Evaluation and Assessment
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The Academic Evaluation and Assessment Office reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office and is staffed by a full-time director and four support staff. This office coordinates several areas of assessment and provides various testing services to the university students and community.
Student assessment begins with the collection of data at the freshman level. ACT Assessment or COMPASS scores direct mathematics and English placement. The Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP), a national longitudinal study, gathers basic data on first year students.
Assessment continues at mid-level with department staff administering the proficiency (CAAP) examination. This examination, required by the State Board of Regents, evaluates students in the areas of writing, mathematics, reading, and science reasoning.
This office also collects departmental assessment plans. Each term, following the graduating seniors' exit evaluations, departments forward summary data for those graduating students to the Academic Evaluation and Assessment Office which records and maintains the data.
The Director serves as a consultant for departmental assessment across campus. Continuing student and alumni surveys are conducted periodically.
Additional services include: providing a testing center for ACT, CLEP, MCAT, and other national assessments; proctoring tests for SDSU and non-SDSU students; managing the proficiency testing as directed by the Board of Regents; scoring tests and providing statistical results for campus faculty; designing surveys; consulting; and processing instructor evaluation forms.