Level of description
Digital object |
UA 56: B01-F17 |
Component Proposal – Acid Catalyzed Solvolysis of Phosphonamidites: The Correlation between Sterochemisty, Structure, and Rate. William Wadsworth |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F21 |
Component Proposal – Chromatography/Spectrometry for Biochemical Structural Analysis. Fred R. Seymour |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F23 |
Component Proposal – Human Ecology and Human Adaptations on the White River Badlands of South Dakota – Testing Models and Theories of Man – Environmental Interactions for the Late Pleistocene/Holocene. Adrien Hannus |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F33 |
Component Proposal to the National Science Foundation, Section II, No. 1 of 3 |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 56: B01-F34 |
Component Proposal to the National Science Foundation, Section II, No. 2 of 3 |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 56: B02-F01 |
Data Sheets (Bio’s) |
Folder |
undated |
UA 56: B02-F05 |
EPSCoR – Folder 1 of 3 |
Folder |
1992-1995 |
UA 56: B02-F08 |
Folder |
1990-1992 |
UA 56: B02-F09 |
Folder |
1993 |
UA 56: B02-F11 |
EPSCoR ADP-(II) – Envelope 2 of 2 |
Folder |
1994 |
UA 56: B02-F13 |
Folder |
1996 |
UA 56: B03 |
EPSCoR Records - Box 3 |
Box |
UA 56: B03-F02 |
EPSCoR SI – Proposal Addendum Budgets |
Folder |
1995 |
UA 56: B03-F06 |
Governor Janklow’s Math, Science and Technology Council |
Folder |
2000 |
UA 56: B03-F12 |
Historical Data Sheets |
Folder |
1985-1993 |
UA 56: B03-F15 |
Implementation Proposal to the National Science Foundation – Section I |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 56: B03-F17 |
Meeting Minutes |
Folder |
1985-1986 |
UA 56: B03-F20 |
National Nanotechnology Initiative: A Look into the Future |
Folder |
2002 |
UA 56: B03-F23 |
National Science Foundation – ESI |
Folder |
1995 |
UA 56: B03-F24 |
National Science Foundation – The Cultural Context of Educational Evaluation: “The Native American Perspective” Workshop/Proceedings |
Folder |
2002 |
UA 56: B03-F30 |
Presentation to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee – South Dakota Board of Regents |
Folder |
1985-1986 |
UA 56: B04-F01 |
Proposals Progress Reports (State) |
Folder |
1993 |
UA 56: B04-F03 |
Proposal to the National Science Foundation – South Dakota Scientific Research Improvement Program. Aelred J. Kurtenbach |
Folder |
1985 |
UA 56: B04-F04 |
Proposal to the NSF – South Dakota Research Improvement Program |
Folder |
1978 |
UA 56: B04-F07 |
Proposal to the State Centennial Commission Commemorating the role of Science and Engineering in South Dakota’s History |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B04-F10 |
Project Summaries |
Folder |
undated |
UA 56: B04-F15 |
Semi-Annual Reports |
Folder |
1994 |
UA 56: B04-F16 |
Semi-Annual Reports |
Folder |
1995 |
UA 56: B04-F17 |
Semi-Annual Reports |
Folder |
1995-1996 |
UA 56: B04-F21 |
Semi-Annual Reports and Info [EPSCoR II] |
Folder |
1992 |
UA 56: B04-F23 |
South Dakota EPSCoR Site Visit |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B04-F26 |
Successful Management Strategies |
Folder |
2003 |
UA 56: B04-F29 |
University of South Carolina – USC Research Improvement Project in Nuclear, Fundamental Theoretical and Solid State Physics |
Folder |
1984 |
UA 56: B01-F02 |
Advanced Development Proposal to the National Science Foundation – Part 2: Research Cluster Proposal 1: “Surface and Interfacial Chemistry” |
Folder |
1991 |
UA 56: B01-F08 |
Annual Reports |
Folder |
1996 |
UA 56: B01-F09 |
Annual Reports |
Folder |
1998 |
UA 56: B01-F11 |
Annual Report – Coop. Agreement |
Folder |
1999-2002 |
UA 56: B01-F19 |
Component Proposal – Cellular Features of Amputational Healing and Regeneration. Daniel A. Neufeld |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F26 |
Component Proposal – Precambrian Granites of the Black Hills, South Dakota Records of Tectonic and Crust-Producing Processes. C.K. Shearer |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F29 |
Component Proposal – Solid-State Multinuclei NMR of the Inorganic Surface Chemistry of Silica and Alumana. J.J. Fitzgerald |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F32 |
Component Proposal – The Effects of Ionic Strength and Temperature on Diffusivity of Metal Ions. K.N. Han |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B02-F02 |
Developmental Proposal for Geosciences |
Folder |
undated |
UA 56: B02-F03 |
Folder |
1981-1985 |
UA 56: B02-F06 |
EPSCoR – Folder 2 of 3 |
Folder |
1992-1995 |
UA 56: B02-F15 |
EPSCoR Almanac – [State at a Glance] |
Folder |
2000 |
UA 56: B02-F16 |
EPSCoR Fifth Annual Conference |
Folder |
1994 |
UA 56: B02-F17 |
EPSCoR Programs |
Folder |
1997-1998 |
UA 56: B03-F05 |
Excellence and Equity in University Science by David E. Drew, Final Report Under NSF Grant # ISP-792337 |
Folder |
1983 |
UA 56: B03-F07 |
Graduate Assistants |
Folder |
1999-2000 |
UA 56: B03-F13 |
Implementation Proposal – Section I |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B03-F18 |
Miscellaneous Articles |
Folder |
undated |
UA 56: B03-F19 |
National Conference (14th Annual) – Engaging Industry |
Folder |
1998 |
UA 56: B03-F28 |
O.I.G. Review of EPSCoR |
Folder |
2001 |
UA 56: B03-F29 |
Preproposals and Preproposal Information |
Folder |
undated |
UA 56: B03-F31 |
Progress Finance Reports |
Folder |
1997-1999 |
UA 56: B04-F08 |
Proposals [EPSCoR III, ADP] |
Folder |
1994 |
UA 56: B04-F13 |
Results of progress by Principal Investigators |
Folder |
1989-1991 |
UA 56: B04-F14 |
Revision of the National Science Foundation Grant General Conditions |
Folder |
2005 |
UA 56: B04-F22 |
Semi-Annual Reports and Info [EPSCoR II] |
Folder |
1993 |
UA 56: B04-F24 |
State Organizations |
Folder |
2001 |
UA 56: B04-F27 |
Survey of Current Research, Creative and Scholarly Activities |
Folder |
1987 |
UA 56: B04-F30 |
Western Research Alliance Geospatial Information Technology Meeting |
Folder |
2000 |
UA 56: B01-F01 |
Advanced Development Proposal to the National Science Foundation – Part 1: Infrastructure Improvement Plan |
Folder |
1991 |
UA 56: B01-F05 |
American Association for the Advancement of Science Review [AAAS Review] |
Folder |
2000 |
UA 56: B01-F13 |
Board of Regents (overheads) |
Folder |
2001 |
UA 56: B01-F14 |
Budget Book |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F20 |
Component Proposal – Chemistry of Oxoanions containing P-P, S-S or P-S Bonds. Arlen Viste |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F27 |
Component Proposal – Permian Microvertebrates from the San Angelo and Chickash Formations, Texas and Oklahoma, and the MInnekahta Limestone, South Dakota and Wyoming. Gary D. Johnson/Phillip Murry, 1986 |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F28 |
Component Proposal – Probing Chloroplast Proteins by Selenium Incorporation. Christian Paech |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F31 |
Component Proposal – Spatial Resolution of Processes at the Electrode-Solution Interface. Royce Engstrom |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 56: B01-F35 |
Component Proposal to the National Science Foundation, Section II, No. 3 of 3, 1988 September |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 56: B01-F36 |
Cooperative Agreements and Yearly Reports |
Folder |
1997-2004 |
UA 56: B02 |
EPSCoR Records - Box 2 |
Box |
UA 56: B02-F04 |
Folder |
1989 |
UA 56: B02-F07 |
EPSCoR – Folder 3 of 3 |
Folder |
1992-1995 |
UA 56: B03-F01 |
EPSCoR Project |
Folder |
1998-2001 |
UA 56: B03-F08 |
Graduate Fellowship Program for Fiscal Year 1995 Fellowship Awards |
Folder |
1995 |
UA 56: B03-F09 |
Grants for Scientific and Engineering Research |
Folder |
1985 |
UA 56: B03-F10 |
Grant Surveys and Information |
Folder |
1989-1994 |
UA 56: B03-F11 |
HD/SD Conference |
Folder |
1999 |
UA 56: B03-F14 |
Implementation Proposal Format [Phase B] |
Folder |
1985 |
UA 56: B03-F16 |
Internet – Billings, Plans, Meetings |
Folder |
1997 |
UA 56: B03-F21 |
National Nanotechnology Initiative: From Vision to Commercialization |
Folder |
2002 |
UA 56: B03-F26 |
NSP Proposal – Molecular Biology in Low Temperature Response Proteins in Eukaryotes |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 56: B04 |
EPSCoR Records - Box 4 |
Box |
UA 56: B04-F05 |
Proposal to the NSF – South Dakota Scientific Research Improvement Program – Implementation Phase. Vernon S. Ellingstad |
Folder |
1980 |
UA 56: B04-F12 |
Research Excellence – A Critical Hallmark [REACH] |
Folder |
undated |
UA 56: B04-F19 |
Semi-Annual Reports |
Folder |
1996-1997 |
UA 56: B04-F31 |
Year-End Reports and Info [EPSCoR II] |
Folder |
1993-1994 |
UA 56: B04-F32 |
Year-End Reports |
Folder |
1994-1995 |
UA 56: B04-F33 |
South Dakota EPSCoR Update Quarterly Newsletter |
Folder |
2019 |
UA 56: B01-F04 |
Advisory Committee for GPRA Performance Assessment |
Folder |
2005 |
UA 56: B01-F06 |
Annual Reports |
Folder |
1992 |
UA 56: B01-F07 |
Annual Reports |
Folder |
1993 |
UA 56: B01-F10 |
Annual Reports (Final) |
Folder |
1999 |
UA 56: B01-F12 |
Beacon Hill Institute: State Competitiveness Report |
Folder |
2001 |
UA 56: B01-F16 |
Committee Information and Memos |
Folder |
1985-1986 |
UA 56: B01 |
EPSCoR Records - Box 1 |
Box |
UA 56: B01-F03 |
Advanced Development Proposal to the National Science Foundation – Part 2: Research Cluster Proposal 2: “Regulation of Biological Processes: The Role of Membranes”, 1991 January |
Folder |
1991 |
UA 56: B01-F15 |
Budget Sheets |
Folder |
1986-1987 |