Robert V. Burns Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
13 Meeting agendas, minutes, etc. Folder 1996
18 Minutes, Correspondence, Reports (3 od 3) Folder 2004-2006
1 Civil Rights and Liberties course Folder 1996
3 Honor College, Council of Mentors (application) Folder undated
1 ACTV. Inc. Folder 1995-1997
2 ACTV. - Notes/Slides Folder 1996
18 Governor Janklow's Citizen Task Force on Education - Intro Papers, Tabs 1-8, and Final Report Folder 1995
19 Governor Janklow's Citizen Task Force on Education - Tabs 9-16 Folder 1995
22 Governor's Task Force on Seamless Education - Tab A-I Folder 1996-1997
24 Governor's Task Force on Seamless Education - Tabs K-Z Folder 1996-1997
25 Governor's Task Force on Seamless Education - Assorted Documents and Letters Folder 1996-1997
10 National Commision on the Cost of Higher Education - Briefing Book 5 - Meeting Materials (17-15) Folder 1997
16 Newspaper Articles Folder undated
18 Papers on the Vocation of a Teacher Folder 2002
21 Physical Plant Service Studies - Service Guide Folder 1990
24 Receipts and Travel Expense Faxes Folder 1997
27 Report to Governor Janklow from Governor's Wage Study Task Force Folder 1999
25 Governors, Premiers, and Ministers (letters, facsimiles, background information) Folder 2000
1 Briefing Book One, 1997 October 2 (1 of 2) Folder 1997
2 Briefing Book One, 1997 October 2 (2 of 2) Folder 1997
6 Public Hearing, Written Comments, 1997 October 27 Folder 1997
7 Briefing Book Three, 1997 October 20 (1 of 2) Folder 1997
8 Briefing Book Three, 1997 October 20 (2 of 2) Folder 1997
8 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Minutes Folder 1971-1973
10 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Staff documents Folder 1972
12 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Staff recommendation Folder 1971
20 Legislator's handbook; The Administrative Organization of South Dakota State Government Folder 1971
21 News releases Folder 1971-1973
23 Reorganization in the States; The Council of State Governments Folder 1972
24 Responsive Government in the State of South Dakota; recommendations to the Governor from the Federal Technical Assistance Program Folder 1971
20 Vocabulary System of Accountability; summary and background materials (College Portrait, Voluntary System of Accountability) Folder 2007
21 W.I.C.H.E. Issue Analysis and Research Committee (CD-ROM) Folder 2007
8 Conference of Senates-Constitution Folder undated
11 Meeting agendas, minutes, etc. Folder 1995
16 Review of Laws Related to Community Rights and Railroads Folder 2002
12 Minutes, Correspondence, Reports (2 of 5) Folder 2004-2005
13 Minutes, Correspondence, Reports (3 of 5) Folder 2004-2005
16 Minutes, Correspondence, Reports (1 of 3) Folder 2004-2006
17 Minutes, Correspondence, Reports (2 of 3) Folder 2004-2006
4 Remnant Trust committee Folder 2003
5 Retirement congratulations Folder 2008
19 Bill of Rights in Action Teacher's Institute, 1990 June 6-8 Folder 1990
20 Advisor's Handbook, College of Arts and Science, 1997 April Folder 1997
3 Articles, Faxes, Memos Folder 1997
9 Basic Management Techniques Conferences - Manegment Notes Folder 1999
12 Dakota Rural Action - Tax Campaign Manual Folder 1992
15 Education Videos Folder undated
16 Envelopes Folder 1997
20 Governor Janklow's Citizen Task Force on Education - Tabs 17-31 Folder 1995
23 Governor's Task Force on Seamless Education - Tab J Folder 1996-1997
26 Higher Education White Paper Folder 1997
8 National Commision on the Cost of Higher Education Folder 1997
13 National Commision on the Cost of Higher Education - Briefing Book 6 - Tabs 6-14 and Notes Folder 1997
17 Policy Analysis Folder undated
19 Periktos: Theater about Law Folder 1997-2000
23 Political Theory Folder 1938-1960
25 Regional Fact Book for Higher Education in the West (Part I and II) Folder 1998
29 Seamless Education Conference Folder 1996
1 Scripts - Legislative Process Folder 1977-1990
3 State of South Dakota Bureaus - Work Logs and Letters Folder 1983-1984
4 South Dakota Governor's Wage Study Task Force (Draft Agenda, Reports, Notes) Folder 1999
7 South Dakota Comprehensive Development Plan Folder 1973
9 Western Policy Exchange - Regional Roundtable Workshop (Gen. Info, Exchanges, System Change, Case Studies, Policy in Transition) Folder 1999
29 Judicial Qualifications Commission, State of South Dakota, 2006 Election School Folder 2006
18 Canadian scholars Folder 1999-2000
19 Canadian Studies Conference Grant Program Folder 1999-2001
28 Talking points Folder 1999-2000
4 Briefing Materials, 1997 October 16 (1 of 2) Folder 1997
9 Briefing Book Four, 1997 November 7 (1 of 2) Folder 1997
1 Achieving Responsive Government; a report of the South Dakota Citizens Commission on Executive Reorganization Folder 1972
2 Administrative Organization of South Dakota State Government Folder 1972
4 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Correspondence Folder 1971
6 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Interview report Folder 1971
7 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Legislation Folder 1972-1973
9 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Staff documents Folder 1971
17 Informal contacts and observations Folder 1971-1972
1 Accelerated Learning Options: Moving the Needle on Access and Success; a study of state and institutional policies and practices June 2006 Folder 2006
5 Commissioner handbook Folder 2004
10 Commission Meeting (Rapid City, South Dakota) Folder 2008
15 More Student Success, a systemic solution (State Higher Education Executive Officers) Folder 2007
15 Report of the Brookings Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee on the DM&E Rail Proposal Folder 1998
11 Minutes, Correspondence, Reports (1 of 5) Folder 2004-2005
6 State Representative campaign Folder 1980
7 Vita Folder undated
22 Correspondence Folder 1992-2003
5 Assorted Handouts/Brochures Folder undated
7 Assorted Packets and Books Folder 1996-1997
8 Basic Management Techniques Conferences - Assesment, Meeting Notes Folder 1999
11 College Parents of America Folder 1997
14 Education Videos Folder undated
17 Funds for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education (FIPSE) Folder 1997
1 IRHE Papers - General, Sunday Tab Folder 1998
2 IRHE Papers - Monday Tab, Tuesday Tab Folder 1998
3 IRHE Papers - Wednesday Tab Folder 1998
4 Korea Trip - Notes, Brochures, Schedule Folder 2006
5 Letters of Appointment for Seamless Education Task Force Folder 1996
6 National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities Folder 1997
20 Phi Kappa Phi: Notes on Initiation Ceremony Folder 2006
22 Physical Plant Service Studies - Letters, Notes Folder 1992-1994
28 Scholars Directory, Politics Reports, Assorted Papers Folder 1984, 1993, 2003