
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
02-14 Yield Tests Folder 1968-1984
02-05 Sokota Silver Anniversary Materials and Photographs Folder 1968-1969
02-09 South Dakota Corn Performance Tests Folder 1948-1955
02-12 Trademark Folder 1954, 1963
02-01 Sokota Hybrid Seed Corn and Sorghum Annual Booklets Folder 1968-1986
02-03 Sokota Producer Memos Folder 1941-2004
02-10 Statement (Financial) Corn and Sorghum Folder 1965
02-13 Trustees Seed Division Folder 1949-1961
02-02 Sokota Price List Folder 1971-1983
02-04 Sokota Sale Folder 1968, 1978-1987
02-06 Sokota Trustees Correspondence Folder 1967-1986
02-07 South Dakota 4-H Doings Folder 1987 January
02-08 South Dakota Codified Laws in relation to Cooperatives (Chapter 47-15) Folder 1982
02-11 Stockholder Meeting Reports and Correspondence Folder 1950-1986