Railroads--Safety measures

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            Robert V. Burns Papers
            UA 053.019 · Papers · 1968-2008

            This collection is composed of the papers of Robert V. Burns. The bulk of the collection is related to the NAFTA Conference arranged by Dr. Burns in 2000, the South Dakota Executive Branch reorganization, and material associated with his involvement as a commissioner on the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (W.I.C.H.E.).

            The NAFTA Conference material deals with the Canadian/United States Agricultural Trade Issues Emerging form NAFTA conference. Included is correspondence with participants, and government officials, publications, publicity, talking points, conference proceedings, and a copy of South Dakota governor William Janklow's keynote speech. The South Dakota Executive Branch Reorganization includes material associated with the Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization on which Dr. Burns served. The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) is composed meeting agenda books and publications of the commission.

            Also included are minutes, agenda and correspondence associated with the various committees and commissions on which Burns served, such as the National Commission on the Cost of Higher Education, the Constitutional Revision Commission, files pertaining to railroad safety in Brookings, South Dakota, judicial elections, and a file pertaining to his State Representative campaign in 1980.

            Burns, Robert V. (Robert Vincent)