
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
14-18 Assessment of Ground Water Pollution from Surface Water Impoundments in South Dakota [Phase I] Folder 1979
14-26 Egg-Processing Plant Wastes Folder 1975
14-35 Important Aspects of Flood Control in the James River in Northern South Dakota Folder 1982
14-37 Infiltration Lagoons for Tertiary Treatment of Stabilization Pond Effluent Folder 1976
14-42 Influence of Sanitary Landfill on Ground Water Quality Folder 1967
14-49 Measurement of Runoff and Runoff Carried Waste from Commercial Feedlots Folder 1971
14-54 Pollution Potential of Livestock Feeding Operations in South Dakota Folder 1970
14-56 Pollution Potential of Runoff from Production Livestock Feeding Operations in South Dakota Folder 1973
14-57 Pollution Potential of Snowmelt Runoff from Agriculture Feedlots Folder 1970
14-62 Regulation and Control of Water Pollution from Livestock Enterprises in South Dakota Folder 1970
14-63 Report on causes of Bottom Land Flooding of the James River in Brown County, South Dakota Folder 1980
14-69 State of the Art - Anaerobic Lagoons Folder 1970
14-71 Studies of the Influence of Lagoons and Landfills on Groundwater Quality Folder 1972
14-73 Types of Water Treatment Plants Folder undated
14-14 Anaerobic Lagoons - Water Pollution Control Research Series Folder 1971
14-15 Anaerobic Stabilization Pond Treatment of Meat Packing Wastes Folder 1966
14-20 Constructed Wastewater Wetlands: The Answer in South Dakota's Challenging Environment Folder 1993
14-23 Ducks on the Wastewater Pond (1st Draft: includes ideas on miniature refuge) Folder 1963
14-27 Evaluation of Arlington Wastewater Wetland System Folder 1990
14-28 Evaluation of Wetlands Systems for Treatment of Municipal Wastewater in Northern Climates Folder 1992
14-29 Find A Need and Fill It Folder 1983
14-38 Infiltration Land Treatment of Stabilization Pond Effluent Folder 1978
14-39 Infiltration Land Treatment of Stabilization Pond Effluent - Progress, rough drafts, notes, project summary Folder 1978
14-44 Investigation of the Influence of Waste Disposal Practices on Groundwater Qualities Folder 1968
14-48 Meaningful Graduate Seminar Folder undated
14-51 Natural Renovation of Leachate-Degraded Groundwater in Excavate Ponds at a Refuse Landfill Folder 1989
14-52 Non-Point Pollution as a Function of Surface Runoff Folder 1977
14-59 Quality Changes of Shallow Ground Water Resulting from Refuse Disposal at a Gravel Pit Folder 1968
14-60 Quantification of Pollutants in Agriculture Runoff Folder 1974
14-64 South Dakota State University's Role in Environmental Management? Folder 1970
14-67 Soil Changes Caused by Municipal Wastewater Applications in Eastern South Dakota Folder 1988
14-72 Types of Treatment Plants Folder 1959
14-12 Agriculture Runoff Pollutes Surface Waters [Part I] Folder 1975
14-13 Anaerobic-Aerobic Lagoon System for Potato Processing Wastes Folder 1978
14-16 Analysis of the Seasonal Streamflow Variation for the Primary Unregulated Water Courses in South Dakota Folder 1975
14-17 Assessment of Ground Water Pollution from Selected Seeping Stabilization Pond Impoundments in South Dakota Folder 1980
14-19 Bacteriological Quality of Surface Runoff from Agriculture Land [Part II] Folder 1975
14-24 Ducks on the Wastewater Pond Folder 1964
14-33 Impact of Large-Scale Gravel Excavation on Groundwater Quality and Movement in Shallow Aquifers - Progress, rough drafts, slide presentation Folder 1984-1986
14-36 In-Situ Treatment of Leachate-Degrated Groundwater at the Brookings, South Dakota Landfill Folder 1985
14-40 Infiltration Land Treatment of Stabilization Pond Effluent - Technical Progress Report No. 1 Folder 1976
14-41 Infiltration Percolation to Recycle Wastewater in South Dakota Folder 1984
14-45 Lagooning of Livestock Wastes in South Dakota Folder 1964
14-47 List of James N. Dornbush's Publications Folder undated
14-50 Monitoring Leachate Treatment Provided by a Groundwater Interception Trench at a Solid Waste Landfill Folder 1984
14-61 Quantifying Non-Point Pollutants in Agriculture Runoff Folder 1974
14-68 Solid and Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites - A South Dakota Problem or Opportunity? Folder 1991
14-75 Wildlife Potential from Wastewater Storage and Treatment Areas Folder 1979
14-21 Dairy Plant Wastes in South Dakota Folder 1981
14-22 Design and Performance Evaluation of an Anaerobic Stabilization Pond System for Meat Processing Wastes Folder 1965
14-25 Effects of Physiochemical Processes in Removing Organic Contaminants Folder 1963
14-30 Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites - A South Dakota Problem or Opportunity? Folder 1990
14-31 Impact of Gravel pits on Groundwater (movement and quality) Folder 1984
14-32 Impact of Groundwater Quality Standards and Permits on Sitting Natural Wastewater Treatment Systems - Memo Folder 1989
14-34 Impact of Water Quality Standards on the Development of the Big Sioux River Near Sioux Falls Folder 1971
14-43 Investigation of an Anaerobic-Aerobic Lagoon System Treating Potato Processing Wastes Folder 1975
14-46 Land Treatment of Wastewater by Infiltration-Percolation Folder 1979
14-53 Physical and Chemical Quality of Agriculture Land Runoff Folder 1974
14-55 Pollution Potential of Runoff From Livestock Feeding Operations Folder 1971
14-58 Preventing Pollution While Expanding the Livestock Industry in South Dakota Folder 1971
14-65 Seasonal Flow-Duration and Mean Flow Tables for Selected Rivers and Streams in South Dakota Folder 1974
14-66 Seepage Ponds to Recycle Municipal Wastewater Folder 1982
14-70 State of the Art - Waste Treatment Lagoons [Rough Draft] Folder 1971
14-74 Utilization of Gravel Pits for Solid Waste Disposal and Resulting Ground Water Degradation Folder 1968