Pre-Congressional Relations

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 3.0 B01-16 Election Day Manual Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-17 Follow-up letters for canvas Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-18 Foot canvass instructions Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-28 McGovern on the Issues Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-31 Photograph Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-33 Pre-primary calendar Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-34 Precinct captains information sheet Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-41 South Dakota County Files: Clay Folder 1970s
DA 3.0 B01-43 South Dakota County Files: Lake Folder 1970s
DA 3.0 B01-56 Bicentennial Directory, Joint Committee on Arrangements for the Bicentennial Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B01-58 Campaign bumper stickers Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-66 Congressional Record tear sheets, photocopies, and offprints Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B01-70 Correspondence Folder 1975 February
DA 3.0 B01-71 Correspondence Folder 1975 March
DA 3.0 B02-06 Correspondence : October Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B02-10 Correspondence : February Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B02-12 Correspondence Folder 1976 April
DA 3.0 B02-18 Directions to King Richard Folder undated
DA 3.0 B02-27 Foreign Aid Folder 1974, undated
DA 3.0 B02-35 Lecture on Political Involvement Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B02-40 Media Reports Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B02-47 News clippings Folder 1975-1979
DA 3.0 B02-49 News releases Folder 1973-1975
DA 3.0 B02-50 Newswires Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B02-51 Network Legislative Seminar Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B02-52 Nixon transcript Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B03-03 Outline for Tax Meeting, Warner Masonic Lodge Folder undated
DA 3.0 B03-04 Political Prisoners Testimony Folder 1973
DA 3.0 B03-14 S.550 A Bill for the Relief of Dhanesh Deally Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B03-16 S.1639 Refugee Assistance Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B03-22 S.3716 International Science and Technology Act of 1974 Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B03-28 South Dakota Farmers Union (drought information) Folder 1976-1977
DA 3.0 B03-29 South Dakota Projects Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B03-30 South Vietnam Aid Folder undated
DA 3.0 B03-34 Statement at Railroad Seminar, University of South Dakota Folder 1977
DA 3.0 B03-35 Statement before the House Agriculture Committee Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B03-40 Statement before the Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural Credit and Rural Electrification Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B03-51 Statement on the Supplemental Procurement Bill S.2999 Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B03-55 Statement on the Lessons of Vietnam Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B03-56 Statement to the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B03-60 Vail Report and CIA Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B01-02 Biography George McGovern: The Kind of Man He Is Folder 1968
DA 3.0 B01-05 Campaign literature and bumper stickers: other campaigns Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-24 Instructions for Phone Poll Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-25 Instructions for Rural Canvass Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-29 Memoranda Folder 1971-1974
DA 3.0 B01-35 Precinct returns for major elections in South Dakota 1972 Folder 1973
DA 3.0 B01-36 Pre-election day absentee ballot card Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-38 Schedule for remaining two months of campaign Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-53 Volunteer instructions Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-54 Abourezk-McGovern letter to Kissinger on Cyprus Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B01-55 Application of Landsat Imagery to Petroleum and Mineral Exploration by Michael T. Halbouty Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B01-59 Campaign literature Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-62 Campaign voter identification: computer sheet transfer work instructions Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-63 Capsulized summary for the Counterforce Debate Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-64 Congressional Record tear sheets, photocopies and offprints Folder 1973
DA 3.0 B01-65 Congressional Record tear sheets, photocopies, and offprints Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B01-67 Congressional Record tear sheets, photocopies, and offprints Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B02-01 Correspondence : May Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B02-03 Correspondence : July Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B02-05 Correspondence : September Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B02-09 Correspondence : January Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B02-11 Correspondence : March Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B02-19 Discussion with National War College Students Folder undated
DA 3.0 B02-20 Don't tell me what he said, tell me how he voted, People for Weiland Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B02-28 Foreign Policy Speech outline Folder undated
DA 3.0 B02-31 Government By The People Folder undated
DA 3.0 B02-32 Isaac Walton League Folder undated
DA 3.0 B02-34 Labor Reform Act Folder undated
DA 3.0 B02-38 Letters to the Editor Folder 1976-1977
DA 3.0 B02-41 Memorandum on Foreign Aid Amendments Folder undated
DA 3.0 B02-42 Middle East trip Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B02-43 Military Retirement (DOPMA Defense Officer Personnel Management Act) Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B02-48 Newsletters Folder 1974-1975, 1977
DA 3.0 B03-08 Post-Vietnam: Considerations for National Security, Statement to the Network Annual Legislative Seminar Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B03-12 Resolution Before the Senate Democratic Club Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B03-15 S.663 Additional Military Assistance for Cambodia Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B03-18 S.3000 A Bill to Authorize Appropriations for Procurement of Aircraft, missiles Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B03-19 S.3064 Veterans Travel Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B03-21 S.3484 A Bill to Establish the Earth Resources Observation Administration Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B03-23 S.3732 Feed and Forage Act Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B03-26 Solar Energy Folder undated
DA 3.0 B03-27 South Dakota and International Trade Relations Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B03-41 Statement introducing Amendment 1552 Human Rights Folder undated
DA 3.0 B03-47 Statement on Human Rights in the Philippines Folder 1975
DA 3.0 B03-59 Thompson-Markward Hall information Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B03-62 Water Development in South Dakota before Third Planning District Folder 1976
DA 3.0 B01-03 Campaign bumper stickers Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-07 Campaign schedules Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-09 Canvass forms Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-10 Civil Service Exam Information Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-12 Contribution lists Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-14 Day I Met Senator George McGovern, essay by Joani Nelson Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-15 Election Day Checklist and Manual Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-20 Get the Vote Out Campaign 1972 Folder 1972
DA 3.0 B01-21 Handbook for elections Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-26 Instructions for the McGovern-Kneip Voter Identification Project Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B01-27 Issue files Folder undated
DA 3.0 B01-30 Negative Advertising Folder 1974
DA 3.0 B01-39 South Dakota County Files: Brookings Folder 1970s