Man in the arena with a cow during judging at the 1998 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man in the arena with a cow during judging at the 1986 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Man grooming a cow in preparation for judging at the 1984 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for cattle judging at the 1974 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for cattle judging at the 1974 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People in the arena with their animals for cattle judging at the 1972 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
People tend to their Black Angus cows during judging in the arena at the 1971 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Men tend to their animals during cattle judging in the arena during the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. Audience members are in the foreground. The stage and false barn wall are in the background. A banner with the letters L and I hangs from the ceiling.
View of the arena during Holstein cattle judging at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. The audience and false barn wall are in the background.
Men with their Holstein cows in the arena for judging at the 1970 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. The audience is in the background.
Man stands behind his cow during cattle judging at the 1969 Little International exposition at South Dakota State. The stage and false barn wall are in the background.
Two men in a barn stall feeding a new born a new born calf while the mother cow watches closely before the1968 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Gymnasium on the South Dakota State University campus, known as the Barn, is used for the 1968 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University. There are people and trucks outside the building. A cow is being led into the arena.
General manager of the 1967 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University stands in a pen with a cow and his brother.
View of the audience and the arena during livestock judging at the 1966 Little International exposition at South Dakota State University.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1964 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State University.
Two clowns on stage entertaining the audience at the 1964 Little International Agricultural Exposition at South Dakota State University. One clown is playing a guitar, the other is pretending to play a rake like a guitar.
Man holding a trophy holds the reins of his prize winning cow during the 1964 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State University
Men tend to their animals during cattle judging in the arena at the 1963 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Clown holding a rake like a guitar and pretending to play at the 1963 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Men lead their cows around the arena for judging at the 1962 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. The audience watches from the stands in the background.
Three clowns and a cow pose for a photograph in the arena at the 1960 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. One clown is holding a balloon.
Cattle judging in the arena the 1958 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. The stage and false barn wall is in the background.
Man holding a trophy holds the reins of his prize winning cow during the 1958 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena the 1958 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Six women and a Hereford cow pose for a publicity shot for at the 1957 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Two people with a cow at the 1955 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Publicity show for the 1954 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. A man with a cow stand in the arena. Two women stand by the fence petting the cow. The false barn is in the background. Lettering on the barn read 31st Little International.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1954 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1954 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Publicity shots for the 1953 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College. Three men and a Hereford cow outside in the snow.
Man holding a trophy is with his prize cow at the 1952 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1952 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Man brushing the tail of a cow getting it ready for the stock show at the 1951 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Man holding a trophy and stands with his winning cow in the arena during the 1951 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena during the 1951 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Man showing a cow in the arena at the 1948 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cattle judging in the arena at the 1947 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Man showing a cow in the arena at the 1943 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Cow judging in the arena at the 1942 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.
Robert Dailey with the Fitting and Showmanship Champion in the Beef Cattle Division at the 1941 Little International Exposition at South Dakota State College.