Original pen and ink drawing on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.21 Original pen and ink drawing on Canson Mi-Tientes paper
Pollock, James84.12.30.28 Original pen and ink drawing on Canson Mi-Tientes paper
Pollock, JamesCentennial Lake and Cattail See also MA131-IT-015 and MA 131-IT-016
Pollock, Jamesp. 7 "South Dakota Artist Shows Work at International Exhibit"
Pollock, JamesVol. 6 no. 4 p. 7
"Hall of Fame Names Artist of the Year"
p. 14
"South Dakota Sketchbook"
- Heritage Center hosting Vietnam art exhibit, Pierre Capital Journal, September 6, 2006, page A3
- Citizen lobbyists plead their personal causes, Sioux Falls Argus Leader, February 12, 2005, page 1
- The Artists are Coming! Pierre/Ft. Pierre River Life, vol. 7 no. 23 July, 2009, p. 1, 19 Original pen and ink drawing on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, JamesYellow bird over red and orange shapes on a blue background. Tera Cotton Duck - DP Acrylic Printing
Pollock, James84.12.30.30 Original pen and ink drawing on Canson Mi-Tientes paper
Pollock, JamesDepicts a black bird on grass.
Illustration used in SD Digest Magazine.
Two deer jumping in the air with the moon in a dark blue background.
Pollock, JamesTwo deer jumping in the air with the moon in the background.
Pollock, JamesCactus.
Illustration used in SD Digest Magazine.
Tour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, James85.07.26.11 Original pen and ink drawing on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, JamesArmy of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) also know as South Vietnamese Army (SVA) fought the Viet Cong along side Americans. It is estimated that over 1.3 million SVA soldiers were killed or wounded. At left an ARVN soldier stands in the rain possibly contemplating what might have happened if he had been standing at this location when the crater was made.
Three photographs printed and pub on foam board.
p. 9, Combat Artist
Pollock, Jamesp. 57
"Prisoners of War"
p. 2
"An Artist in Vietnam"
vol. 10 no.1 p 6
"Army Art Collection Includes Vietnam War Works of Combat Artist Team IV"
- -"Editorial: Our readers give us an instant reality check, since many of them were there when the action took place," p. 6
- If a picture is worth a thousand words, then combat artist Jim Pollock's paintings tell volumes."
Roger A. Blum, Robert Knight, Ronald E. Pepin, Paul Rickert, Feliz R. Sanchez, John O. Wehrle
Pollock, JamesAugustine F. Acuna, Alexander . Bogdanovich, Theodore E. Drendel, David M. Lavender, William Porter
Pollock, JamesMichael R. Crook, Dennis McGee, Robert T. Myers, Kenneth J. Scowcroft, Stephen Sheldon
Pollock, JamesSamuel E. Alexander, Daniel T. Lopez, Burdell Moody Jarvis, James Pollock
Pollock, JamesDavid E. Graves, James S. Hardy, William R. Hoettels, Bruce Rigby, Craig L. Stewart
Pollock, JamesWarren W. Buchanan, Phil Garner, Phil Jones, Don Scholl, John R. Strong
Pollock, JamesRobert T. Coleman, David N. Farrington, John D. Kurtz, IV, Kenneth T. McDaniel, Michael Pala
Pollock, JamesBrian H. Clark, William E. Flaherty, Jr.. William C. Harrington, Barry W. Johnston, Stephen H. Randall
Pollock, JamesEdward J. Bowen, James R. Drake, Roman Rakowsky, Thomas B. Schubert, Victory V. Reynolds
Pollock, JamesDavid L. Grinstein, Chester Jezierski, William H. Steel, Howard D. Webb, Lawrence A. Westby
Pollock, JamesGerald W. Dokken, Glenn Felch, Kenneth R. Grissom, II, Richard Nickolson
Pollock, JamesHerbert J. Brady, Jr., Larry R. Herring, Joseph L. Mertes, Joseph F. Rodriquez
Pollock, JamesJoseph S. Hindley, William G. Jacobson, Jr., William F. Voiland, Robert A. Winter
Pollock, JamesMark McFaul, Richard John Peterson
Pollock, JamesSteven M. Hyatt, Michal Bigbie
Pollock, JamesBetween patrols and before going out again soldiers take some personal time to res as well as check over their equipment in preparation for another field operation. (Ink/Watercolor print on foam board.
Pollock, Jamesv. 21, p. 247
"U.S. army Soldier - Artists in Vietnam"
Soldiers playing a "Leisurely" game of cards for relaxation during off duty moments is common in war zones. Vietnam was no different. Not visible, but in the center of this watercolor I would bet there was "Funny Money" exchanging hands. "Funny Money" is what soldiers called Military Payment Certificates (MPC) which was Military Issues Currency used in Vietnam in place of official US Currency. MPC money could be exchanged for "real money" when a soldier left an MPC Zone such a Vietnam. Watercolor print on foamboard.
Pollock, Jamesedited by Joseph F. Anzenberger, Jr.
include material sent by Pollock by Anzenberger
List of teams and members from 1966-1992
Pollock, JamesDoor gunners had a dangerous job in Vietnam. On mu visit with the 196th :IB I flew on an aerial recon. Two officers sat on the floor of the helicopter reading maps and looking out the open door as they radioed ground units. While this was going on I got a change to look over the shoulder of the Door Gunner which influenced me to do this pen and ink drawing.
Pollock, JamesSome themes must be universal. One of the pieces I did as a soldier artist in Vietnam was a 1st Infantry Division soldier receiving a field haircut, so I sketched the scene and later made this watercolor and ink painting. An Englishman, in contact with North Vietnamese soldier-artists, sent me a copy of a drawing. This drawing by a Viet Cong soldier-artist, portrays a North Vietnamese soldier getting a field haircut. Ink/Watercolor print on foam board.
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
"The Days of a Sportsman" oil painting by Roger Blum on the cover
Tour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1966 to December 15, 1966
Pollock, JamesTour: October 15, 1966 to February 15, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: October 15, 1966 to February 15, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: October 15, 1966 to February 15, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: October 15, 1966 to February 15, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: October 15, 1966 to February 15, 1967
digital photographs printed on paper
Tour: October 15, 1966 to February 15, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: February 16, 1967 to June 17, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: February 16, 1967 to June 17, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: February 16, 1967 to June 17, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: February 16, 1967 to June 17, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: February 16, 1967 to June 17, 1967
Pollock, JamesI was flown by a supply helicopter to a 196th unit on patrol in the Chu Lai area. When I arrived the patrol was guarding a group of kids. The First Lieutenant in charge said: "What am I going to do with them? If I turn them loose they may be VC sympathizers and give the location of our camp. If I don't turn them loose it means we will have to feed them and stand guard which means extra c-rations and extra men..." The kids were kept overnight, in the morning, chattering and wet from the rain, they were fed and let go. On this same patrol with the 196th I made my first poncho tent. It tool a while but eventually I got the stakes and poncho arranged so I could get under it. I was proud of how it turned out. It started to pour and soon realized I had a problem, water was gushing into my tent. I had neglected to dig a trench. Soaked, I got up and dug the trench. Two photographs printed and put on foam board.
Pollock, James85.04.27.15 Original pen and ink drawing on Canson Mi-Tientes paper
Pollock, Jamesat Indianapolis Art Center
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1967 to December 31, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1967 to December 31, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1967 to December 31, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1967 to December 31, 1967
Pollock, JamesReport of activities of CAT IV during period of 12-19 August, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: August 15, 1967 to December 31, 1967
Technical supervisor for Teams IV and V and a Lt. in the Army. Later service on Gulf War Combat Art team during the Gulf war.
Tour: August 15, 1967 to December 31, 1967
Pollock, JamesTour: September 1, 1969 to January 14, 1970
Pollock, JamesTour: September 1, 1969 to January 14, 1970
Pollock, JamesTour: September 1, 1969 to January 14, 1970
Pollock, JamesTour: September 1, 1969 to January 14, 1970
Pollock, JamesTour: September 1, 1969 to January 14, 1970
Pollock, JamesTramping through the jungles and rice paddies in Vietnam's hot bug infested environment was unpleasant and fatiguing. I only spent from 1-3 days at a time in the field with any particular unit. Solders that spent a full rout doing this dangerous work had and still have my respect and admiration. Four photographs printed and put on foam board.
Pollock, JamesLCPA = Library of Congress Professional Association
Pollock, JamesAs an artist traveling with the 196th LIB in the Chu Lai area of Vietnam I experience first hand the hardship of ordinary soldiers in Vietnam experienced daily. It was blistering hot and bugs swarmed as we waded through a dirty leech infested stream. When we reached dry ground one of the soldiers said, "you getter take your boots off and check yourself over." I took my boots and socks off and my legs were covered with leeches. The soldiers got a good laugh when they saw my startled book as I plucked leeches from my legs. I stayed with this patrol until the next resupply helicopter came. It wasn't fair I could leave, but my new found friends seemed to understand and wished me well. Several soldiers shook my hand as I made my way to the waiting craft. I could hear someone say as I climbed aboard the waiting helicopter, "Come back and see us again some time." Watercolor print on foam board.
Pollock, JamesMedical Evacuations in Vietnam were efficient. Dust-off crew members unselfishly sent into battle zones and put themselves in danger in order to save the lives of the wounded. Oil print on foam board.
Pollock, JamesPhotos taken in a Vietnamese Village while traveling on a day trip with the 11th Armored Cavalry. On this Medical Civis Action Program (MEDCAP) local villagers were treated for minor medical issues. Soap and other personal hygiene items were distributed to villagers. Three photographs prints and put on foam board.
Pollock, JamesPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania
Pollock, JamesThis pen and ink wash expresses some of the character of the local population in Vietnam
Pollock, James