UA 7: B03-F12
Part of College of Education and Human Sciences Records
- 1959 - B.S. Northwest Missouri State
- 1965 - M.A. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
- 1971 - Ph.D. University of Iowa
- 1972-1973 - Assistant Professor, Education
- 1974-1976 - Assistant Professor, Education, Supervisor Clinical Experiences in Education
- 1977-1984 - Dean of Education, Associate Professor, Graduate Faculty
- 1984-1990 - Dean of the DIvision of Education, Professor, Graduate Faculty
- 1990-1997 - Dean of the College of Education and Counseling, Professor, Graduate Faculty
- 1998-2023 - Professor Emeritus Education and Counseling, Deam Emeritus Education and Counseling