UA 7: B03-F10
Part of College of Education and Human Sciences Records
- 1935 - B.S. South Dakota State College
- 1939 - M.S. Iowa State College
- 1955 - Ph.D. University of Minnesota
- 1945-1949 - Assistant Professor, Education, in charge of Agricultural Education
- 1946-1956 - Associate Professor, Education, in charge of Agricultural Education, Graduate Faculty
- 1956-1958 - Professor, Education, Acting Head of Education Department, Acting Director of Summer School, Graduate Faculty
- 1959-1970 - Professor, Head of Education Department, Director of Summer School, Graduate Faculty
- 1970-1976 - Professor, Education, Director of Placement, Graduate Faculty
- 1980-1994 - Professor Emeritus, Director Emeritus of Placement, Graduate Faculty