UA 7: B03-F08
Part of College of Education and Human Sciences Records
- 1915 - B.S. University of Wisconsin
- 1923 - M.S. University of Wisconsin
- 1928 - Ph.D. University of Minnesota
- 1918-1919 - Assistant Professor of Vocation Education in Agricultural Education and Acting Principal School of Agriculture
- 1919-1920 - Assistant Professor of Vocational Education in charge of Agricultural Education
- 1920-1921 - Assistant Professor of Vocational Education in charge of Agricultural Education and State Director of Vocational Education
- 1921-1927 - Assistant Professor of Vocational Education in charge of Agricultural Education
- 1927-1933 - Associate Professor of Education in charge of Agricultural Education
- 1933-1938 - Professor, Head, Education and Psychology
- 1938-1942 - Professor, Head, Education and Director of Summer Session
- 1942-1943 - Professor, Head, Agriculture
- 1944-1954 - Professor, Head of Education and Psychology, Graduate Faculty
1955-1958 - Professor, Education and Psychology, Graduate Faculty - 1958-1976 - Professor Emeritus, Education and Psychology, Graduate Faculty