Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.21 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.28 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.07.26.04 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.30 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, JamesTwo deer jumping in the air with the moon in a dark blue background.
Pollock, James85.07.26.11 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.15 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, JamesThree bison. Ivory paper, straight lines across the top
Pollock, James85.07.26.05 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.17 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.31 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.10 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.04 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.10 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.11 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.01 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.23 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.09 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.22 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.07.26.03 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.05.09.01 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.05.09.04
Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Teintes Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.05 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.07.26.06 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.13 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.26 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.07.26.08 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.20 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.14 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.25 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, JamesBison on background of browns and earth colors.
Pollock, James85.04.27.07 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, JamesThis painting won a plaque that said "Big Bend's 1st national Art Exhibit. The reason for discrepancy of date on the painting and date of the plaque is unknown. Exhibit was in Tallahassee, Florida. In 2005, Thomas Mangialino wrote a paper for a class called Visual Methodologies #2 under Dr. Adele Anderson, Papers is dated 10-24 July 2005. In addition to referencing this painting he references "Looking Down the Trail."
Pollock, James85.04.27.06 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.12 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.05.09.03 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, JamesTwo people climbing a bluff news the Missouri River. Caption printed in white: South Dakota HORIZONS '76 USA Bicentennial. Where do we go in our third century? Horizons '76 seeks the answer, and issues a challenge - join with others to improve the quality of our life. Start in South Dakota, threshold of the future.
Pollock, James85.07.26.07 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.29 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.07.26.10 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.02 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.05.09.02 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Teintes
Pollock, James84.12.30.27 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.16 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.04.27.03 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, JamesFigure made up of smaller figures. One hand looks life it's holding up its thumb. Ivory background. Red-orange sun on the top Right. Number 40/250
Pollock, James85.07.26.02 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.24 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.05.09.04 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James85.07.26.01 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James84.12.30.19 Pen and ink on Canson Mi-Tientes
Pollock, James88.09.30.21 Conte Crayon
Pollock, James