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Finding Aid
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This series contains information on E.S. McFadden’s memberships to various professional and honorary societies including the American Genetic Association and Sigma Xi. Materials regarding the numerous awards and honors presented to McFadden are also part of this series.

Biographical Materials

This series consist of biographies, newspaper clippings, family information, photographs, and obituaries and memorials. There is also an interview with McFadden during the Texas State Fair and material regarding the movie Waves of Green about McFadden and his work. In addition, documents relating to McFadden’s service in the United States Army during World War I can be found in this series.


Letter from Karl S. Quisenberry, Association Agronomist, Western Wheat Investigation, to Edgar S. McFadden in regards to Marquis-Emmer wheat. Included is the planting plan for the Marquis-Emmer selection back-crossed on Marquis to be planted in head rows at Mandan, North Dakota and Webster, South Dakota.


The correspondence series contains letters with colleagues and on various topics including polio and his objection to the United States becoming involved in World War II.

Small grain experiments at Prairie View are observed by Edgar S. McFadden (right) nationally famous wheat breeder of Texas A & M College and Professor Manley Champlin, retired, former head of the department of field husbandry at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada; agronomist Oliver E. Smith (left) is in charge of the Experiment Station tests

MA 053 · Papers · 1914-2014

The collection consists of materials relating to his work with research and production of small grains such as wheat, oats, and flax, and in particular the development of Hope Wheat. In addition, the collection contains biographical information about McFadden and his writings and speeches.

McFadden, Edgar S. (Edgar Sharp), 1891-1956
1 · Folder · 1948
Part of E.S. (Edgar Sharp) McFadden Papers

Edgar S. McFadden photograph of a flax nursery in Kenedy, Texas. A handwritten note accompanies the photograph describing Turkey winter and Sheyene flax .

This series consists of documents relating to McFadden’s development and sale of wheat varieties between 1925 and 1933. Testimonials are included in the series are regarding the wheat and registration certificates for Hope Wheat and Webster Wheat.

News Release
1 · undated
Part of E.S. (Edgar Sharp) McFadden Papers

Valley Experiment Station of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station news release on the release of Sea Breeze, a new type of wheat. This wheat was developed by the Texas Experiment Station in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to meet the needs for a forage typed of small grain that might be used as poultry feed; or as pasturage; or hay or ensilage for other kinds of livestock.