Gordon Garnos Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
01-02 State Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 1998
01-08 State Editorials from the "Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 2000
01-10 City and Area Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 2001
01-11 State Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 2001
01-12 National Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 2001
01-19 Education Columns from Seeing South Dakota columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002
01-20 Governor Columns from Seeing South Dakota columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002
01-34 Columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2011
01-04 City and Area Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 1999
01-05 State Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 1999
01-07 City and Area Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 2000
01-13 City and Area Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 2002
01-16 Column Index Listings of Seeing South Dakota column by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002
01-18 Economic Development Columns from Seeing South Dakota columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002
01-21 Legislature Columns from Seeing South Dakota columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002
01-23 National Columns from Seeing South Dakota columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002
01-27 Reverse chronological title list, including publication date, of weekly columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2005-2007
01-28 Columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2005
01-32 Columns by Gordon Garnos in reverse chronological order; columns begin with April 3, 2009 Folder 2009
01-35 Columns by Gordon Garnos in reverse chronological order Folder 2012
01-37 Columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2014
01-38 Columns by Gordon Garnos; there is a gap between January 19 and March 2 Folder 2015
01-40 Obituary of Gordon Garnos and death notice email from Beth Garnos to subscribers to his column Folder 2016
01-01 City and Area Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 1998
01-03 National Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 1998
01-06 National Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 1999
01-09 National Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 2000
01-14 State Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 2002
01-17 Agriculture Columns from Seeing South Dakota columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002
01-33 Columns by Gordon Garnos in reverse chronological order; there is a gap between January 4 and March 1 Folder 2010
01-36 Columns by Gordon Garnos in reverse chronological order Folder 2013
01-39 Columns by Gordon Garnos; October 31, 2016 is the final column Folder 2016
01-15 National Editorials from the Watertown (South Dakota) Public Opinion Folder 2002
01-22 Local Interest Columns from Seeing South Dakota columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002
01-24 Politics Columns from Seeing South Dakota columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002
01-25 Columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2002-2003
01-26 Columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2004
01-29 Columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2006
01-30 Columns by Gordon Garnos Folder 2007
01-31 Columns by Gordon Garnos in reverse chronological order Folder 2008