General Federation of Women's Clubs of South Dakota

Identity area

Type of entity


Authorized form of name

General Federation of Women's Clubs of South Dakota

Parallel form(s) of name

  • GFWC

Standardized form(s) of name according to other rules

    Other form(s) of name

      Identifiers for corporate bodies

      Description area

      Dates of existence



      The General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) was founded by Jane Cunningham Croly in 1868 when she began the Sorosis club of New York City. In 1889, she initiated the founding of the Federation by bringing existing clubs together to form a national, mutually supportive organization.

      It was through the efforts of Miss Clara D. Coe, founder of the Round Table Club of Deadwood in 1887, that the Black Hills Federation of Women’s Clubs was organized in Deadwood in 1897. This organization joined the General Federation in 1898. The General Federation of Women’s Clubs chose Miss Coe to serve as a Federation organizer for the State of South Dakota. A meeting was called to order on December 8, 1899, at Deadwood and Clara D. Coe was elected chairman of the session. This meeting was adjourned to January 15, 1890, in the Old Syndicate Block in Deadwood, where the South Dakota Federation of Women’s Clubs (now known as the General Federation of Women’s Clubs of South Dakota or GFWC of SD) was organized. The GFWC of SD joined the national GFWC on March 1, 1890. The first annual meeting was held June 14-15, 1890, in Aberdeen and Mrs. Winona Axtell Lyon of the Ladies History Club of Sioux Falls was elected the first President. Thirteen member clubs were reported.

      The purpose of this organization is to bring into communication the various non-partisan, non-political and non-sectarian women’s clubs and organizations in the state of South Dakota, to compare methods of work, to insure unity of action and to promote the improvement of moral, intellectual and social conditions. Any women’s club or organization that met these criteria is eligible to join GFWC of SD. The state of South Dakota is divided into six Federation Districts.

      Conventions are held annually. This governing body of GFWC of SD consists of the elected officers, the District Presidents, the Editor of the South Dakota Clubwoman, the Historian-Custodian, the Director of Junior Clubs and the Immediate Past President.

      The Departments of Work and Standing Committees are arranged to conform to those of the GFWC as far as possible. These committees include the arts, conservation, education, home life, international and public affairs.


      Legal status

      Functions, occupations and activities

      Mandates/sources of authority

      Internal structures/genealogy

      General context

      Relationships area

      Access points area

      Subject access points

      Place access points


      Control area

      Authority record identifier

      Institution identifier

      Rules and/or conventions used


      Level of detail

      Dates of creation, revision and deletion




          Maintenance notes