Economics Department Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.1: B04-F29 Economics Department Extra Photos Folder 1995
UA 5.1: B04-F32 Newspaper Articles Folder 1996-1997
UA 5.1: B04-F38 Land Sales Figures, Soils and Crop Yields Folder undated
UA 5.1: B05-F01 Academic Program Review Folder 2011
UA 5.1: B05-F06 Cooperative State Research Service Report Review Team [1 of 2] Folder 1989
UA 5.1: B05-F08 Cooperative State Research Service Review Team Report Folder 1979
UA 5.1: B05-F13 Department Information Folder 1981
UA 5.1: B05-F14 Department Information Staffing, Structure, Objectives, etc. Folder 1967-1968
UA 5.1: B05-F17 Economics Building Folder 1974
UA 5.1: B05-F20 Econ Department Review Folder 1994
UA 5.1: B05-F26 Economics Publications Folder 1980-1985
UA 5.1: B05-F27 Economics Research Folder 1974
UA 5.1: B06-F04 History Economics Folder 2010
UA 5.1: B06-F05 History of Extension Work in Economics Folder 1912-1937
UA 5.1: B06-F08 Institutional Program Review Folder 1994
UA 5.1: B06-F10 Institutional Program Review [2 of 3] Folder 2002
UA 5.1: B06-F11 Institutional Program Review [3 of 3] Folder 2002
UA 5.1: B06-F12 Institutional Program Review Folder 2014
UA 5.1: B06-F15 Missions, Goals, and Objectives Folder 1983
UA 5.1: B06-F16 Personnel 1884-1891 Folder undated
UA 5.1: B06-F22 Selected Presentations from a Symposium with Theodore W. Schultz Folder 1981
UA 5.1: B06-F24 Department of Economics (newsletter) Folder 2000
UA 5.1: B01-F03 Annual Economic Scholarship Awards Banquet Folder 2005
UA 5.1: B01-F05 Building Agricultural College in Coroico Province of the Nor Yungas Bolivia, South America Folder 1992
UA 5.1: B01-F06 Business of Economics Folder 1986-1987
UA 5.1: B01-F08 Economics Commentator No. 454: Recognizing Agriculture Folder 2004
UA 5.1: B01-F11 Economics Commentator No. 466, Experiences with Folder 2005
UA 5.1: B01-F12 Economics Commentator No. 480, Agri-Environmental Policy Options for Working Lands in the next United States Farm Bill Folder 2006
UA 5.1: B01-F14 Economics Commentator No. 484, Time for change in U.S. Farm Policy: Fundamental Reform Emphasizing Institutions Based on Agriculture Folder 2007
UA 5.1: B01-F15 Economics in a changing competitive world Folder undated
UA 5.1: B01-F24 Posters - Econnomic Club, new students, seniors Folder 2002
UA 5.1: B01-F25 Seminar: Rolland E. (Bud) Anderson on World Agricultural Markets Folder 1989
UA 5.1: B01-F26 South Dakota Folder 1944
UA 5.1: B01-F33 Agricultural Experiment Station: Economics Analysis of Ranch Organization in Central South Dakota, Bulletin 33 Folder 1969
UA 5.1: B01-F34 Agricultural Experiment Station: Economic Feasibility Methods: New Agricultural and Rural Enterprises, B703 Folder 1988
UA 5.1: B01-F38 Agricultural Experiment Station: Goals and Rules for Farm Tenancy Improvement Folder 1960
UA 5.1: B01-F39 Agricultural Experiment Station: Investigation of Irrigation Development in the Big Sioux River Basin and the East Dakota Conservancy Sub-District, Part I: Report Folder 1969
UA 5.1: B01-F41 Agricultural Experiment Station: Management of Working Capital, Bulletin 583 Folder 1971
UA 5.1: B01-F46 Agricultural Experiment Station: South Dakota Agricultural Land Market Trends 1991-1996, C259 Folder 1996
UA 5.1: B01-F50 Agricultural Experiment Station: South Dakota Farmland Market Trends 1991-1997, C260 Folder 1997
UA 5.1: B01-F58 Cooperative Extension Service: Building Good Communities for the Future, EC648 Folder 1966
UA 5.1: B01-F65 Cooperative Extension Service: Harvest Management for Producing Alfalfa in South Dakota, EC898 Folder undated
UA 5.1: B01-F71 Cooperative Extension Service: National Water Issues Folder 1982
UA 5.1: B01-F72 Cooperative Extension Service: Planning Prices and Livestock Budgets, EC745 Folder 1986
UA 5.1: B01-F81 Cooperative Extension Service: South Dakota Range Sites, EC736 Folder 1980
UA 5.1: B01-F83 Cooperative Extension Service: South Dakota Tax Facts for Financing State and Local Government, EC746 Folder 1982
UA 5.1: B01-F89 Economics pamphlets: Crop, Livestock, and Miscellaneous Statistics for South Dakota Agriculture, No.22 Folder 1947
UA 5.1: B02-F02 Branch line Economic Feasibility Analysis: Napa, SD to Platte, SD Folder undated
UA 5.1: B02-F07 Effect of Size and Business Organization on the Woman Folder 1991
UA 5.1: B02-F19 Pilot Study to Investigate Efficient Grain Transportation and Marketing Systems for South Dakota Folder 1976
UA 5.1: B02-F22 Rural Underdevelopment: Unemployment and Underemployment in South Dakota, EMC 877 Folder 1984
UA 5.1: B02-F23 Some Business and Public Sector Effects of Irrigation Development Folder 1979
UA 5.1: B02-F25 Successful Family Farming in Times of Crisis Folder 1988
UA 5.1: B02-F31 Research reports: National Agricultural, Food, and Public Policy Preference Survey: The South Dakota Perspective, 2001, 2003-1 Folder 2003
UA 5.1: B02-F36 Research reports: Contribution of Alfalfa to Whole-Farm Profitability of Farming Systems in Northeast South Dakota, 93-3 Folder 1993
UA 5.1: B02-F38 Research reports: Evaluation of Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Corn Production in Brookings County, 95-3 Folder 1995
UA 5.1: B02-F43 Research reports: Near-Organic and Mainstream Crop-Livestock Production: South Dakota Case Study, 95-5 Folder 1995
UA 5.1: B02-F45 Research reports: South Dakota Agricultural Land Values and Rental Rates: 1992, 92-1 Folder 1992
UA 5.1: B02-F46 Research reports: South Dakota Farm Real Estate Values and Rental Rates: 1991, 91-3 Folder 1991
UA 5.1: B03-F08 Staff papers: Crop Production Management in South Dakota: LISA Farmers Compared to Farmers in General, 91-7 Folder 1991
UA 5.1: B03-F09 Staff papers: Determining a Folder 1993
UA 5.1: B03-F11 Staff papers: Differences in Longitudinal Union Relative Wage Effects Across Gender and Race, 90-10 Folder 1992
UA 5.1: B03-F13 Staff papers: Discontinued Voluntary Price Reports for Live Cattle: Will They Be Missed By Producers? 2003-4 Folder 2003
UA 5.1: B03-F14 Staff papers: Economic Analysis of SODSAVER Provision of the 2008 Farm Bill for South Dakota, 2009-1 Folder 2009
UA 5.1: B03-F20 Staff papers: Empirical Issue of Smuggling: A Discussion of Methodology, 92-3 Folder 1992
UA 5.1: B03-F23 Staff papers: Family Farms: Forces Shaping Their Future, 91-2 Folder 1991
UA 5.1: B03-F37 Staff papers: Price Transparency in the Voluntary Price Reporting System for Live Cattle: Theory and Empirical Evidence from South Dakota, 2005-1 Folder 2005
UA 5.1: B03-F39 Staff papers: Results of Economic Department Alumni Survey, 93-3 Folder 1993
UA 5.1: B03-F49 Staff papers: Typical Farm Theory in Agricultural Research, 90-6 Folder 1990
UA 5.1: B03-F52 Staff papers: Working Lands Agri-environmental Policy Options and Issues for the Next United States Farm Bill, 2006-3 Folder 2006
UA 5.1: B03-F55 Economics Annual Report Folder 1927
UA 5.1: B03-F57 Economics Annual Report Folder 1929
UA 5.1: B03-F63 Economics Annual Report Folder 1939
UA 5.1: B03-F75 Correspondence Folder 1929
UA 5.1: B03-F76 Correspondence Folder 1931
UA 5.1: B04 Economics Department Records Box 4 Box
UA 5.1: B04-F04 Statistical Bulletin Folder 1975
UA 5.1: B04-F11 Scholarship Banquet Folder 1979
UA 5.1: B04-F12 Scholarship Banquet Folder 1980
UA 5.1: B04-F14 Research reports: South Dakota in Maps Folder 1985
UA 5.1: B04-F18 Dedication of SDSU Economics Computer Laboratory Folder 1990
UA 5.1: B01 Economics Department Records Box 1 Box
UA 5.1: B01-F01 Ag Business Folder 1998
UA 5.1: B01-F02 Agri-Business Day Folder 1971-1979
UA 5.1: B01-F04 Banker Folder 1952-1953
UA 5.1: B01-F09 Economics Commentator No, 456, Local and Regional Policy Implications of Agriculture Folder 2004
UA 5.1: B01-F10 Economics Commentator No. 465, Payments for Environmental Services from Agriculture: Experience in the United Kingdom Folder 2005
UA 5.1: B01-F16 Economics at State Folder 1990
UA 5.1: B01-F17 Economics Department Holiday Greetings Folder 1988
UA 5.1: B01-F20 Economics Tribune Folder 1987
UA 5.1: B01-F28 Workshop on Economic Education for Teachers Folder 1954-1955
UA 5.1: B01-F30 Agricultural Experiment Station: Agronomic, Economic, and Ecological Relationships in Alternative (Organic), Conventional, and Reduced-till Farming Systems, B718 Folder 1993
UA 5.1: B01-F42 Agricultural Experiment Station: Ranch Management: Handling Drought, C255 Folder undated
UA 5.1: B01-F43 Agricultural Experiment Station: Rangeland Leasing Markets in South Dakota, B716 Folder undated
UA 5.1: B01-F45 Agricultural Experiment Station: Scenic and recreational river designation: What happened to the James? B689 Folder 1983
UA 5.1: B01-F49 Agricultural Experiment Station: South Dakota Agricultural Land Values and Cash Rental Rates: 1995, C258 Folder 1995
UA 5.1: B01-F51 Agricultural Experiment Station: South Dakota Irrigation, Regional Shifts During the 1970 Folder 1984
UA 5.1: B01-F52 Agricultural Experiment Station: South Dakota Farmland Market Trends, 1991-1999, C263 Folder 1999
UA 5.1: B01-F53 Agricultural Experiment Station: South Dakota Farmland Market Trends, 1991-2006, C271 Folder undated
UA 5.1: B01-F55 Cooperative Extension Service: Property Taxes Payable for County Purposes in South Dakota, 1964 Report A65 Folder 1965