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- 1916 February 7 (Creation)
1 page
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R.F. Pettigrew writes to H.L. Loucks concerning Loucks' address which shall be put into pamphlet form. Pettigrew mentions his great dislike for financiers of New York and the hope that Loucks' address will wake the people up from the spell of the financiers. Pettigrew also comments on the optimism that the people of the country will vote in a republican President.
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E. P. Beebe
Investment Broker
Real Estate
Sioux Falls, S. D., February 7, 1916.H. L. Loucks,
Watertown, S. D.My Dear Friend:-
I am having your address delivered at the Farmers Convention in Minneapolis printed in pamphlet form. It is a very strong document. It ought to open the eyes of the people of this country to the great danger which has already resulted from putting the control of the issue of money in the hands of the so-called financiers of New York for this whole banking business is run by this gang of scoundrels who are gambling a profit out of the labor and industry of the people of this country. Have the people sense enough to throw off the yoke which this miserable administration has placed upon their backs? I guess not. I think they will throw out Wilson and elect a republican president who will be worse than Wilson. The whole miserable business actually makes me thoroughly disgusted. Of course you realize how easy it is for the men who control the issue of money to raise and lower prices and thus exploit the producers of this country.
Yours very truly,
R. F. Pettigrew