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- 1916 July 24 (Creation)
1 page
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Loucks continues to speak to R.F. Pettigrew regarding the necessity of calling a state conference with emphasis placed on finding new representatives. Loucks comments on the support and help of Alli Reed in terms of the manuscript and the framework of their organization. Loucks also mentions that his book in moving along, albeit, at a slower pace than he would prefer.
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July 24th.-16
Hon. r. F. Pettigrew
Sioux Falls S. D K.
Dear Friend,In a letter from Alli Reed, a few days ago, he suggests that an effort be made for a conference of Old Pops in Chicago say Aug 4th, a day in advance of the new convention called by Parker of the Insurgent Progressives for Aug. 5th.
He wanted me to call a state conference a few days in advance to select representatives etc. but there would not be time, and I suggested that those from South Dakota who met in Chicago might select the date and place for a state conference, or convention.
I hope that you will be able to arrange to be there a day or two in advance, and also get in touch with as many of the leading Insurgent Progressives as you conveniently can.
My book still moves slowly, but they have promised to put on an extra force this week, even if we have to send to St. Paul for help.
So I hope that the proof reading and make up will be out of the way this week, and I will be able to give more time to the work in general. I will have my new stationary today, and will get a stenographer for a part of the time from tomorrow.
Since writing the above have rec’d a card from Reed asking me to sign such a call, and I will gladly do so, altho I do not see how I can attend much as I would like to.
I will write to Parker tomorrow, and get the addresses of some more of the insurgents, and send as many of them as I can advance proofs of my book to read before their convention.
I am enclosing you a copy of a part of my summing up, bearing on this particular feature.
Sincerely yours,
H. L. Loucks