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- 1916 May 24 (Creation)
2 pages
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Loucks talks to R.F. Pettigrew about the current state of their group which has not yet 'practical' levels in South Dakota. State Auditor J.E. Handlin is mentioned by Loucks for his earnest in taking a stand and Loucks wishes to stand by him. A Supreme Court plea is mentioned as well as various other people regarding politics and present status of South Dakota.
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May 24th.
Friend Pettigrew,I had the enclosure mostly written when I received your letter of the 21st and decided to save time by sending you a copy.
As indicated I rather expect to go to the state of Washington for several weeks, and may return there for the winter months. My friend Kegley has wanted me for several years, and unless we get something practical started in S. Dak. I will probably go back there, unless Hampton gets his program going, in which case I think my place would be in Washington D. C.
State Auditor Handlin has really given us the better issue, and I am advised by Alli Reed, who called on me a short time ago, that Handlin is in dead earnest. I wrote congratulating him on his stand and promised to stand by him to the end, and will. Reed advises me that Secretary of State Rood is solid back of Handlin. On account of your being away you have probably missed this episode.
Joe Kirby has sent me a copy of his plea before the Supreme Court.
I wish you would call on him, or get a copy. The Supreme Court Judges are in a box. I take it that it was a shrewd plan conceived by the state machine to increase state salaries in violation of the constitution all along the line. The sop was first given to the Judges to tie them up if they took the bait. They did. Then follows the other increases in regular order. This with the other sins of the late Legislature gives us the basis for an independent movement on state issues that would be simply invincible, if we could get it before the people.
If Richards will not listen to reason now he will later, but may be too late for his own ambition. But the issue is greater than any mans ambition and we should begin the organization of a group of good earnest workers with that object in view.
Our friend Holter has called a conference to consider the question of Rural Credits at the rooms of the Commercial Club at Soo Falls for June 15th. I think you had not returned yet when he was there.
To prevent its capture by the machine he has made it an invitation conference. He has no doubt invited you, and I have suggested that he ask you to preside. He has not struck bottom yet, but is seeking the TRUTH and is making good progress. He is genuine and in earnest
I want to help him all I can for he is headed right.
For Holters sake I will try to attend the conference if in the state.
I am trying now to get the law restoring the circle at the head of the ballot referred.
Sincerely yours,
H. L. Loucks