Collected Publications

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
01-08 Interactions of nutrition and culture, Huerr, Sharon Marshall and Ann Millard Folder 1999
01-10 Iron articles Folder 1990, 1993
01-13 A Multidisciplinary approach to weight control,: Hudiburgy, Nevak, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, April 1984 Folder 1984
02-01 Scientists try to unravel caffeine's secrets, Blakeslee, Sandra, The Beacon-News, August 11, 1991, clipping Folder 1991
02-02 Society for Nutrition Education publications Folder 1992
01-02 Developing cross-cultural nutrition curricula using qualitative research methods, Hunt, Mary K., Journal of Nutrition Education, 1987, p. 60 Folder 1987
01-05 Hunger as an issue in social policy, Bill Whitaker Folder 1989
01-07 The Income and standard of living of unskilled laborers in Chicago, Houghtelling, Leila Folder 1927
01-09 Intercultural communication in assessing dietary habits: Liberia as an example, Jarosz, Lydia A., Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Aug. 1990, p. 1054 Folder 1990
01-14 Nutrition, Neiman, David C., Diane E. Butterworth, Catherine N. Nieman, revised first edition (textbook) Folder 1992
01-17 Nutrition during pregnancy, Nutrition Today, July/August 1990, p. 13 Folder 1990
01-18 Nutrition knowledge and dietary practices of college coaches, Corley, Gail, Mary Demarest-Litchford, and Terry L. Bazzarre, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, May 1990, p. 705 Folder 1990
01-21 Quackery in nutrition Folder 1993
02-03 Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health Folder 1988
02-09 Why people get hungry, Mayer, Jean, Nutrition Today, June 1966 Folder 1966
01-11 Let them eat cake; or a prescription for improving the outcome of pregnancy,: Brown, Judith E. and Mary Story, Nutrition Today, November/December 1990, p. 18 Folder 1990
01-20 Promoting a healthy weight, Dairy Council Digest, March/April 1991 Folder 1991
02-04 Sweeteners: Nutritive and Non-Nutritive, Institute of Food Technology, August 1986, p. 195-206 Folder 1986
02-08 What's in a label? A Dietitian's handbook for helping consumers demystify food labels, The American Dietetic Association Folder 1990
01-01 Accuracy of visual estimates of plate waste in the determination of food consumption, Dubois, Sheila, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, March 1990, p. 382 Folder 1990
01-03 Dietary intake and dieting practices of bulimic and non-bulimic female college student's Greene, Geoffrey W. and Cheryl Achterberg, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, April 1990, p. 576 Folder 1990
01-04 Healthy People 2000: Nutrition objectives, Journal of the American Dietetic Association, December 1991, p. 1515 Folder 1991
01-06 Improving America's diet and health: From recommendations to action, Thomas, Paul R., Journal of Nutrition Education, June 1991, p+E28. 128 Folder 1991
01-12 Methods for voluntary weight loss and control, National Institutes of Health Technology Assessment Conference Statement Folder 1992
01-15 Nutrition and athletic performance, Kris-Etherton, P.M., Nutrition Today, September/October 1990, p. 35 Folder 1990
01-16 Nutrition close-up, Newsletter of the Egg Nutrition Center Folder 1993
01-19 Nutrition, the brain, and Alzheimer's Disease, Root, Elizabeth J. and John B. Longenecker, Nutrition Today, July/August 1988, p. 11 Folder 1988
02-05 Symposium on Advances in Clinical Nutrition - program Folder 1993
02-06 Tufts University Diet and Nutrition letter, October 1989 Folder 1989
02-07 Vitamin A Current understanding of the Mechanisms of Action, Ross, A. Catherine, Nutrition Today, January/February 1991, p. 6 Folder 1991