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UA 53.85: B01-F01 |
Air pollution injury to plants |
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UA 53.85: B01-F04 |
Blue grass powdery mildew, squash rot, Brookings smog, alfalfa masaic virus |
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UA 53.85: B01-F06 |
Corn and wheat reprints, research material, correspondence [1 of 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F07 |
Corn and wheat reprints, research material, correspondence [2 of 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F21 |
Maize dwarf mosaic virus [MDMV] - Corn |
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UA 53.85: B01-F22 |
Photosynthesis - Head, winter, frost, environmental damage, and defiencies |
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UA 53.85: B01-F27 |
Reports on wheat streak mosaic virus [1979] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F37 |
Water mech. drought frost - Correspondence |
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UA 53.85: B01-F39 |
Wheat streak mosaic virus, hard red spring and winter wheat virus, maize dwarf mosaic virus, tobacco mosaic virus [1 of 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F03 |
Barley yellow dwarf |
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UA 53.85: B01-F05 |
Cheat WSMV corn, SDP2 WSMV, leaf curl, TMV |
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UA 53.85: B01-F08 |
Crop injuries - Frost, head, drought, wind, winter, hail, sleet [1 of 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F10 |
Corn leaf aphid, TMV, CLN, SO2, W3 tobacco |
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UA 53.85: B01-F13 |
Fungi imperfecti [1 of 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F15 |
Hard Red Virus and Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus - Wheat, air pollution [1 of 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F16 |
Hard Red Virus and Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus - Wheat, air pollution [2 od 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F32 |
Three-dimensional structure of pinwheel inclusions as determined by analytic geometry |
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UA 53.85: B01-F40 |
Wheat streak mosaic virus, hard red spring and winter wheat virus, maize dwarf mosaic virus, tobacco mosaic virus [2 of 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F09 |
Crop injuries - Frost, head, drought, wind, winter, hail, sleet [2 of 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F18 |
Heat and Cold effect on plants |
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UA 53.85: B01-F19 |
Introduction to virus diseases |
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UA 53.85: B01-F23 |
Plant pathogens microscoptic slides |
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UA 53.85: B01-F24 |
Poinsettia, pain virus, tobacco mosaic virus |
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UA 53.85: B01-F26 |
Protein and amino acids slides |
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UA 53.85: B01-F29 |
Seminar Mobridge - Pollution |
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UA 53.85: B01-F33 |
Tobacco mosaic virus symptoms, tomato and tobacco virus, PMV |
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UA 53.85: B01-F34 |
Tobacco proteins (Barley, bacteria), interference colors |
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UA 53.85: B01-F02 |
Air pollution slides |
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UA 53.85: B01-F11 |
Effect of air pollution on plants |
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UA 53.85: B01-F12 |
Effect of increased winter wheat production on diseases of both HRS and HEW wheats: Wheat Strek Mosaic VIrus |
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UA 53.85: B01-F14 |
Fungi imperfecti [2 of 2] |
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UA 53.85: B01-F17 |
Hard Red Spring and Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus - Wheat |
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UA 53.85: B01-F20 |
Leaf: Virus, inclusions, yeast, and cell |
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UA 53.85: B01-F25 |
Powder mildew, HRW, air pollution, tomato septoria, corn charcoal rot, sorghum aphid, white leaf rust, alfalfa yellow leaf spot |
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UA 53.85: B01-F28 |
Rust blue grass, wheat roots temp, curly top copies, BMV |
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UA 53.85: B01-F30 |
Slides of different plants - Wheat, sunflower, calrose, HRS |
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UA 53.85: B01-F31 |
Teaching slides for Hard Red Spring and Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus |
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UA 53.85: B01-F35 |
Tobacco hormone, SO2, O3 cigar, alfalfa, white mold sclerotinia, O3 pharmacy |
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UA 53.85: B01-F36 |
Ultrastructure of wheat, leaf rust, wheat streak mosaic virus |
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UA 53.85: B01-F38 |
Wheat leaves ultrastructure |
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