WICHE Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
20 Vocabulary System of Accountability; summary and background materials (College Portrait, Voluntary System of Accountability) Folder 2007
21 W.I.C.H.E. Issue Analysis and Research Committee (CD-ROM) Folder 2007
1 Accelerated Learning Options: Moving the Needle on Access and Success; a study of state and institutional policies and practices June 2006 Folder 2006
5 Commissioner handbook Folder 2004
10 Commission Meeting (Rapid City, South Dakota) Folder 2008
15 More Student Success, a systemic solution (State Higher Education Executive Officers) Folder 2007
2 Changing Directions: Integrating Higher Education Financial Aid and Financing Policy; case studies from the Changing Direction technical assistance states February 2008 Folder 2008
4 Changing Directions: Integrating Higher Education Financial Aid and Financing Policy; thinking outside the box: policy strategies for readiness, access and success Folder 2007
7 Commission Meeting (Juneau, Alaska) Folder 2005
12 History of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education; the first forty years by Frank C. Abbott Folder 2004
14 Knocking at the College Door; projections of high school graduates by state and race/ethnicity 1992-2022, March 2008 Folder 2007
17 Regional Fact Book for Higher Education in the West Folder 1996
18 SEP: Student Exchange Program; the statistical report, 2006-2007 Folder 2007
19 State Scholars Initiative; year two (2007) evaluation reports (CD-ROM) Folder 2007
22 W.U.E.: Western Undergraduate Exchange, enrollment report, Fall 2006 Folder 2007
23 W.U.E.: Western Undergraduate Exchange, enrollment report, Fall 2007 Folder 2008
3 Changing Directions: Integrating Higher Education Financial Aid and Financing Policy; strategies for improving student success in postsecondary education January 2007 Folder 2007
6 Commission Meeting (Agenda Book covers only) Folder 2003-2004
8 Commission Meeting (Whitefish, Montana) Folder 2007
9 Commission Meeting (Denver, Colorado) Folder 2007
11 Consolidated Financial Statements Folder 2007
13 Inventory of Rural Health Practice Incentives in the Western WICHE States Folder 2007
16 Professional Student Exchange Program: Administrative manual Folder 1998