Level of description
Digital object |
UA 53.68: B01-F13 |
Blue Jays: Caching totals by habitat |
Folder |
1986-1992 |
UA 53.68: B01-F22 |
Blue Jays: Field notes |
Folder |
1976-1989 |
UA 53.68: B01-F23 |
Blue Jays: Forest Resource Center Oak Conference - Oak Fragmentation and Blue Jays |
Folder |
1992 |
UA 53.68: B01-F24 |
Blue Jays: Iowa Falls Oak Project |
Folder |
1979-1992 |
UA 53.68: B01-F29 |
Blue Jays: Notes |
Folder |
1987-1988 |
UA 53.68: B02-F11 |
Forests/Trees: Disease in Trees |
Folder |
1984 |
UA 53.68: B02-F17 |
Forests/Trees: Fagus Nuts Research |
Folder |
1981 |
UA 53.68: B02-F25 |
Forests/Trees: Ice Storms as a Disturbance Factor in Appalachian Oak Forests |
Folder |
1982 |
UA 53.68: B02-F26 |
Forests/Trees: Influence of Leaf Litter and Soil Moisture Regime on Early Establishment of Pinus Pungens |
Folder |
1990 |
UA 53.68: B02-F27 |
Forests/Trees: Land Use and Carbon Storage in Georgia Forests |
Folder |
1981 |
UA 53.68: B02-F32 |
Forests/Trees: North Carolina Succession Model |
Folder |
1977 |
UA 53.68: B02-F34 |
Forests/Trees: Noteworthy Plants of the North Dakota Prairie Coteau Forest |
Folder |
1963-1970 |
UA 53.68: B02-F39 |
Forests/Trees: Prairie or Woodland? Reconstructing Past Plant Communities at Good Earth State Park Via Soil Core and Tree Ring Analysis |
Folder |
2015 |
UA 53.68: B02-F46 |
Forests/Trees: Restoration of Riparian Woodlands Below Dams on Large Rivers in Western North America (Pre-proposal) |
Folder |
1990 |
UA 53.68: B02-F47 |
Forests/Trees: Response of Riparian Vegetation to Streamflow Regulation and Land Use in the Great Plains |
Folder |
1999 |
UA 53.68: B02-F53 |
Forests/Trees: Tree Recruitment and Survival in Rivers: Influence of Hydrological Processes |
Folder |
2000 |
UA 53.68: B02-F56 |
Mortensen Ranch: Aerial photographs of Mortensen Ranch and Red Lake, Brule County, South Dakota |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 53.68: B02-F59 |
Mortensen Ranch: A case study in woodland restoration |
Folder |
1995 |
UA 53.68: B02-F62 |
Mortensen Ranch: Clarence Mortensen biography |
Folder |
1990s |
UA 53.68: B02-F64 |
Mortensen Ranch: Clarence Mortensen Environmental Stewardship Award South Dakota Stockgrowers Association |
Folder |
1993 |
UA 53.68: B02-F66 |
Mortensen Ranch: Clarence Mortensen interview |
Folder |
1992, 1997-2002 |
UA 53.68: B03 |
W. Carter Johnson Papers Box 3 |
Box |
UA 53.68: B03-F11 |
Mortensen Ranch: History of the Ranch |
Folder |
2000 |
UA 53.68: B03-F13 |
Mortensen Ranch: Newspaper articles on Clarence Mortensen |
Folder |
1993-1995, 2002-2014 |
UA 53.68: B03-F21 |
Mortensen Ranch: Other agencies projects |
Folder |
1944, 1992 |
UA 53.68: B03-F23 |
Mortensen Ranch: Red Lake, Brule County, South Dakota - Ordinary highwater mark, ordinary low water mark, outlet elevation investigation |
Folder |
1990 |
UA 53.68: B03-F27 |
Mortensen Ranch: Red Lake, Brule County, South Dakota - Research |
Folder |
1984-1990 |
UA 53.68: B03-F32 |
Mortensen Ranch: Shrubs |
Folder |
1992-2000 |
UA 53.68: B03-F35 |
Mortensen Ranch: Slides |
Folder |
1992, 1997, 2000 |
UA 53.68: B03-F37 |
Platte River: Articles on the history of the Platte River area |
Folder |
1883-1990 |
UA 53.68: B04-F21 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Odessa and Shelton |
Folder |
1994 January |
UA 53.68: B04-F29 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Odessa and Shelton |
Folder |
1996 February |
UA 53.68: B04-F34 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Odessa and Shelton |
Folder |
1997 July |
UA 53.68: B04-F37 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Shelton and Cottonwood Ranch |
Folder |
1998 July |
UA 53.68: B04-F40 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Shelton and Cottonwood Ranch |
Folder |
199 July |
UA 53.68: B04-F42 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Shelton and Cottonwood Ranch |
Folder |
2000 May |
UA 53.68: B04-F48 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Shelton, Cottonwood Ranch, and Jeffrey Island |
Folder |
2001 September |
UA 53.68: B04-F49 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Shelton, Cottonwood Ranch, and Jeffrey Island |
Folder |
2002 May |
UA 53.68: B04-F52 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Shelton and Cottonwood Ranch |
Folder |
2003 May |
UA 53.68: B04-F54 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Shelton and Cottonwood Ranch |
Folder |
2002 September |
UA 53.68: B04-F56 |
Platte River: Data sets and field notes - Shelton and Cottonwood Ranch |
Folder |
2004 July |
UA 53.68: B04-F60 |
Platte River: Dynamic Equilibrium Modeling (results of Fort Collins meeting) |
Folder |
1989 |
UA 53.68: B04-F61 |
Platte River: Dynamics of Open Channel and Woodland in the Platte River, 1986-2001 (final report) |
Folder |
2003 |
UA 53.68: B04-F62 |
Platte River: Equilibrium response of riparian vegetation to flow regulation in the Platte River, Nebraska |
Folder |
1997 |
UA 53.68: B04-F63 |
Platte River: Estimates of channel narrowing rates of the Platte River |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 53.68: B04-F65 |
Platte River: Geological and Soils Report at the Upper Diversion Dam Site Conducted in 1936, prior to the construction of the Kingsley Dam |
Folder |
1986-2005 |
UA 53.68: B05 |
W. Carter Johnson Papers Box 5 |
Box |
UA 53.68: B05-F03 |
Platte River: General Land Office [GLO] |
Folder |
1986 |
UA 53.68: B05-F05 |
Platte River: General Land Office [GLO] township and Range line Surveys |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.68: B05-F06 |
Platte River: Graphics, Maps, Graphs |
Folder |
1992-1993 |
UA 53.68: B05-F12 |
Platte River: Ice/water coverage of sites and ice data for 1988-1989 |
Folder |
1990-1991 |
UA 53.68: B05-F14 |
Platte River: Initiation of Cottonwood-Willow demography study on the Platte River, Nebraska |
Folder |
1985 |
UA 53.68: B05-F25 |
Platte River: Platte River Basin Ecosystem Symposium proceedings |
Folder |
1997 |
UA 53.68: B05-F28 |
Platte River: Platte River Recovery Implementation Program draft environmental impact statement (summary) |
Folder |
2003 |
UA 53.68: B05-F29 |
Platte River: Plot demography data sets |
Folder |
1999 |
UA 53.68: B06-F01 |
Platte River: Response to proof of fact |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.68: B06-F02 |
Platte River: Restoration of the Platte River: What is the target? |
Folder |
1999 |
UA 53.68: B06-F06 |
Platte River: Seedling Mortality and Demography Analyses |
Folder |
1990-1991 |
UA 53.68: B06-F13 |
Platte River: Slides 841-1039 |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 53.68: B06-F16 |
Platte River: Slides 1339-1539 |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 53.68: B06-F17 |
Platte River: Slides 1540-1639 |
Folder |
1988-1989 |
UA 53.68: B06-F23 |
Platte River: Slides 2601-2800 |
Folder |
1991 |
UA 53.68: B06-F24 |
Platte River: Slides 2801-2951 |
Folder |
1991 |
UA 53.68: B07-F01 |
Platte River: Slides 3831-4030 |
Folder |
1993-1994 |
UA 53.68: B07-F03 |
Platte River: Slides 4514-4693 |
Folder |
1995 |
UA 53.68: B07-F14 |
Platte River: Slides 6510-6709 |
Folder |
2001 |
UA 53.68: B07-F16 |
Platte River: Slides 6909-7151 |
Folder |
2001 |
UA 53.68: B07-F17 |
Platte River: Slides 7152-7351 |
Folder |
2002 |
UA 53.68: B07-F19 |
Platte River: Slides 7522-7721 |
Folder |
2002 |
UA 53.68: B08-F02 |
Platte River: Tamarisk, Purple Loostrife, Elanba, and Elanguad Sites data |
Folder |
1991 |
UA 53.68: B08-F04 |
Platte River: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Platte River Research Seminar |
Folder |
1990-1991 |
UA 53.68: B08-F06 |
Platte River: Woodland Expansion in the Platte River, Nebraska: Patterns and causes |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.68: B08-F07 |
Platte River: Woodland Expansion in the Platte River, Nebraska: Patterns and causes |
Folder |
1992-1993 |
UA 53.68: B08-F15 |
Prairie Wetlands: Comparisons of Soil Within a Till Plain Across Contrasting Land Uses |
Folder |
2011 |
UA 53.68: B08-F20 |
Prairie Wetlands: Deuel Semipermanent Wetland - Orchid Meadows data |
Folder |
1996-2004 |
UA 53.68: B08-F21 |
Prairie Wetlands: Deuel Semipermanent Wetland - Orchid Meadows rainfall totals |
Folder |
1994-2001 |
UA 53.68: B08-F27 |
Prairie Wetlands: Deuel Semipermanent Wetland - Vegetation Field Sampling Datasheets - Wetland S3 |
Folder |
1993-2002 |
UA 53.68: B08-F30 |
Prairie Wetlands: Deuel Semipermanent Wetland - Vegetation Field Sampling Datasheets - Wetland SP4 |
Folder |
1993-2002 |
UA 53.68: B08-F33 |
Prairie Wetlands: Deuel Semipermanent Wetland - Vegetation Field Sampling Datasheets - Wetland T3 |
Folder |
1993-2002 |
UA 53.68: B08-F36 |
Prairie Wetlands: Deuel Semipermanent Wetland - Well data |
Folder |
1993-2000 |
UA 53.68: B08-F37 |
Prairie Wetlands: Ecology Center, Utah State University - Climate Change and Prairie Wetlands Seminar |
Folder |
1994 |
UA 53.68: B08-F39 |
Prairie Wetlands: Effect of hydroperiod on seed-bank composition in semipermanent prairie wetlands |
Folder |
1989 |
UA 53.68: B08-F40 |
Prairie Wetlands: Effect of hydroperiod on seed-bank composition in semipermanent prairie wetlands |
Folder |
1987 |
UA 53.68: B09-F03 |
Prairie Wetlands: Evaluation of the emergence method in estimating seed bank composition of prairie wetlands |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 53.68: B09-F06 |
Prairie Wetlands: Global warming and prairie wetlands - Potential consequences for waterfowl habitat |
Folder |
1991 |
UA 53.68: B09-F07 |
Prairie Wetlands: Hydrological, chemical, and biological characteristics of a prairie pothole wetland complex under highly variable climate conditions |
Folder |
2003 |
UA 53.68: B09-F19 |
Prairie Wetlands: Scale-dependent use in three species of prairie wetland birds |
Folder |
1999 |
UA 53.68: B09-F24 |
Prairie Wetlands: Severson Waterfowl Production Area - Surveying |
Folder |
1992-1995 |
UA 53.68: B09-F25 |
Prairie Wetlands: Severson Waterfowl Production Area - Vegetation |
Folder |
1996-2002 |
UA 53.68: B09-F27 |
Prairie Wetlands: Slides - Severson Waterfowl Production Area |
Folder |
1993-1997 |
UA 53.68: B09-F32 |
Prairie Wetlands: Staff gage data - Inputting data revisions |
Folder |
1995 |
UA 53.68: B09-F34 |
Prairie Wetlands: Use of soluble salt levels in soils to delineate glacial prairie marshes |
Folder |
1980s circa |
UA 53.68: B10-F03 |
Prairie Wetlands: Vulnerability of northern prairie wetlands to climate change |
Folder |
2005 |
UA 53.68: B10-F06 |
Prairie Wetlands: Wetland Symposium - Prairie Ecosystems: Wetland Ecology, Management, and Restoration |
Folder |
1993 |
UA 53.68: B10-F13 |
Prairie Wetlands: Wetlands Transition Zone Study - Buffalo Slough Transect 8 |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 53.68: B10-F15 |
Prairie Wetlands: Wetlands Transition Zone Study - Buffalo Slough Transect 10 |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 53.68: B10-F23 |
Prairie Wetlands: Wetlands Transition Zone Study - Ordway Pond 2 Transect 1 |
Folder |
1979 |
UA 53.68: B10-F31 |
Russia: Geobotanist portraits and preface - H. Trass book translation |
Folder |
1976 |
UA 53.68: B10-F35 |
Russia: Report of Foreign Travel to the Soviet Union - as part of the US-USSR Academy of Sciences Exchange Program |
Folder |
1976 |
UA 53.68: B10-F39 |
Russia: Vegetation Science - History and contemporary trends of development - translation |
Folder |
1978-1983 |