Vivian Volstorff Papers Box 2

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
B02-F04 Personal: Volstorff family Folder 1948, undated
B02-F09 Organizations: Delta Zeta Folder undated
B02-F14 Organizations: National Association for Women Deans, Administrators and Counselors Folder 1974
B02-F26 Writings: Thesis - General James Wilkinson ... Folder 1929
B02-F30 Writings: Winds of Change chapter drafts Folder undated
B02-F31 Speeches: Five Basic Conclusions Folder undated
B02-F33 Speeches: Design for Living - 1945 Style Folder 1945
B02-F34 Speeches: Alumni talk Folder 1965-1966, undated
B02-F36 Speeches: Campus Unrest and the Sorority Woman Folder 1969
B02-F01 Personal: Recognition, honors and awards Folder 1961-1998
B02-F06 Organizations: American Association of University Women Folder 1958-1984, 1992-1994
B02-F11 Organizations: Guidon Folder 1972-1973
B02-F13 Organizations: Mortar Board - Sigma Lambda Sigma Chapter Folder 1939, 1970-1976
B02-F17 Organizations: University Dames Folder 1968-1974
B02-F20 Writings: Dissertation [Manuscript] - William Charles Cole Claiborne Folder 1932
B02-F21 Writings: Energy Crisis in 1936 Folder undated
B02-F02 Personal: Retirement home and church information Folder 1981-2002, undated
B02-F05 Organizations: Alpha Lambda Delta Folder 1965-1966, 1981, 1992
B02-F07 Organizations: Association of Brookings Women Christmas Devotions Folder 1985
B02-F08 Organizations: Campus organization Folder 1979-1983, undated
B02-F10 Organizations: Fraternities and sororities Folder 1970-1992, undated
B02-F16 Organizations: SDSU Faculty Women's Club Folder 1970, 1992
B02-F23 Writings: Miscellaneous stories Folder undated
B02-F24 Writings: Our Grave New World Folder 1957-1958
B02-F28 Writings: Wilkinson in New Orleand (1806-07) Folder 1941
B02-F38 Speeches: Class of 1934 reunion speech Folder undated
B02-F39 Speeches: Coed Spirit Folder undated
B02-F03 Personal: Vivian's Resume Folder 1983-1994, undated
B02-F12 Organizations: Honor societies Folder 1957
B02-F15 Organizations: Phi Kappa Phi Folder 1978, undated
B02-F18 Organizations: Women's Club Folder 1975-1983, 1999-2000
B02-F19 Writings: Dissertation [Final copy] - William Charles Cole Claiborne Folder 1932
B02-F22 Writings: Miscellaneous research and writings Folder undated
B02-F25 Writings: Problem of the Jews Folder undated
B02-F27 Writings: Thesis - The Letters of Pliny the Younger... Folder 1930
B02-F29 Writings: Winds of Change book Folder 2000
B02-F32 Speeches: Three Thousand Hours with Boards of Control Folder 1973
B02-F35 Speeches: American Foreign Policy Folder 1970, undated
B02-F37 Speeches: Chi Omega speeches Folder undated
B02-F40 Speeches: Freedom From Fear Folder 1953-1954, undated