SD Nurses Association: Committees - Box 5

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
MA 30: B05-F08 Committee: Program/Public Relations/History Folder 1976-1977
MA 30: B05-F09 Committee: Program/Public Relations/History Folder 1978-1979
MA 30: B05-F12 Committee: School Nurse Ad Hoc Committee Folder 1986-1988
MA 30: B05-F13 Committee: SD-CEARP - #0001 Mechanisms for Implementing CEARP Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F17 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0005 Reality Shock - Why Nurses Leave Nursing Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F23 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0049 The Problem of child abuse Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F27 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0163 Commitment to Quality Folder 1977
MA 30: B05-F28 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0181 Commitment to Quality Folder 1977
MA 30: B05-F31 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0210 Physical Assessment of Adult Cardiovascular and respiratory systems Folder 1977-1978
MA 30: B05-F35 Committees: SD-CEARP - #1502 Nursing's Future: Exploring the Horizon with differentiated practice Folder 1989
MA 30: B05-F39 Committees: SD-CEARP - #1642 Depression: Define it, Defeat It in South Dakota Folder 1990
MA 30: B05-F01 Committee: Program/Public Relations Folder 1986-1987
MA 30: B05-F03 Committee: Program/Public Relations Folder 1990-1993
MA 30: B05-F05 Committee: Program/Public Relations/History Folder 1982-1983
MA 30: B05-F06 Committee: Program/Public Relations/History Folder 1980-1981
MA 30: B05-F15 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0003 Critical Care Nursing Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F16 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0004 Coronary Care Class Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F30 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0207 Learning to Enjoy: Problem Oriented records! Folder 1977
MA 30: B05-F36 Committees: SD-CEARP - #1527 1989 Health Care Pioneers of the Future Folder 1989
MA 30: B05-F37 Committees: SD-CEARP - #1602 Nursing Diagnosis: Future Vision Folder 1990
MA 30: B05-F38 Committees: SD-CEARP - #1614 Practice Models for Nursing's Future: strategies for change Folder 1990
MA 30: B05-F10 Committee: Public Health Advisory Committee Folder 1966
MA 30: B05-F11 Committee: Republican State Committee Folder 1994
MA 30: B05-F18 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0006 Critical Care Nursing Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F19 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0007 Nursing care of the client/patient with cancer Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F20 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0008 The LPN in the ICU/CCU Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F22 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0010 How to write course objectives Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F26 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0152 Rape - Victims of Crises Folder 1977
MA 30: B05-F32 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0243 Teaching Breast Examination Program Folder 1978
MA 30: B05-F02 Committee: Program/Public Relations Folder 1988-1989
MA 30: B05-F04 Committee: Program/Public Relations Folder 1983-1985
MA 30: B05-F07 Committee: Program/Public Relations/History Folder 1974-1975
MA 30: B05-F14 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0002 Diabetes - Current concepts for the LPN Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F21 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0009 Intensive coronary care multimedia learning systems Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F24 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0055 Depression is a downer Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F25 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0090 Quality assurance by implementation of ANA standards of nursing practice Folder 1976
MA 30: B05-F29 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0189 Care for the Dying: Ordinary and Extraordinary means Folder 1977
MA 30: B05-F33 Committees: SD-CEARP - #0248 Current Trends in Nursing Implications in I.V. therapy Folder 1978
MA 30: B05-F34 Committees: SD-CEARP - #1153 Marketing the Image of the Professional nurse Folder 1985