Level of description
Digital object |
DA 1: B05-F10 |
Trade Reciprocity: Free trade, protectionism; Correspondence, background information |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B05-F13 |
How to Make More Money Through Government Contracts and Exporting: Small Business Conference in Sioux Falls; Memos, correspondence |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B05-F16 |
Oil Shale: Background information |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B05-F21 |
Solar energy: Financial/Tax Incentives; Background information |
Folder |
1978 |
DA 1: B05-F23 |
South Dakota Realtor Contacts |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B05-F07 |
Campaign: Aberdeen Election Returns, targeting analyses for Tom Daschle |
Folder |
1978-1982 |
DA 1: B05-F15 |
Passive solar energy: Supporting documents, background information |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B06 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 6 |
Box |
DA 1: B06-F08 |
Daschle office expenditures: 1983-02 (February) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B06-F19 |
Daschle office expenditures: 1984-05 (May) |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B06-F21 |
Daschle office expenditures: 1984-07 (July) |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B06-F25 |
Daschle office expenditures: 1984-11 (November) |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B06-F04 |
MasterCard File: Bills and Credits |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B06-F05 |
American Express File |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B06-F08 |
Daschle office expenditures: 1983-02 (February) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B06-F09 |
Daschle office expenditures: 1983-03 (March) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B06-F14 |
Daschle office expenditures: 1983-08 (August) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B06-F16 |
Daschle office expenditures: 1984-02 (February) |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B06-F22 |
Daschle office expenditures: 1984-08 (August) |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F04 |
Fosburgh Water Files: Rural Water Association Grant |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B07-F09 |
Fosburgh Water Files: 1985 Supplemental Appropriation; Missouri Recreation River |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B07-F14 |
Fosburgh Water Files: Omnibus Water Bill 1985; H.R. 6/S.366 |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B07-F15 |
Fosburgh Water Files: Omnibus Water Bills S. 366 |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B07-F18 |
Labor/Health and Human Services 1985 |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F22 |
Medicare: Solvency; proposed funding cuts |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F28 |
National Science Foundation: Relevance of research |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B07-F29 |
H.R. 2350: Health Research Extension Act of 1983; Dear Colleague letter and Whip Advisory |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B07-F31 |
Nursing and health care concerns: Education, pay equity, benefits, nursing home care for elderly, community nursing services; Background information |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B07-F37 |
Public Radio: Development of Minnesota Public Radio station in Sioux Falls; Correspondence, press clips, joint statement by South Dakota Educational Television Board, Augustana College and Sioux Falls College |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B07-F43 |
Medicare Prospective Payment System: Changes in rural and urban hospital classification; Correspondence, legislative proposals, supporting documents |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F44 |
Senior Citizen issues: Statement by Daschle regarding retirement income, health care, housing, Social Security, and taxes |
Folder |
undated |
DA 1: B07-F03 |
Fosburgh Water Files: Yankton Sioux Tribe Irrigation |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F04 |
Fosburgh Water Files: Rural Water Association Grant |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B07-F18 |
Labor/Health and Human Services 1985 |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F19 |
Low Income Energy Assistance 1984 |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B07-F20 |
Reconciliation 84 Medicare assignment |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F21 |
Medicare assignment: Physician fee freeze; Tax Reform Act of 1983 |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B07-F22 |
Medicare: Solvency; proposed funding cuts |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F24 |
Medicaid Penalties |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F29 |
H.R. 2350: Health Research Extension Act of 1983; Dear Colleague letter and Whip Advisory |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B07-F34 |
H.R. 1255, H.R. 2034: Penalize the robbery of controlled substances from pharmacies; National Association of Retail Druggists correspondence and newsletters, supporting documents |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B07-F35 |
Federal Communications Commission: A.T.and T. Design Line telephones |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F36 |
Medicare cost containment: Prospective Reimbursement: Press clips, background information, Dear Colleague letters |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B07-F37 |
Public Radio: Development of Minnesota Public Radio station in Sioux Falls; Correspondence, press clips, joint statement by South Dakota Educational Television Board, Augustana College and Sioux Falls College |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B07-F39 |
H.R. 1646: Railroad Retirement Act; Correspondence, press releases, supporting documents |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B07-F41 |
Reagan budget cuts: Impact on programs for South Dakota children, youth, and families |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B07-F43 |
Medicare Prospective Payment System: Changes in rural and urban hospital classification; Correspondence, legislative proposals, supporting documents |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B18-F096 |
Statement in Congressional Record: Shell Game or Shallow Underwater Missile Submarine System,' 1981 April 1 |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B18-F103 |
Speech: Speech and Communication Convention. 1982 September 11 |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B18-F105 |
Statement in Congressional Record: Development Aid to Those in Absolute Poverty. 1982 August 18 |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B18-F106 |
Statement: Agriculture Appropriations Bill for 1982. 1981 July 27 |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B18-F111 |
Speech: Western States Water and Power Consumers Conference. 1982 September 20 |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B18-F116 |
Statement: Queen Isabella March. 1981 October 20 |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B18-F119 |
Economic Recovery Act of 1981 (2 copies) |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B19 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 19 |
Box |
DA 1: B19-F04 |
Events: 1979-05 (May) |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B19-F06 |
Invitations Confirmed: 1979-02 (February) |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B19-F07 |
Invitations Confirmed: 1979-03 (March) |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B19-F14 |
Invitations Confirmed: 1979-10 (October) |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B19-F17 |
Schedule: 1979-01 (January) |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B19-F19 |
Schedule: 1979-03 (March) |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B19-F24 |
Schedule: August |
Folder |
undated |
DA 1: B19-F28 |
Past Committee Notices |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B19-F31 |
Whip Information |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B20 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 20 |
Box |
DA 1: B20-F07 |
Baby Doe amendment to Child Abuse bill: Care of severely handicapped newborns |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B20-F08 |
Washington Update: Divesture of A.T. & T. |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B20-F11 |
H.R. 4103: Cable Telecommunications Act of 1983 |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B20-F12 |
H.R. 2902: Cable Copyright Reform |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B20-F18 |
Memorandum: Medicare reimbursement for chiropractic services |
Folder |
undated |
DA 1: B20-F19 |
Dow and Dioxin: Correspondence, research and Daschle statements; Dow withheld data on Agent Orange |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B20-F21 |
Congressional Record: Entitlements; Article by James Fallows |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B20-F24 |
H.Con.Res. 45: Grandparent Visitation Act; Whip Advisories, Dear Colleague, correspondence |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B20-F26 |
Reagan budget cuts: Administration abandons efforts to weaken civil rights for handicapped / disabled |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B20-F31 |
Health and Human Services Budget Fiscal Year 1984 |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B20-F35 |
H.R. 4103: Cable Telecommunications Act of 1983 |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B20-F36 |
Tribal responses to request for information regarding ensuring adequate funding for Indian Health Service |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B20-F37 |
Inadvertent Modification of the Immune Response; Effects of Foods, Drugs, and Environmental Contaminants: Food and Drug Administration Symposium |
Folder |
1978 |
DA 1: B20-F38 |
Dioxin: Environmental Protection Agency versus Vertac Chemical Corporation and Hercules, Inc.; Jacksonville, Arkansas |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B20-F40 |
H.R. 1961: Agent Orange Compensation; Markup by Subcommittee On Compensation, Pension and Insurance. 1983 July 28 |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B20-F43 |
Veterans' Dioxin and Radiation Exposure Compensation Standards Act: Senate legislation |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B20-F46 |
International Symposium on the Long-term Ecological and Human Consequences of Chemical Warfare in Vietnam; Hanoi. January 1983 |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B21-F13 |
Media Reports: 1984-10 (October) (Folder 1 of 2) |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B22-F02 |
Vocational Education |
Folder |
1979-1980 |
DA 1: B22-F05 |
H.R. 6711: Youth Act of 1980. Education |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B22-F11 |
Contract Schools: Marty, Francis, Crow Creek, Funding Problems. 1980 June |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B22-F13 |
Indian: Terry Pechota proposal regarding tribal courts |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B22-F17 |
Sinte Gleska/Oglala Sioux Colleges Funding (471/Tribal Allocation) |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B22-F22 |
Indian: Veblen Housing Project |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B22-F31 |
Year in Congress: 96th Congress |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B22-F32 |
Metric System |
Folder |
1978 |
DA 1: B22-F33 |
Press releases: 1980 Daschle incomplete |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B23 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 23 |
Box |
DA 1: B23-F04 |
Photograph information: Daschle staff procedures |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B23-F05 |
Voting Qualifications (all states) |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B23-F16 |
D.C. Act 4-69: To reform sexual assault laws of the District of Columbia |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B23-F21 |
South Dakota weekly newspapers: Contact information |
Folder |
undated |
DA 1: B23-F23 |
John's Section: Daschle press releases; Farm policy |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B23-F28 |
Decline Invites March |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B23-F30 |
Decline Invites May |
Folder |
1984 |