Thomas Daschle House Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 1: B75-F01.1 Daschle Press System - Pre 1978 Folder 1978
DA 1: B75-F01.6 Daschle Press System - 1982 Folder 1982
DA 1: B75-F01.7 Daschle Press System - 1983 Folder 1983
DA 1: B75-F03 Media Reports - Week of 1985-01-20 to 1985-01-26 (January 20-26) Folder 1985
DA 1: B75-F04 Media Reports - Week of 1985-01-27 to 1985-02-02 (January 27-February 2) Folder 1985
DA 1: B75-F15 Media Reports - Week of 1985-04-14 to 1985-04-20 (April 14-20) Folder 1985
DA 1: B76-F01 Carbons - Constituent correspondence. January Folder 1984
DA 1: B76-F05 Carbons - Constituent correspondence. May Folder 1984
DA 1: B76-F13 Missouri National Recreation Project (bank stabilization) - Legislation (S. 403), statements, correspondence, background information Folder 1984
DA 1: B76-F22 Sioux River Bank Stabilization - Transcript of public hearing in Akron, Iowa Folder 1984
DA 1: B76-F23 Amendment to H.R. 2108 - Soil Conservation Act of 1985 - Sponsor - Draft C.E.N.D.A.K. Planning Report Folder 1985
DA 1: B76-F24 Big Sioux River Flood Control - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers study - Notes, correspondence Folder 1985
DA 1: B76-F25 Tower and Greenwood Irrigation - Proposed installation of riprap to stop erosion of agricultural land (Yankton Sioux Tribe) - Correspondence Folder 1981
DA 1: B76-F27 Turkey-Clay Creek Watershed - Objections to watershed plan - Petition, correspondence, supporting documents Folder 1984
DA 1: B76-F29 South Dakota water development - Constituent correspondence, legislation (H.R. 1510) Folder 1985
DA 1: B76-F30 Water Survey - Mini-poll on South Dakota water resource development. Fall 1985 Folder 1985
DA 1: B76-F35 Prospective payments for Medicare inpatient hospital services - Effect on rural hospitals - Correspondence, background information, press clips Folder 1983
DA 1: B61-F189 Gasohol - Boost for alcohol fuels - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1984 August 2 Folder 1984
DA 1: B61-F190 Alcohol Fuel Tax Incentive Uniformity Act - Introduction by Daschle in Congressional Record. 1983 October 7 Folder 1983
DA 1: B61-F192 Benefits of Alcohol Fuel - David Hallberg article in the Wheatgrower - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1984 February 9 Folder 1984
DA 1: B61-F200 H.R. 1024 - Amend Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act - Farmers Home Administration Deferral Bill - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1983 January 27 Folder 1983
DA 1: B61-F202 H.R. 1190 Agricultural Credit Act of 1983 - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1983 May 3 Folder 1983
DA 1: B61-F205 Argentina's economic crisis - Pressler statement in Congressional Record. 1984 April 4 Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F001 H.R. 1883 - Tax credit for solar energy construction (homebuilders) - Bill, status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F011 H.R. 2090 - Nondiscrimination in Insurance Act of 1983 - Equality of economic opportunities for men and women - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F015 H.R. 2187 - Compensation for blinded veterans with hearing disabilities - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F018 H.R. 2253 - Dairy Production Act of 1983 - Co-sponsor - Bill, status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F019 H.R. 2262 - Malt beverage licensing - Bill, status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F020 H.R. 2264 - Deductions from the proceeds of milk marketed commercially by producers - Bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F022 H.R. 2307 - Tribally Controlled Community College Assistance Act of 1978 amendment - Bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F028 H.R. 2414 - Agricultural Productivity Act - Co-sponsor - Co-sponsor letter from Jim Weaver Folder 1982
DA 1: B62-F029 H.R. 2449 - Prohibit implementation of regulations by Office of Personnel Management - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F031 H.R. 2546 - Federal Reserve Act amendment - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F033 H.R. 2599 - Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 amendment - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F034 H.R. 2615 - Amend Energy Conservation Weatherization of Low-Income Units to create employment - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F037 H.R. 2708 - Grants for improvement of proficiency in critical languages - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F039 H.R. 2746 - Voter registration - Co-sponsor - Status profile, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F042 H.R. 2911 - Water resources research - Bill, status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F044 H.R. 2928 - Reimburse producers for conservation practices on highly erodible land - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F048 H.R. 2977 - Church Audit Procedures Act of 1983 -Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F051 H.R. 2996 - Provide transportation to annual national meetings of Next of Kin of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F056 H.R. 3079 - Military Selective Service Act amendment - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F059 H.R. 3104 - Elephant Protection Act of 1983 - Co-sponsor - Status profile, Bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F066 H.R. 3300 - Veterans claims for benefits provisions - Co-sponsor - Bill, Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F073 H.R. 3478 - Bronze medal for men missing in Southeast Asia - Sponsor - Status profile, bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F075 H.R. 3502 - Patent Tern Restoration Act of 1983 - Co-sponsor - Status profile, bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F077 H.R. 3614 - Gold medal for daughter of Harry S. Truman - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F081 H.R. 3778 - Require congressional consent before combat forces are sent to Central America (Response to War Powers Act) - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F095 H.R. 4098 - Synthetic Fuels Corporation Fiscal Accountability Act of 1983 - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F106 H.R. 4294 - Naming of Veterans' Administration Centers in Altoona, Pennsylvania and Dublin Georgia - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F111 H.R. 4440 - Human Needs and World Security Act - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F113 H.R. 4468 - Native American Programs Act of 1974 amendment - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B62-F119 H.R. 4594 - Revoke the 3.5 percent pay raise for members of the House of Representatives - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F122 H.R. 4682 - Home Buyers Assistance Act of 1984 - Sponsor - Bill Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F134 H.R. 5092 - Equal pay for equal work - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F139 H.R. 5327 - Rural Housing Assistance Act of 1984 - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F140 H.R. 5377 - Trade agreement with Israel for import restrictions - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F145 H.R. 5617 - Veterans' Administration Housing - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F151 H.R. 5799 - Veterans preference on government contracts - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F153 H.R. 5903 - Amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F154 H.R. 5936 - User fees (referred to House Committee on Agriculture - Sponsor - Bill Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F155 H.R. 5937 - Gold medal to the family of Harry Chapin - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F158 H.R. 6021 - Repeal changes in the Tax Reform Act of 1984 regarding tax treatment of debt instruments - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F160 H.R. 6032 - Repeal tax code limitation on private activity bonds - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1984
DA 1: B62-F165 H.R. 6203 - Famine relief and recovery in developing countries (98th Congress 2nd Session) - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1984
DA 1: B63-F001 Financial records 1986 - Honoraria - receipts Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F004 Financial records 1982 - Honoraria - receipts Folder 1982
DA 1: B63-F011 Voting records - Missed vote file Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F015 H.R. 3008 - Federal Equitable Pay Practices Act of 1985 - Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F025 H.R. 2937 - Prohibit importation of live animals, meat, or meat food products produced using agricultural chemicals or drugs - Sponsor - Status profile, bill Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F027 H.R. 3393 - Eligibility requirements of the educational assistance program - Sponsor - Status profile, bill, Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F032 H.R. 4591 Importation of Canadian beef products - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter, bill Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F039 H.R. 5047 - Eliminate gender-based language in tax code - Cosponsor - Bill Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F058 H.Con.Res. 84 - Farmers Home Administration and Farm Credit Administration foreclosures - Co-sponsor - Dear colleague letter, memo Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F065 H.Con.Res. 169 - Campaign financing checkoff - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F067 H.Con.Res. 190 - National Commission on the Farm Credit System - Original co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter, bill Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F076 H.Con.Res. 354 - Farm operating loans - Sponsor - Bill Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F080 H.J.Res. 23 - Extend presidential vote to U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands - Co-sponsor - Bill text, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F082 H.J.Res. 33 - National Child Safety Week - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F086 H.Res. 74 Soviet persecution of Hebrew teachers and Jewish cultural activists - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F088 H.J.Res. 77 - National Alzheimer's Disease Month - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F089 H.J.Res. 85 - National Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Week - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F096 H.J.Res. 131 - Student financial aid - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F107 H.J.Res. 192 - National Day of Remembrance of Man's Inhumanity to Man (Armenian genocide) - Co-sponsor - Correspondence, bill Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F108 H.J.Res. 211 - Pledge of Allegiance at National Flag Day activities - Co-sponsor - Correspondence Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F110 H.J.Res. 263 - Baltic Freedom Day - Co-sponsor - Correspondence Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F114 H.J.Res. 293 - Anne Frank Day - Original Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter, bill Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F116 H.J.Res. 300 - Social Security Week - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F121 H.J.Res. 320 - National Adoption Week - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter, bill Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F130 H.J.Res. 439 - Centennial Year of the Gasoline Powered Automobile - Co-sponsor - Bill Folder 1985
DA 1: B63-F132 H.J.Res. 497 - Federal budget summit - Co-sponsor - Correspondence Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F133 H.J.Res. 500 - Baltic Freedom Day - Co-sponsor - Correspondence Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F134 H.J.Res. 519 - National Mathematics Awareness Week - Co-sponsor - Memo Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F139 H.J.Res. 542 - Older Americans Month - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter, bill Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F142 H.J.Res. 584 - National Women Veterans Recognition Week - Dear Colleague letters, status profile Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F143 H.J.Res. 589 - Ban 5350 Saudi arms sale - Co-sponsor - Supporting documents, bill, correspondence Folder 1986
DA 1: B63-F144 H.J.Res. 596 - National Andrei Sakharov Day - Dear Colleague letter Folder 1986
DA 1: B64-F001 H.J.Res. 1 - Amend constitution relative to equal rights - Co-sponsor - Status profile Folder 1983
DA 1: B64-F002 H.J.Res. 2 - Nuclear weapons freeze - Status profile, bill Folder 1983
DA 1: B64-F003 H.J.Res. 3 - Prevent nuclear testing - Status profile Folder 1983