Level of description
Digital object |
DA 1: B38-F156 |
Co-sign letter to Leonid I. Brezhnev regarding Latvian human rights and arrest of Zanis Skudra. 1979 October |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B38-F160 |
Co-sign Dear Colleague letter from John J. LaFalce urging greater use of modified open rule. 1979 August 14 |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B38-F161 |
Co-sign letter with Mikulski on the Impact of HEW Meals on Wheels Program. 1979 September 21 |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B38-F172 |
Co-sign letter to Sid Yates, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Interior, Committee on Appropriations, regarding Grass Rope irrigation project for the Lower Brule tribe. 1980 April 29 |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B39 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 39 |
Box |
DA 1: B39-F04 |
Daschle testimony before the Transportation Subcommittee of the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee -Milwaukee Railroad hearing. 1979 May 19 |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B39-F05 |
Daschle statement on H.R. 4788: Water Resources Development Act of 1979; Springfield Water Intake Facility; Public Works Committee |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B39-F18 |
Daschle statement in Congressional Record on S. 2427: Non-participants in the grain reserve program. 1980 April 1 |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B39-F19 |
Daschle statement in Congressional Record regarding Conference Report on H.R. 2269, Farmers Home Administration Economic Emergency Program. 1980 March 27 |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B39-F21 |
Dear Colleague letter from Thomas Foley and William Wampler regarding National Agriculture Day. 1980 April 28 |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B39-F24 |
Daschle statement on the Saturday Mail Delivery Act |
Folder |
undated |
DA 1: B39-F31 |
Daschle testimony before the Transportation Subcommittee of the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee; Milwaukee Rail Hearing. 1979 May 9 |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B39-F38 |
Daschle statement before the Antitrust, Monopoly and Business Rights Subcommittee, Senate Judiciary Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Small Business. |
Folder |
undated |
DA 1: B39-F39 |
Daschle statement in Congressional Record: Field Hearings on Rail Abandonment and the Office of Rail Public Council. 1979 November 15 |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B39-F42 |
Daschle statement in Congressional Record: Senate Provision to postpone K-Award increase for veterans. 1979 November 29 |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B39-F44 |
Daschle statement in Congressional Record: Meat Import Act of 1979; Revise the outdated 1964 act. in Favor of 1979 act. 1979 November 14 |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B39-F45 |
Daschle statement on Andrews Amendment to H.R. 2313; Copper-Volstead Act granting farmers the right to organize co-ops without regard to anti-trust. 1979 November 7 |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B39-F53 |
Daschle statement in Congressional Record on H.R. 7235, Harley O. Staggers Rail Act of 1980; Rail de-regulation. 1980 September 9 |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B39-F55 |
Daschle speech to Bread for the World Panel in Brookings. 1980 October 20 |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B39-F57 |
Daschle speech for the annual meeting and dedication of the new Kingbrook Rural Water System Dedication. 1980 October 9 |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B39-F63 |
M.X. Missile Briefing: Background information and correspondence. 1981 May 21 |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B39-F76 |
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Convention in Atlanta, Georgia: Schedule and correspondence |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B39-F81 |
Daily Schedule: 1981-03 (March) |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B39-F83 |
Daily Schedule: 1981-05 (May) |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B39-F86 |
Daily Schedule: 1981-08 (August) |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B40-F03 |
Small Business issues: Background information |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B40-F08 |
Agriculture Trip Book Material |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B40-F11 |
Schedule Summaries |
Folder |
1979-1986 |
DA 1: B40-F14 |
Schedule Book/County Visits |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B40-F16 |
Schedule Book/County Visits |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B41-F01 |
Rosebud Ranch and Farming Enterprise, Rosebud Sioux Tribe: Background information and correspondence |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B42 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 42 |
Box |
DA 1: B42-F09 |
Campaign Information: Mondale event; Staff meeting notes |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B42-F10 |
Campaign Information: N.V.C. mailings; Bulk mailing of fundraising correspondence |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B42-F11 |
Campaign Information: Daschle Election Day Manual |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B42-F19 |
Press clips: 1985-08 Various topics. (August) |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B42-F24 |
Medicare reconciliation Fiscal Year 1988: 1987 December 1-9 |
Folder |
1987 |
DA 1: B42-F25 |
Medicare reconciliation Fiscal Year 1988: 1987 December 10-1988 January |
Folder |
1987-1988 |
DA 1: B43-F01 |
H.R. 6196: Juvenile Indian Drug Abuse and Drug Abuse Prevention Act; Alcohol Letter; Supporting documents and correspondence |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B43-F03 |
Indian Issues: Miscellaneous |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B43-F06 |
Aberdeen area Bureau of Indian Affairs: Abolishment of Judicial Services Office 1983-1984; Correspondence and supporting documents |
Folder |
1983-1984 |
DA 1: B43-F11 |
American Indian current or proposed alcohol / drug programs 1981-1983 |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B43-F14 |
Council of Energy Resource Tribes, 98th Congress: Evaluation of program; Correspondence and news clip |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B43-F18 |
Trip to Pine Ridge May 28 |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B44-F01 |
Office equipment: Washington D.C. |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B08-F05 |
Social Security: Statements, press releases, supporting documents |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B08-F09 |
H.R. 6299: Guaranteed Social Security Cost of Living Benefit Increase; Daschle testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, Whip Advisory, newsletter |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B08-F11 |
Social Security financing crisis: Social Security Advisory Commission rescue plan; Dear Colleague letters, press clips, supporting documents |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B08-F15 |
Reagan Administration Social Security proposals: House campaign, Bell; Background information |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B08-F16 |
Social Security Trust Fund investments: Two Tier interest rate; Background information |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B08-F24 |
Hospital cost containment legislation: Background information, statistics, correspondence |
Folder |
1979 |
DA 1: B08-F36 |
Vietnam veteran Agent Orange claim: Supporting documents |
Folder |
1964 |
DA 1: B09-F01 |
Daschle 1983 Social Security meetings with constituents: Background information, statistics, talking points |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B09-F06 |
Health-Care Policy: Financier, Journal of Private Sector Policy, special issue |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B09-F10 |
H.R. 5600: To Amend Title 38, United States Code, to Restore Certain Social Security Benefits Repealed by Public Law 97-35; Supporting documents |
Folder |
1967 |
DA 1: B09-F14 |
American Legion Review of South Dakota Veterans Administration Hospitals; Correspondence, reports |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B09-F22 |
Social Security: Information for constituent service staff |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B09-F23 |
Social Security Issue Briefs/Newsletters Fraud and Abuse |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B09-F25 |
H.R. 4331: Social Security Minimum Benefit; Bill, supporting documents |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B09-F28 |
Texas Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange Convoy; Correspondence |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B10-F07 |
Carbons: Constituent correspondence, May |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F08 |
Carbons: Constituent correspondence, June |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F14 |
Unpledged Delegates: Congressman Smith |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F16 |
Hospital and Health Care Subcommittee: Field Hearings |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F17 |
Rick's Section; Old Information (1): Agriculture, civil service, various topics |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B10-F26 |
Daily Schedule: 1983-03 (February) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F33 |
Daily Schedule: 1983-09 (September) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F37 |
Whip, Memos, Meetings |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F39 |
Events: 1983-01 (January) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F45 |
Events: 1983-07 (July) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F48 |
Events: 1983-10 (October ) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F49 |
Events: 1983-11 (November) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B10-F50 |
Events: 1983-12 (December) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B11 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 11 |
Box |
DA 1: B11-F02 |
H.R. 1605: Revenue sharing reauthorization |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B11-F05 |
Postal Service: Private Express |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B11-F12 |
Postal Service: Zip Code |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B11-F21 |
Daily Schedule: 1982-01 (January) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B11-F23 |
Daily Schedule: 1982-03 (March) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B11-F30 |
Daily Schedule: 1982-10 (October) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B11-F32 |
Daily Schedule: 1982-12 (December) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B11-F33 |
April Invitations |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B12 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 12 |
Box |
DA 1: B12-F07 |
Indians Miscellaneous: 97th Congress (folder 2 of 3) |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B12-F10 |
Proposal to Close Flandreau and Other Bureau of Indian Affairs Boarding Schools |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B12-F16 |
Pine Ridge Tribal Court Problems 97th Congress |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B12-F19 |
Pete Young Buffalo: Religious freedom for prisoners |
Folder |
1978-1980 |
DA 1: B12-F21 |
ACKCO American Indian Professional Services (Indian Consulting Firm) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B12-F23 |
Fiscal Year 1982 Interior Appropriations |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B13-F09 |
H.R. 1400 |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B13-F13 |
Judicial Review Hearing 1983 August 26 |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B13-F16 |
Veterans Administration Revalidation Process for Major Construction Projects |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B13-F17 |
Veterans Administration Construction Hearings 1982 December 14 |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B13-F28 |
Mortgage Revenue Bonds |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B13-F34 |
H.R. 4786: Bankruptcy Improvements Act of 1981 |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B13-F44 |
H.R. 5180: SS Coverage of Hospice Care |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B13-F52 |
H.R. 5666: Defer payment of Principal and Interest of Loans |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B13-F53 |
H.R. 5944: Amend the Internal Revenue Code '54-mortgage Subsidy |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B13-F57 |
H.R. 6236: To Repeal Obsolete Language in Agricultural and Mechanical Arts Colleges |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B13-F59 |
H.R. 6485: Amend and Extend Tribally Controlled Community college Assistance Act of '78 |
Folder |
1982 |