Thomas Daschle House Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 1: B22-F35 Mid-East Letter Project: Nguyen My Thi-Thanh; Laos Folder 1978
DA 1: B23-F02 Article: Congressional News; Deficit Demands Reduction; National debt. 1984 January Folder 1984
DA 1: B23-F06 Vietnam Veterans In Congress: Membership lists Folder undated
DA 1: B23-F08 Tri-lateral Commission: North America, Western Europe, and Japan Folder 1978
DA 1: B23-F11 Sewall-Belmont House: National Historic Site; National Woman's Party; Suffrage Folder 1980
DA 1: B23-F12 Social Security Administration Phone numbers to Call Folder 1981
DA 1: B23-F15 South Dakota Primary Results Folder 1980
DA 1: B23-F17 Water project hearings: Memos Folder 1984
DA 1: B23-F18 White House Conference on Families: Newsletters Folder 1979
DA 1: B23-F26 Decline Invites January Folder 1984
DA 1: B23-F27 Decline Invites February Folder 1984
DA 1: B23-F31 Decline Invites June Folder 1984
DA 1: B23-F33 Decline Invites August Folder 1984
DA 1: B23-F41 Carbons: Constituent correspondence. September Folder 1983
DA 1: B23-F47 Alcohol: South Dakota Service Stations Which Sell Gasohol Folder undated
DA 1: B23-F51 Washington High School Chorus: Visit to Washington, D.C. Folder 1980
DA 1: B23-F54 Democratic Party National Platform issues: Works Progress Administration dams in South Dakota; Agriculture Folder 1984
DA 1: B23-F57 H.R. 3958: Gasohol Marketing Freedom Act Folder 1979
DA 1: B24-F04 Press releases: 1983-01 (January) Congressional Folder 1983
DA 1: B24-F08 Press releases: 1983-05 (May) Congressional Folder 1983
DA 1: B24-F10 Press releases: 1983-07 (July) Congressional Folder 1983
DA 1: B24-F34 South Dakota Democratic Party Officers Folder 1979
DA 1: B24-F44 Campaign: Budget Folder 1980
DA 1: B24-F45 Campaign: Ads in Lake Preston Times Folder 1980
DA 1: B25-F04 Daschle Record, The: Book 1: Codes-Agriculture Folder 1986
DA 1: B26-F01 Press clips: 1978 Abortion; Daschle/Thorsness Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F02 Article by Daschle: Los Angeles Times; Depression on the American Farm Folder 1981
DA 1: B26-F05 Press clips: 1978 Air Service; McGovern/Abdnor Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F07 Press clips: 1978 Business and Industry Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F08 Daschle/Roberts: Campaign Projects, correspondence, press releases Folder 1982
DA 1: B26-F12 Press clips: 1978 Education Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F16 Endorsement: League of Conservation Voters Folder 1982
DA 1: B26-F19 Campaign: Fundraising Folder 1981
DA 1: B26-F25 Press clips: 1978 Labor Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F32 Press clips: 1978 Taxes Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F33 Campaign: Thank You advertisement Folder undated
DA 1: B26-F34 Press clips: 1978 Thorsness; Campaign Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F35 Press clips: 1978 Water Policy Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F39 Campaign press releases: Clark County Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F41 Campaign press releases: Codington County Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F43 Campaign press releases: Deuel County Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F46 Campaign press releases: Hutchinson County Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F51 Campaign press releases: Minnehaha County Folder 1978
DA 1: B26-F54 Campaign press releases: Roberts County Folder 1978
DA 1: B27-F02 Agricultural Credit Situation and F.m.H.A (Farmers Home Administration) Loan Programs: House hearings; Committee on Agriculture; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-20 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F08 Department of Energy Prohibited Personnel Practices: Joint Hearing; House of Representatives; Committee on Energy Conservation and Commerce, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-44, Serial No. 98- Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F14 Federal Government Affirmative Action Policies and Programs: Joint Hearing; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office And Civil Service, Committee on the Judiciary; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 33, Serial No. 98-25 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F21 Mail Fraud/False Representation: Hearings on H.R. 3973; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-51 Folder 1982
DA 1: B28-F04 Bound publication: The Streambank Erosion Control Evaluation and Demonstration Act of 1974 Section 32, Public Law 93-251; Final Report to Congress; Main Report; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Folder 1981
DA 1: B28-F06 United States Department of Agriculture Backgrounders: 1985 Farm Bill Folder 1985
DA 1: B28-F08 Federal Trade Commission Study: Difference between cattle prices and retail prices of beef Folder 1985
DA 1: B28-F14 Annual Futures Industry Association conference hosted by COMEX (Commodity Exchange) in Boca Raton, Florida. March 8-10 Folder 1985
DA 1: B28-F26 Chicago/New York: Reagan Tax Plan; Glass-Steagall Act regarding securities brokerage activities; Eliminate state and local tax deduction. June 20-22 Folder 1985
DA 1: B28-F45 Ferraro visit to South Dakota: Campaign fundraising speech suggestions. September Folder 1985
DA 1: B29 Daschle House Papers - Box 29 Box
DA 1: B29-F04 Taiwan Trip: Keynote speaker for Taipei conference. January 10-11 Folder 1984
DA 1: B30-F03 Speaking engagement: Magnetic Peripherals, Inc., a Control Data Company. October 30 Folder 1984
DA 1: B30-F04 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco: Schedule and correspondence. July 16-19 Folder 1984
DA 1: B30-F09 South Dakota/D.C. Appointments: 1984-05 (May) Folder 1984
DA 1: B30-F10 South Dakota/D.C. Appointments: 1984-06 (June) Folder 1984
DA 1: B30-F11 South Dakota/D.C. Appointments: 1984-07 (July) Folder 1984
DA 1: B30-F13 South Dakota/D.C. Appointments: 1984-09 (September) Folder 1984
DA 1: B30-F16 Schedule: 1984-10-08 to 1984-10-14 Week of October 8-14 Folder 1984
DA 1: B30-F23 D.C. Appointments: 1985-04 (April) Folder 1985
DA 1: B31-F22 South Dakota/D.C. Schedule: 1983-02 (February) Folder 1983
DA 1: B31-F25 South Dakota/D.C. Schedule: 1983-05 (May) Folder 1983
DA 1: B32-F01 South Dakota/D.C. Schedule: 1983-07 (July) (1) Folder 1983
DA 1: B33 Daschle House Papers - Box 33 Box
DA 1: B33-F13 South Dakota Trip August 5-12 (David) (1) Folder 1979
DA 1: B33-F14 South Dakota Trip August 5-12 (David) (2) Folder 1979
DA 1: B33-F21 South Dakota Trip December 1-3 Folder 1979
DA 1: B33-F25 South Dakota Trip #3 February 12-16 Folder 1981
DA 1: B33-F31 South Dakota Trip #9 May 15-19 Folder 1981
DA 1: B33-F33 South Dakota Trip #11 May 29-June 1 Folder 1981
DA 1: B33-F34 South Dakota Trip #12 June 26-July 8 Folder 1981
DA 1: B58 Daschle House Papers - Box 58 Box
DA 1: B58-F01 Voting records - American Conservative Union Folder 1985
DA 1: B58-F05 Voting records - Conservative Caucus Research, Analysis and Education Foundation's Senate Report Folder 1986 circa
DA 1: B58-F07 Voting records - Review of the News Conservative Index Folder 1983
DA 1: B58-F08 Directory of Public Policies - American Institute of Architects Folder 1986
DA 1: B58-F10 Voting records - Associated General Contractors Folder 1977
DA 1: B58-F14 Business Executives for National Security, Inc. - Testimony, press Folder 1985
DA 1: B58-F20 Voting records - National Education Association Folder 1984
DA 1: B58-F21 Voting records - American Federation of Teachers A.F.L.-C.I.O. Folder 1980
DA 1: B58-F22 Voting records - United States Student Association Folder 1982
DA 1: B58-F29 Voting records - National Farmer's Union Folder 1980
DA 1: B58-F34 South Dakota water resource development - Survey, memos Folder 1985
DA 1: B58-F39 Spotlight, The - Weekly newspaper from Washington Folder 1986
DA 1: B59-F005 H.R. 27 - Strengthen penalty for use of firearms - Bill, Dear Colleague letter, legislative information Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F006 H.Res. 43 - Commend President Carter and Algeria for hostage release - Legislative information Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F012 H.R. 65 - Exempt from taxation Social Security benefits - Legislative information, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F015 H.Con.Res. 118 - Sale of airborne warning and control aircraft (AWACS) to Saudi Arabia - Legislative information Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F017 H.Res. 122 - Marketing of breastmilk substitutes - Bill, legislative information Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F021 H.R. 148 - Remove limits on charitable contributions of artistic work - Bill, legislative information Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F023 H.J.Res. 151 - Designate square dance as national folk dance - Bill Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F029 H.J.Res. 180 - Balanced budget constitutional amendment - Bill, statement Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F033 H.Con.Res. 190 - Postpone Social Security and veterans cost-of-living adjustments - Bill, legislative information Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F036 H.J.Res. 202 - African Refugee Relief Day - Draft bill, legislative information Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F040 H.J.Res. 220 - Proclaim Raoul Wallenberg an honorary U.S. citizen - Legislative information Folder 1981
DA 1: B59-F042 H.Res. 234 - Commending the cultural laureate program - Bill Folder 1981