Level of description
Digital object |
DA 1: B59-F172 |
H.R. 4126 - Amend Federal Meat Inspection Act Imported Meat Be Labeled as Such |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B59-F178 |
H.R. 4382 - Amend Social Security Act |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B59-F180 |
H.R. 4526 - Designate Sunflower as National Flower of the U.S. |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B59-F181 |
H.R. 4576 - Rural Enterprise Zone Act |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B60-F03 |
Congress, 98th - Daschle-sponsored legislation - Bills |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B64-F169 |
H.J.Res. 604 - African Refugees Relief Day - Co-sponsor - bill |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B64-F171 |
H.J.Res. 616 - Establish National Commission on Federal Budget Deficit Reductions - Co-sponsor - Bill |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B64-F172 |
H.J.Res. 624 - Freedom of the Press Day - Co-sponsor - status profile |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B64-F176 |
H.R. 822 - Prohibit and Negotiate with USSR for Limit on Chemical Weapons - Co-sponsor - status profile |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B64-F177 |
H.R. 873 - Temporary Natural Gas Market Correction Act of 1982 - Co-sponsor - Status profile |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B64-F182 |
H.R. 922 - Non-recourse Loans on Commodities Received as Payments in Kind - Co-sponsor - Dear Colleague letter |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B64-F184 |
H.R. 999 - American Conservation Crops Act of 1983 - Co-sponsor - Status profile |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B64-F195 |
H.R. 1190 - Emergency Agricultural Credit Act of 1983 - Co-sponsor - Status profile, bill, press release |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B64-F204 |
H.R. 1299 - Domestic Commodity Assistance Act of 1983 - H.R. 1300 - Appropriation for food distribution - Co-sponsor - Status profiles, Dear Colleagues letter |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B64-F206 |
H.R. 1400 - Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 1983 - Co-sponsor - Status profile |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B64-F207 |
H.R. 1415 - Protect automobile dealers from unfair price discrimination - Co-sponsor - Supporting documents |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B64-F216 |
H.R. 1597 - Renewable Energy National Security Act of 1983 - Co-sponsor - Status profile |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B64-F222 |
H.R. 1706 - Square Dance as National Folk Dance in U.S. - Co-sponsor - Status profile |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B65 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 65 |
Box |
DA 1: B65-F02 |
Press clips - 1984-02 (February) - Janklow |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B65-F04 |
Press clips - 1984-04 (April) - Janklow |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B65-F05 |
Press clips - 1984-07 (July) - Janklow |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B65-F06 |
Press clips - 1984-08 (August) - Janklow |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B65-F11 |
Press clips - 1985-02-14 to 1985-02-23 (February 14-23) - Janklow |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B65-F14 |
Press clips - 1985-04 (April) - Janklow |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B65-F15 |
Press clips - 1985-06-01 to 1985-06-04 (June 1-14) - Janklow |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B65-F21 |
Press clips - 1985-07-20 to 1985-07-31 (July 20-31) - Janklow |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B66 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 66 |
Box |
DA 1: B66-F06 |
Press clips - 1980 Miscellaneous |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B66-F09 |
Press clips - 1981-10 (October) |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B66-F13 |
Press clips - 1982-04 (April) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B66-F15 |
Press clips - 1982-06 (June) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B66-F16 |
Press clips - 1982-07 (July) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B66-F19 |
Press clips - 1982-10 (October) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B66-F23 |
Press clips - 1986-01-30 to 1986-01-31 (January 30-31) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B66-F24 |
Press clips - 1986-02-01 to 1986-02-05 (February 1-5) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B66-F25 |
Press clips - 1986-02-06 to 1986-02-10 (February 6-10) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B67 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 67 |
Box |
DA 1: B67-F02 |
Press clips - 1983-02 (February) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B67-F07 |
Press clips - 1983-07 (July) (folder 1 of 2) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B67-F10 |
Press clips - 1983-08 (August) (folder 2 of2) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B67-F11 |
Press clips - 1983-09 (September) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B67-F13 |
Press clips - 1983-11 (November) - Abdnor |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B67-F16 |
Press clips - 1984-02 (February) |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B68-F01 |
Press clips - 1986-02-11 to 198-02-15 (February 11-15) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B68-F10 |
Press clips - 1986-03-21 to 1986-03-25 (March 21-25) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B68-F11 |
Press clips - 1986-03-26 to 1986-03-31 (March 26-31) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B69 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 69 |
Box |
DA 1: B69-F04 |
Press clips - 1986-06-27 to 1986-06-30 (June 27-30) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B69-F09 |
Press clips - 1986-07-20 to 1986-07-24 (July 20-24) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B69-F15 |
Press clips - 1986-09-010to 1986-09-07 (September 1-7) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B69-F18 |
Press clips - 1986-09-16 to 1986-09-20 (September 16-20) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B70-F04 |
Campaign advertising - Tri-State Neighbor - Newspaper rates |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B70-F07 |
Campaign advertising - Statements. February-March |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B70-F08 |
Campaign advertising - Statements. June |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B70-F10 |
Campaign advertising - Statements. July 27-31 |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B70-F12 |
Campaign advertising - Statements. September |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B70-F16 |
Correspondence - Thank you's |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B70-F18 |
Receipts for overnight shipping |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B71-F14 |
Press releases - 1982-01 (January) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B71-F19 |
Press releases - 1982-06 (June) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B71-F22 |
Press releases - 1982-09 (September) |
Folder |
1982 |
DA 1: B71-F26 |
Press releases - 1983-01 (January) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B71-F34 |
Press releases - 1983-09 (September) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B71-F40 |
Press releases - 1984-03 (March) |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B71-F51 |
Press releases - 1985-02 (February) |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B71-F53 |
Press releases - 1985-04 (April) |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B71-F62 |
Press releases - 1986-04 (April) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B71-F63 |
Press releases - 1986-05 (May) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B72-F02 |
Press releases - 1983-02 (February) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B72-F04 |
Press releases - 1983-04 (April) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B72-F07 |
Press releases - 1983-07 (July) |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B72-F25 |
Press releases - 1984-12 (December) |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B72-F33 |
Press releases - 1985-04 (April) |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B72-F40 |
Washington Reports and Whip Reports - Daschle's weekly activity and schedule. January-October |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B73-F04 |
Press clips - 1986-05 (May) (folder 1 of 2) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B73-F05 |
Press clips - 1986-05 (May) (folder 2 of 2) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B74-F03 |
Press clips - 1986-04-04 to 1986-04-09 (April 4-9) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B74-F10 |
Press clips - 1986-10-22 to 1986-12-18 (October 22-December 18) |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B74-F15 |
National Association of Development Organizations Conference August 27 |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B74-F29 |
New York fundraising trip - Schedule. February 10-12 |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B74-F33 |
New York fundraising trip - Schedule, background information. April 10-14 |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B75 |
Daschle House Papers - Box 75 |
Box |
DA 1: B75-F01.4 |
Daschle Press System - 1980 |
Folder |
1980 |
DA 1: B75-F02 |
Media Reports - Week of 1985-01-13 to 1985-01-19 (January 13-19) |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B75-F05 |
Media Reports - Week of 1985-02-03 to 1985-02-09 (February 3-9) |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B75-F08 |
Media Reports - Week of 1985-02-24 to 1985-03-02 (February 24-March 2) |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B76-F02 |
Carbons - Constituent correspondence. March |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B76-F04 |
Carbons - Constituent correspondence. April |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B76-F09 |
Carbons - Constituent correspondence. September |
Folder |
1984 |
DA 1: B76-F12 |
National Child Abuse Coalition - Newsletter. December |
Folder |
1895 |
DA 1: B76-F14 |
Rosebud Rural Water Project - Farmers Home Administration funding of Phase 2 - Correspondence |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B76-F15 |
H.R. 3079 - Rural Water Development Act - Correspondence |
Folder |
1986 |
DA 1: B76-F31 |
WEB (Walworth-Edmunds-Brown) 99th Congress - Additional construction funds - Correspondence, press clips, supporting documents |
Folder |
1985 |
DA 1: B76-F32 |
H.R. 2361 - Health Care Cost Control Act of 1983 - Description, summary, statements in Congressional Record |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B76-F33 |
H.R. 4554 - Repeal of Health Planning Act of 1974 - Press clips, memos - H.R. 3722 - Luken-Lee Bill (Federal Trade Commission restrictions) - Press clips, legislation |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B76-F34 |
Hospice - Medicare funding proposal by Reagan administration - Press clips, correspondence |
Folder |
1983 |
DA 1: B76-F38 |
Modification of the Average Schedules (Jefferson Telephone Company) - Petitions for reconsideration, ICORE Local Exchange companies comments submitted to the Federal Communications Commission |
Folder |
1971 |
DA 1: B76-F39 |
Impact of Presidents 1983 budget - Health, welfare, medical statistics |
Folder |
1981 |
DA 1: B03-F126 |
H.R. 2829 Co-sponsor: Elder abuse |
Folder |
1985 |