Thomas A. Daschle U.S. Senate Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B036-F25 Daschle staff: Position inquiry - Ken Ballen Folder 1995
DA 2: B036-F57 Letters of recommendation: Minnesota Attorney General's Office position - Elizabeth Porter Folder 1995
DA 2: B036-F59 Letters of recommendation: Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Congressional Affairs - Kirk Robertson Folder 1995
DA 2: B036-F65 Economic Recovery and Homeland Security Act: Daschle Remarks at the Finance Committee mark-up Folder 2001
DA 2: B036-F67 September 11 terror attacks (9/11): International letters of condolence Folder 2001
DA 2: B037 Daschle Senate Papers - Box 37 Box
DA 2: B037-F12 Campaign office rental space: Dispute with Jay Rockefeller Folder 1995
DA 2: B037-F14 Jefferson Center: Citizens Jury process Folder 1994
DA 2: B037-F18 Political operations: Congressional coverage - Fund-raising, staffing, political plans Folder 1995
DA 2: B037-F19 Budget debate: Continuing resolution impasse, government shutdown Folder 1995
DA 2: B037-F22 Proposed Crime Strategy Folder 1995
DA 2: B037-F28 Senate Democratic Action Agenda for Remainder of the 104th Congress: Families First Folder 1996
DA 2: B037-F51 Senate Floor Agenda for April and May: Issues likely to come to the floor Folder 1996-04 to 1996-05
DA 2: B037-F52 Convention planning: Talking points - FLSA Regulations - Comparison of Medicare plans, public assistance statistics Folder 1996
DA 2: B037-F63 House Democratic Leadership: Caucus Amendment - New Caucus Rule 44 Folder 1994
DA 2: B037-F65 South Dakota Governor Bill Janklow immigration request on behalf of six Filipino nurses Folder 1996
DA 2: B037-F71 Office of Senate Legal Counsel: Appointments, law establishing office Folder 1995
DA 2: B037-F80 Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices: Ombudsman role in the U.S. Senate Folder 1996
DA 2: B037-F83 One Stop Shopping: Summary of Key Issues and Arguments - Phillips Colleges, Inc. summary Folder 1995
DA 2: B037-F87 Republican National Committee political attacks on Daschle: Gas tax, government shutdown - Daschle press release, factual analysis Folder 1996
DA 2: B037-F88 Mellman Group proposal for polling and focus group research: Logistics, sample survey Folder 1995
DA 2: B038-F02 Press Operation: Job descriptions, communications, strategy Folder 1995-1996
DA 2: B038-F05 Democratic strategy on regulatory reform: Memo for Minority Leader Folder 1995
DA 2: B038-F12 Senate Audit: Assesment and talking points Folder 1995
DA 2: B038-F19 Staff memoranda: Political and campaign strategy Folder 1995
DA 2: B038-F20 State of the Union Address: President Bill Clinton - Speech transcript, invitees to dinner, Republican response Folder 1/24/1995
DA 2: B038-F25 U.S. Marshall for the District of South Dakota: Vacancy Folder 1996
DA 2: B038-F26 Senate Democrats Working Group on Mexican Debt Crisis/Loan Guarantee Program: Membership list Folder undated
DA 2: B038-F33 Campaign finance: Return of Welk Family Foundation Trust contribution by Richard Glynn Folder 1996
DA 2: B038-F37 S.Res. 229: Whitewater Resolution - Staff memo Folder 1995
DA 2: B039 Daschle Senate Papers - Box 39 Box
DA 2: B039-F02 Ethanol and ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act): Extend tax incentives - Correspondence, background information Folder 1997
DA 2: B039-F08 Lou Gehrig's Disease: FDA approval of Myotrophin - Staff memoranda, correspondence, supporting documents Folder 1997
DA 2: B039-F10 Senate Democratic Leadership Meeting: Talking points, agenda Folder 1996
DA 2: B039-F11 Press articles: Daschle as Senate Minority Leader Folder 1996
DA 2: B039-F12 Campaign Finance Reform: GOP record on campaign finance - Democratic National Committee (DNC) literature, correspondence Folder 1997
DA 2: B039-F21 Peter Rouse correspondence Folder 2001-06 to 2001-08
DA 2: B039-F22 Peter Rouse correspondence Folder 2001-09
DA 2: B039-F30 Yankton Sioux Tribe lawsuit: Reservation boundary dispute - Press clips, staff memo Folder 1995
DA 2: B040-F03 Chief of Staff files: Correspondence, memoranda, background information on numerous issues Folder 2001
DA 2: B040-F16 Memoranda: LA Times briefing Folder 2001
DA 2: B040-F20 Renewable Fuels Act (RFA): Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) - Memoranda, correspondence, press articles, Daschle statement before Senate Agriculture Committee Folder 2000
DA 2: B040-F30 South Dakota Democratic Party: Judy Olson, Chair - Correspondence Folder 2001
DA 2: B040-F31 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee stationery samples Folder undated
DA 2: B040-F32 Tax and budget clips from the South Dakota media, including weekend trip clips Folder 2001-03
DA 2: B040-F33 Tom Daschle emails: Correspondence Folder 2001
DA 2: B040-F34 Press report: South Dakota trip Folder 2001-01-06 to 2001-01-08
DA 2: B041-F03 S. 2682: Civil War Battlefield Commemorative Coin Act of 1992 - Bill summary, correspondence, supporting documents Folder 1987
DA 2: B041-F08 S. 1963: Interstate Banking and Branching Act of 1994 - Memoranda, correspondence, press clips Folder 1994
DA 2: B041-F17 Savings and Loans: Reform - Research, supporting documents Folder 1989-1992
DA 2: B041-F19 Credit unions: Farm credit - Consolidated Farm Service Agency Hill Staff Briefing book, supporting documents Folder 1987-1995
DA 2: B042-F02 INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) Office in South Dakota: Harkin amendment to immigration bill Folder 1996
DA 2: B042-F04 Juvenile Justice and gun control legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives Folder 1999
DA 2: B042-F09 Various Legislation: Staff memoranda, background information, correspondence Folder 1993-2001
DA 2: B042-F13 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill for State Plans: National Guard role in war on drugs: Daschle correspondence, press release Folder 1997
DA 2: B042-F17 Disaster South Dakota Payment: Supporting documents Folder 1992-1997
DA 2: B043-F02 California MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether) Issue: Health and Environmental Assessment of MTBE - University of California Folder 1998-1999
DA 2: B043-F05 California MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether) Issue: Supporting documents Folder 1998-1999
DA 2: B043-F06 S. 964: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST) Equitable Compensation Act - JTAC (Joint Tribal-Federal Advisory Committee) Folder 1999
DA 2: B043-F11 Black Hills Army Depot (BHAD): Igloo, South Dakota - Correspondence, supporting documents Folder 1995-1996
DA 2: B043-F16 Mni Sose water project: Correspondence and supporting documents Folder 1996-1997
DA 2: B043-F22 Mining Reform: Mine waste remediation - Supporting documents, correspondence Folder 1993
DA 2: B043-F25 MBI International: Industrial biotechnology - Correspondence, background information Folder 1997-1998
DA 2: B044-F02 State of South Dakota versus the U.S. Corps of Engineers lawsuit: Missouri River Ecosystem - Certificate of Service, Summons, Complaint, Brief, and Application for Temporary Restraining Order Folder 2002
DA 2: B044-F06 Water Resource Development Act of 1998 (South Dakota Mitigation Bill): Missouri River Use - Supporting documents Folder 1994-2000
DA 2: B044-F13 Reformulated Gasoline (RFG) Study by General Accounting Office (GAO) Folder 1995
DA 2: B045-F09 South Dakota/Japan Business and Cultural Exchange Conference: Binder of trip background information including participants, agenda, events. 1988 November Folder 1988
DA 2: B045-F18 Trade mission to Japan and Korea: Set-up - Supporting documents Folder 1985-1988
DA 2: B045-F21 International Investments Seminar: Trade seminar - Sioux Falls, South Dakota Folder 8/25/1988
DA 2: B046-F07 South Dakota newspaper press clips: Daschle articles Folder 1996-1999
DA 2: B046-F11 Press from South Dakota trip: Media Reports, clips Folder 1999-11-20 to 1999-11-21
DA 2: B046-F19 Press from South Dakota trip: Black Hills - Media Reports, clips Folder 1999-05
DA 2: B046-F20 Democratic Steering and Coordination Committee (DSCC) Leadership Luncheon: Invited lists, agendas, lunch orders, memoranda Folder 1999
DA 2: B046-F24 Food orders: Done Folder 2002-2003
DA 2: B046-F29 Ranking Members Luncheon: Invited lists, agendas, lunch orders, memoranda Folder 2001-2002
DA 2: B047-F01 Hunger Prevention Act of 1988: Domestic and rural hunger - Correspondence, memoranda, Senate Agriculture Committee testimony, statements, press clips Folder 1987-1988
DA 2: B047-F02 Hunger Prevention Act of 1988: Domestic and rural hunger - Research - Governmental agencies Folder 1986-1988
DA 2: B047-F03 Hunger Prevention Act of 1988: Domestic and rural hunger - Research - Non-governmental agencies Folder 1987-1988
DA 2: B047-F06 Proposed food stamp rule changes: Research - Various governmental and non-governmental agencies Folder 1987-1988
DA 2: B047-F10 Constituent issue mail: Letters for Jerry (part 1 of 2) Folder 1986
DA 2: B047-F18 National Jewish Fund: National Tree of Life Award for Daschle Folder 1987
DA 2: B047-F19 CFSP (Comprehensive Child and Family Services Plan) under WIC: Baby formula - notes Folder undated
DA 2: B048-F09 Scheduling: Travel to Dallas, Texas for United We Stand event, and Nantucket, Massachusetts for Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) event Folder 1995-08-11 to 1995-08-13
DA 2: B048-F10 Scheduling: Travel to Omaha, Nebraska for Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) event Folder 8/23/1995
DA 2: B049-F49 Daily schedules Folder 1998-07
DA 2: B049-F52 Daily schedules Folder 1998-10
DA 2: B050 Daschle Senate Papers - Box 50 Box
DA 2: B050-F05 Kosovo post-air strikes: Correspondence and memoranda Folder 1999
DA 2: B050-F07 Kosovo post-air strikes: Notes, press clips and releases Folder 1999
DA 2: B050-F08 Kosovo resolutions: Correspondence and memoranda Folder 1999
DA 2: B050-F15 Bosnia / Croatia / Serbia / Yugoslavia: Military intervention Folder 1995-01 to 1995-07
DA 2: B050-F24 President Clinton trip to China: Remarks by the President, press conferences Folder 1998-06
DA 2: B051-F01 S. 1658: Wakpa Sica Reconciliation Place in Fort Pierre, South Dakota Folder 1998-1999
DA 2: B051-F04 North Shore land development by Crow Creek Sioux Tribe at Fort Thompson, South Dakota Folder 1996-1997
DA 2: B051-F07 Wakpa Sica Reconciliation Place in Fort Pierre, South Dakota: Funding for construction Folder 1998-1999
DA 2: B051-F08 American Indian trust funds management: Senate committee on Indian Affairs hearing Folder 1998-1999
DA 2: B051-F13 Senate Committee on Indian Affairs: Federal Taxation and American Indian Tribes Folder 1999
DA 2: B051-F14 Acquisition of Title to Land in Trust: Bureau of Indian Affairs regulations Folder 1999
DA 2: B051-F17 Building Rural America Venture Opportunities (BRAVO) Program: Initiatives for economic development, health care, and education for Native Americans Folder 1999
DA 2: B051-F25 Mni Wiconi Water Project: Cost reduction plan - Financial accountability - Correspondence Folder 1998-05