Thomas A. Daschle U.S. Senate Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B137-F046 Cosponsored legislation: S. 2481 - Indian Health Care Amendments Act Folder 1992
DA 2: B137-F047 Cosponsored legislation: S. 2515 - Veterans Employment and Training Act Folder 1992
DA 2: B137-F049 Cosponsored legislation: S. 2624 - Funding for Interagency Council on the Homeless, and Federal Emergency Management Food and Shelter Program Folder 1992
DA 2: B137-F055 Cosponsored legislation: S. 2926 - Western Expressway Corridor study Folder 1990
DA 2: B137-F061 Cosponsored legislation: S.Res. 14 - Review of Soviet economic benefits - Baltic States crisis Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F065 Cosponsored legislation: S.Res. 57 - Export Enhancement Program (EEP) bonus awards Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F067 Cosponsored legislation: S.Res. 90 - Welcome to Polish President Lech Walesa Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F068 Cosponsored legislation: S.Res. 92 - Death of Pennsylvania Senator John Heinz Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F072 Cosponsored legislation: S.Res. 117 - Soviet request for agricultural credit guarantees Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F073 Cosponsored legislation: S.Res. 131 - Assassination of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Ghandi Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F076 Cosponsored legislation: S.Con.Res. 13 - Success of Operation Desert Storm Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F085 Cosponsored legislation: S.Con.Res. 113 - Re-unification of Jerusalem 25th anniversary Folder 1992
DA 2: B137-F089 Cosponsored legislation: S.J.Res. 18 - Balanced Federal budget amendment to the Constitution Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F091 Cosponsored legislation: S.J.Res. 36 - Alzheimer's Disease Month Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F098 Cosponsored legislation: S.J.Res. 66 - Women and Girls in Sports Day Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F102 Cosponsored legislation: S.J.Res. 74 - Lyme Disease Awareness Week Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F108 Cosponsored legislation: S. 1328 - Advanced Manufacturing Technology Act Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F110 Cosponsored legislation: S. 1333 - Used Property for Humanitarian Relief Act Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F111 Cosponsored legislation: S. 1372 - Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F112 Cosponsored legislation: S. 1381 - Military Retirement Equity Act Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F115 Cosponsored legislation: S. 1553 - Marriage and family counseling for Persian Gulf veterans Folder 1991
DA 2: B137-F116 Cosponsored legislation: S. 1574 - Medicare Enrollment Improvement and Protection Act Folder 1991
DA 2: B151-F08 Subcommittee staff records: Agriculture Committee rules, protocols, and instructions; Folder 1989
DA 2: B151-F11 100th Congress legislative accomplishments: Agriculture Folder 1987-1988
DA 2: B151-F12 1989 Farm Program provisions: Sample forms, instructions, press Folder 1988-1989
DA 2: B151-F13 1990 Farm Program announcements: Press, correspondence Folder 1989-1990
DA 2: B151-F17 Aquaculture Technologies, Ltd.: Correspondence Folder 1989
DA 2: B151-F24 Sugar: Stakeholder correspondence Folder 1988-1989
DA 2: B151-F25 Sugar: Stakeholder correspondence Folder 1989
DA 2: B151-F29 Wool-Sheep: Background information, correspondence, press Folder 1989-1990
DA 2: B151-F32 National Farmers Organization (NFO): Correspondence, press Folder 1988-1989
DA2-B152 Daschle Senate Papers - Box 152 Box
DA 2: B153-F13 Trip Notes: Japan-Korea Folder 1988-02-07 to 1988-02-14
DA 2: B154-F01 Agricultural legislation: Goals, correspondence, SDSU Biostress Laboratory funding (part 1 of 2) Folder 1991
DA 2: B154-F02 Agricultural legislation: Goals, correspondence, SDSU Biostress Laboratory funding (part 2 of 2) Folder 1992-1993
DA 2: B154-F07 1990 Farm Act and 1990 Budget Reconciliation Act: Agricultural accomplishments - Background information, press Folder 1990-1991
DA 2: B154-F13 H.R. 2689: Reauthorization of the Federal Grain Inspection service - House Agriculture Subcommittees on General Farm Commodities and Foreign Agriculture and Hunger joint public hearing Folder 1993-08-04
DA 2: B155-F01 Disaster Relief Legislation: Background information, correspondence, press Folder 1990-1993
DA 2: B155-F03 Campaign: Senate - Daschle-Abdnor records on issues Folder 1986
DA 2: B155-F05 Land Letter: Newsletter for Natural Resource Professionals Folder 1989
DA 2: B155-F08 Land Letter: Newsletter for Natural Resource Professionals Folder 1992
DA 2: B155-F11 North American Free Trade Agreement: Concerns About Health and Food Safety Problems With Mexico - Meat inspection-trade Folder 1992-1993
DA 2: B155-F15 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP): Background information Folder 1993
DA 2: B155-F20 Food Safety: Background information - U.S. Government sources Folder 1971-1993
DA 2: B155-F22 Troy Murphy: Staff Assistant to Senator Daschle - Business cards Folder undated
DA 2: B156-F03 Senate Agriculture Committee: Issues - Background information - Research Folder 1993
DA 2: B156-F09 Senate Agriculture Committee: Issues - Memoranda Folder 1993-03 to 1993-04
DA 2: B156-F10 Senate Agriculture Committee: Issues - Supporting documents Folder 1993
DA 2: B156-F15 Conservation Reserve Program: Correspondence Folder 1989-1991
DA 2: B156-F19 Agriculture policy fundamentals: Research - Private sources Folder 1988-1992
DA 2: B157-F08 Agricultural Act of 1949: P.L. 100-73 and 100-77 Folder 1949
DA 2: B157-F14 Landfill 1991: Legislative activity Folder 1991
DA 2: B157-F15 Nutrition Programs: 102nd Congress - Background information Folder 1989-1991
DA 2: B158-F01 Crime bill: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) - Helms Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-positive health providers amendment - Quotes Folder 1991
DA 2: B158-F02 Crime bill: Background information, press Folder 1990-1991
DA 2: B158-F08 Crime bill: Provisions - Death penalty Folder 1991
DA 2: B158-F09 Crime bill: Provisions - Exclusionary bill - Exception for warrantless searches - Thurmond Folder 1991
DA 2: B158-F13 Brady Bill: Handgun control - Background information Folder 1981-1990
DA 2: B158-F15 Brady Bill: Handgun control - Correspondence, memoranda Folder 1987-1990
DA 2: B159-F04 Judicial immunity: Background information Folder 1991
DA 2: B159-F06 Capital punishment: Background information Folder 1989
DA 2: B159-F08 Siouxland Drug Task Force: Letter to Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) - Assignment of DEA agent Folder 1991
DA 2: B159-F10 Rural Crime and Drug Control Act of 1991: Daschle cosponsor Folder 1991
DA 2: B159-F11 S. 474: Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act - Daschle cosponsor Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B159-F13 Violence Against Women Act and Pornography Victims' Compensation Act: Legislative activity Folder 1991
DA 2: B159-F14 S. 2062: Equal Remedies Act - Civil rights liability cap - Background information Folder 1990-1992
DA 2: B159-F19 Crime bill provisions: Various police issues - Police Corps, Police Officers' Bill of Rights - Correspondence, memoranda Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B159-F27 Civil Rights Act of 1991: Press Folder 1991
DA 2: B160-F07 Black Hills Land Exchange: Southern Black Hills, Lands of America Folder 1987-1991
DA 2: B160-F12 Black Hills Land Transfer: Hisega - Press Folder 1986-1987
DA 2: B160-F13 Ancient Forest-Northern Spotted Owl: Legislation, background information Folder 1989-1990
DA 2: B161-F07 Daschle memo to staff: Political and legislative goals, general office policy Folder 1987-01-12
DA 2: B161-F08 Environment: Dear Colleague letters Folder 1987
DA 2: B161-F09 Endangered Species Act Reauthorization: Background information, correspondence Folder 1988
DA 2: B161-F24 Swift fox reintroduction: Badlands - Correspondence Folder 1987
DA 2: B161-F27 Association of National Grasslands: Visitor center - Prairie dog management - Background information Folder 1989-1991
DA 2: B161-F30 U.S.-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement: Chevron Industries correspondence Folder 1988
DA 2: B161-F35 S. 1429: Hazardous Waste Reduction Act - Legislation Folder 1987
DA 2: B161-F39 Japan-US Nuclear Cooperation Agreement: Correspondence, press, background information Folder 1988
DA 2: B161-F46 Paraseal water-proofing material: U.S. Army Laboratory Center (Harry Diamond Laboratory): Correspondence Folder 1989
DA 2: B162-F01 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: Federal protection and preservation - Background information Folder 1978-1990
DA 2: B162-F02 H.R. 4567: South Dakota Black Hills-Colorado Land Exchange - Homestake Mining Company and U.S. Forest Service - Daschle support Folder 1987-1990
DA 2: B162-F08 Scheduling: South Dakota invitations - Declined Folder 1994-06
DA2-B163 Daschle Senate Papers - Box 163 Box
DA 2: B163-F02 Abortion: Health insurance coverage Folder 1986-1995
DA 2: B163-F08 Abortion: Cases Folder 1986-1989
DA 2: B163-F09 Abortion: Cases Folder 1990-1992
DA 2: B163-F13 National Weather Service modernization: Closing of Huron office - Background information, notes, legislation Folder undated
DA 2: B164-F01 S. 1094: Service performed by air traffic control second-level supervisors and managers be made creditable for retirement purposes - Background information, bill Folder 1991
DA 2: B164-F05 Ellsworth Air Force Base housing: Correspondence, memoranda, press Folder 1986-1988
DA 2: B164-F10 Montreal Protocols: International air accident compensation - Correspondence, background information Folder 1990-1991
DA 2: B164-F18 Transportation legislation 1987: S. 676 - Consumer Rail Equity Act - Correspondence Folder 1988
DA 2: B164-F22 Transportation legislation 1987: S. 1184 - Airport and Airway Capacity Expansion Act of 1987 - Essential Air Service (EAS) - Background information, correspondence - Daschle statement Folder 1987
DA 2: B164-F25 Transportation legislation 1987: S. 1600 - FAA Independent Establishment Act of 1987 - Bill, statements, correspondence, notes Folder 1987-1988
DA2-B165 Daschle Senate Papers - Box 165 Box
DA 2: B165-F01 Pesticides: Circle of Poison - Background information Folder 1985-1993
DA 2: B165-F02 Pesticides: Circle of Poison - Correspondence, memoranda Folder 1990-1992
DA 2: B165-F05 Pesticides: Circle of Poison - Press Folder 1987-1993
DA 2: B165-F12 Agricultural research: Background information - Various sources Folder 1989
DA 2: B165-F13 Agricultural research: Background information Folder 1990-1991