Tex Lewis Papers - Box 18

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.33: B18-F06 Badlands - Exhibit cards with scientific names of plants Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F09 Badlands - Literature Review Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F10 Badlands - Paleontology Folder 1969
UA 53.33: B18-F15 Badlands - Sage Creek Basin Range Studies Tentative Range Soil Groups Folder 1965
UA 53.33: B18-F19 Biometer - Usage of Folder 1982
UA 53.33: B18-F27 Cottonwood Range Field Station - Weather Records Folder 1961-1966
UA 53.33: B18-F29 Course Material: RANG 200 Practical Range Management - Ecosystem concept (importance of in range management) Folder undated
UA 53.33: B18-F31 Course Material: RANG 200 Practical Range Management - Lab Folder undated
UA 53.33: B18-F34 Digitizing Table at Remote Sensing Institute Folder undated
UA 53.33: B18-F36 Heifer Weights - Wild Rye Folder 1983
UA 53.33: B18-F37 HPSD Weigh Days Folder undated
UA 53.33: B18-F41 Nematicide BNPP Folder 1982-1984
UA 53.33: B18-F44 Neutron Probe Completed Data Sheets Folder 1978-1985
UA 53.33: B18-F46 Photographs, Negatives, Slides Folder undated
UA 53.33: B18-F48 Photographs: Antelope Range Field Station - ewes and equipment Folder 1952-1953
UA 53.33: B18-F05 Badlands - Enclosure 1 to 8 Photographs Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F11 Badlands - Sage Creek Basin Range Studies gradients Classified in Tentative Range Soil Groups Folder 1965
UA 53.33: B18-F14 Badlands - Study Plan for Range Livestock Investigation in Sage Creek Basin Area Folder 1965
UA 53.33: B18-F17 Badlands Vegetation Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F23 Cottonwood Range Field Station Maps and Overlay Folder 1969, 1982, undated
UA 53.33: B18-F32 Course Material: RANG 300 Principles of Range Management Folder 1978
UA 53.33: B18-F38 Lew Bieger Data - Water intake by animals Folder 1982
UA 53.33: B18-F39 Management Objectives Handbook Folder 1977
UA 53.33: B18-F42 Nematicide Grazing Schedules Folder 1984
UA 53.33: B18-F01 AUM Calculation for Cow Project 700 Folder 1981-1982
UA 53.33: B18-F07 Badlands - Geology Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F12 Badlands - Sage Creek Basin Range Studies Machine Records Code Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F18 Badlands Water Resources Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F24 Cottonwood Range Field Station - Russian Wild Rye Use Map Folder 1983
UA 53.33: B18-F30 Course Material: RANG 200 Practical Range Management - Exams Folder 1979-1980
UA 53.33: B18-F33 Course Material: RANG 411 Range Improvement Folder 1984
UA 53.33: B18-F35 Grazing Land Applications Tutorial Material prepares by Texas A&M University Folder 1990
UA 53.33: B18-F45 Pilot Study for Quadrat Sorting Method Folder 1981
UA 53.33: B18-F49 Photographs: Antelope Range Field Station Folder undated
UA 53.33: B18-F02 Badlands - Basic Natural Resources Folder 1969
UA 53.33: B18-F03 Badlands Climatology Folder 1969
UA 53.33: B18-F04 Badlands - Description of Mammalian and Bird Ecol0gy Folder 1969
UA 53.33: B18-F08 Badlands - Handwritten Notes Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F13 Badlands - Sage Creek Basin Range Studies Procedures Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F16 Badlands Soils Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F20 CHAPS Yearling Appraisal Performance Software Manual Folder 1989
UA 53.33: B18-F21 Computer Program Descriptions Folder 1960s
UA 53.33: B18-F22 Computer Sheet Codes Folder undated
UA 53.33: B18-F25 Cottonwood Range Field Station - Use mapping Folder 1983-1984
UA 53.33: B18-F26 Cottonwood Range Field Station - Weather Data Folder 1956-1972
UA 53.33: B18-F28 Course Material: AS 442 Range Management Planning - Financial Summary Folder undated
UA 53.33: B18-F40 Monthly Summarized Station and Division Data Folder 1983-1985
UA 53.33: B18-F43 Nematicide Pasture Use History Folder 1983
UA 53.33: B18-F47 Photographs: Aerial View of Headquarters Building at Cottonwood Range Field Station Folder undated