Tex Lewis Papers - Box 15

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.33: B15-F01 Project 239: Grazing System Study Folder 1983
UA 53.33: B15-F10 Integrated Pest Management on Rangeland Folder 1987
UA 53.33: B15-F19 Low-Impact/Sustainable Agriculture [LISA] proposal - Pre-prosal, cattle, sheep Folder 1990
UA 53.33: B15-F21 Method for measuring trend in range condition on national forest ranges Folder 1951
UA 53.33: B15-F24 Overhead transparencies Folder undated
UA 53.33: B15-F26 Planning US Forest Service Rocky Mountain Region Folder 1958, 1974, undated
UA 53.33: B15-F13 John Dayle's theses - Bomb Calorimeter Folder 1968
UA 53.33: B15-F14 John Dayle's theses - Data Folder 1968
UA 53.33: B15-F15 Lab data sheets - hay, western wheat, other plants Folder 1953-1954
UA 53.33: B15-F17 Low-Impact/Sustainable Agriculture [LISA] Folder 1988
UA 53.33: B15-F20 Project 216: Medicine Butte Relic Area - Permanent line transects Folder 1966
UA 53.33: B15-F02 Project 239: Grazing System Study Folder 1983
UA 53.33: B15-F03 Project 239: Grazing System Study Folder 1983
UA 53.33: B15-F05 Great Plains Agricultural Council GP-6 Project - Seedling Extablishment of Range Plants in the Great Plains Folder 1958-1966
UA 53.33: B15-F06 Great Plains Council GPC-12 Committee minutes Folder 1983-1984, 1986
UA 53.33: B15-F09 Improved Grazing Management for the Mesic mix-grass prairie of SD Progress Report Folder 1990
UA 53.33: B15-F22 Michael G. Word lecture notes Folder 1985
UA 53.33: B15-F25 Palm top computers Folder 1992
UA 53.33: B15-F04 Project 239: Grazing System Study Folder 1983
UA 53.33: B15-F07 Great Plains Seeding Plans and records for grassed waterways, pasture plantings, range seedings, range interseeding, critical area Folder 1963
UA 53.33: B15-F08 Hardy, Lloyd Martin thesis data Folder 1959-1965
UA 53.33: B15-F11 International Faculty Exchange Interest Survey Folder 1991
UA 53.33: B15-F12 Inventory of IBP [International Biological Program Folder undated
UA 53.33: B15-F16 Livestock, Grazing, and Roughage balance sheets - Soil Conservation Service Folder 1976
UA 53.33: B15-F18 Low-Impact/Sustainable Agriculture [LISA] proposal - Mixed species grazing Folder 1989
UA 53.33: B15-F23 Nematicide Study Folder 1983