Station Biochemistry Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3.7 B02-F075 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Growth & Production w/ Rats Fed Selenite-Se Folder 1974
UA 5.3.7 B02-F076 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Growth & Selenium Content of Wheat Plants as Related to the Selenite Selenium Content of Soil Folder 1951
UA 5.3.7 B02-F081 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Increasing the Rate of Excretion of Selenium from Selenized Animals by the Administration of p-Bromobenzene Folder 1940
UA 5.3.7 B02-F083 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Inactivity of Dietary Trimethylselenonium Chloride against the Necrogenic Syndrome of the Rat Folder 1960
UA 5.3.7 B02-F085 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Influence of Arsenic on Selenium Poisoning in Hogs Folder 1941
UA 5.3.7 B01-F08 Station Biochemistry: Laboratory Facilities Survey Folder 1980 circa
UA 5.3.7 B02-F001 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Ability of Growing Rats to Detect Selenate in Water Folder undated
UA 5.3.7 B02-F011 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Biological Methylation of Selenium Folder undated
UA 5.3.7 B02-F013 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Calcium Chloride Matrix Modficiation for Preventing Sulfate Interference in the Determination of Molybdenum by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Folder 1987
UA 5.3.7 B02-F020 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Core Selenium Samples Folder 1976
UA 5.3.7 B02-F024 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Development of Hemolytic Anemia in Rats Fed Selenite Folder 1970
UA 5.3.7 B02-F029 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Distribution of Selenium and Arsenic in the Body Tissues of Rats Fed Selenium, Arsenic, and Selenium Plus Arsenic Folder 1950
UA 5.3.7 B02-F031 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Effect of Applications of Sea Salt or Certain Chemically Pure Salts on the Selenium Content of Wheat Plants Folder 1957
UA 5.3.7 B02-F035 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Effect of Arsenic on the Toxicity of Seleniferous Grains Folder 1938
UA 5.3.7 B02-F036 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Effect of Bentonites on Fluorometric Selenium Determination Folder 1981
UA 5.3.7 B02-F037 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Effect of Bromobenzene Administration on Selenium Excretion in Rats Folder 1982
UA 5.3.7 B02-F039 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Effect of Chlortetracycline on Methemoglobinemia Resulting from the Ingestion of Sodium Nitrate Ingestion of Sodium Nitrate by Ruminants Folder 1961
UA 5.3.7 B02-F042 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Effect of Exogenous Energy Sources on the Synthesis of ?-Galactosidase in Resting-Cell Suspensions of Escherichia coli Folder 1961
UA 5.3.7 B02-F046 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Effects of Poisonous Plants on Livestock Folder 1978
UA 5.3.7 B02-F047 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Effect of Route of Administration on Detoxication of Selenium by Arsenic Folder 1945
UA 5.3.7 B02-F048 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Effect of Selenate Ions on the Growth of Neurospora Crassa in the Presence of Various Sulfur Sources Folder 1961
UA 5.3.7 B02-F063 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Evolution of Volatile Selenium from Pierre Shale Supplied w/ Selenium 75 as Selenite or Selenate Folder 1958
UA 5.3.7 B02-F064 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Evolution of Volatile Selenium from Soils Folder 1968
UA 5.3.7 B02-F065 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: An Example of the Lack of Parallelism in the Metabolism of Sulfur & Selenium Folder 1973
UA 5.3.7 B02-F067 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Feeding Value of Beta - Carotene Following Treatment with N2O4 Folder 1963
UA 5.3.7 B02-F073 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Giant Desiccation Cracks in Central South Dakota Soils Folder 1970
UA 5.3.7 B02-F080 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: In vitro Effect of pH variations on Rumen Fermentation, and in Vivo Effects of Buffers in Lambs Before and After Adaptation to High Concentrate Diets Folder 1983
UA 5.3.7 B02-F082 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Identification of a Major Selenium Excretory Product in Rat Urine Folder 1969
UA 5.3.7 B02-F088 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Inhibition of Rat Liver Succinic Dehydrogenase by Selenium Compounds Folder 1953
UA 5.3.7 B02-F101 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Movement of Selenium from Germinating Seleniferous Grains Folder 1938
UA 5.3.7 B02-F102 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: NSF Pelican Study Proposal Folder 1971
UA 5.3.7 B02-F106 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: New Toxicant Occurring Naturally in Certain Samples of Plant Foodstuffs. VI. A Study of the Effect of Affected Grains on Growing Chicks Folder 1935
UA 5.3.7 B02-F108 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Nitrate & Vitamin A Interrelationships in Sheep Folder 1968
UA 5.3.7 B02-F109 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Nirtate: Its Effect on Carotene & Vitamin A Folder 1963
UA 5.3.7 B02-F116 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Occurrence of Selenium in Pleistocone Deposits & Their Derivatives in S. Daktoa Folder 1945
UA 5.3.7 B02-F118 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Occurrence of the Selenium Protective Principle of Flax in Hull & Embryo Fractions Folder 1955
UA 5.3.7 B02-F121 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Partial Prevention by Cyanide of Selenium Poisoning in Rats Folder 1979
UA 5.3.7 B02-F132 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Potassium, Phosphorus and Calcium Interrelationships Influencing Feedlot Performance and Phosphatic Urolithiasis in Lambs Folder 1970
UA 5.3.7 B02-F135 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Preventing Selenium Poisoning in Growing & Fattening Pigs Folder 1956
UA 5.3.7 B02-F136 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Proceedings of the 1990 Billings Land Reclamation Symposium on Selenium in Arid and Semiarid Environments, Western United States Folder 1990
UA 5.3.7 B03-F01 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Rate of Formation and Reduction of Nitrate-Induced Methemoglobin in vitro and in vivo as Influenced by Diet of Sheep and Age of Swine Folder 1965
UA 5.3.7 B03-F02 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Reaction of Glutahione with Methylseleninic Acid Folder 1975
UA 5.3.7 B03-F04 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Relation of Prenatal and Preweaning Treatment to the Effect of Arsanilic Acid on Selenium Poisoning in Weanling Pigs Folder 1959
UA 5.3.7 B03-F07 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Recommended Guidelines for Safe Levels of Selenium and Molybdenum in Livestock Drinking Water of the San Joaquin Valley Folder 1989
UA 5.3.7 B03-F12 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Selenium Analysis of Geological Materials by Various Methods in the San Joaquin Valley Folder 1985
UA 5.3.7 B03-F13 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Relationship of Selenium Toxicity to the Ester Sulfate Excretion and of Senosis Counteractive Agents to Sulfate and Selenite Metabolism in Albino Rats Folder 1969
UA 5.3.7 B03-F14 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Relative Toxicities of Selenite and Selnate in the Drinking Water of Rats Folder 1974
UA 5.3.7 B03-F25 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Selenium in Galacial and Associated Deposits Folder 1945
UA 5.3.7 B03-F26 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Selenium in Papers and Tobaccos Folder 1970
UA 5.3.7 B03-F28 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Selenium in South Dakota Ground and Surface Water Folder 1978
UA 5.3.7 B03-F29 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Selenium in South Dakota Waters Folder 1990
UA 5.3.7 B03-F32 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Selenium Newspaper Clippings Folder 1992
UA 5.3.7 B03-F33 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Selenium Papers by Oscar E. Olson Folder 1939-1980
UA 5.3.7 B03-F36 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Selenium Toxicity and Its Control Folder 1961
UA 5.3.7 B03-F39 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Selenoamino Acids in Tissues of Rats Administered Inorganic Selenioum Folder 1976
UA 5.3.7 B03-F40 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Silicon Facilitation of Copper Utilization in the Rat Folder 1990
UA 5.3.7 B03-F41 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Silicon-Zinc Interactions and Potential Roles for Dietary Zinc and Copper Minimizing Silica Urolthiasis in Rats Folder 1992
UA 5.3.7 B03-F42 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Simplified Pectrophotometric Analysis of Plants for Selenium Folder 1973
UA 5.3.7 B03-F47 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Some Factors Influencing the Toxicity of Selenium Folder 1941
UA 5.3.7 B03-F52 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Toxicity and Tissue Distribution of Mercury in Rats Fed Various Mercurial Compounds Folder 1972
UA 5.3.7 B03-F53 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Toxicity of and Nutritional Requirement for Selenium in Fish Folder 1985
UA 5.3.7 B03-F54 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Toxicity of Inorganic Selenium Salts to Chick Embryos Folder 1965
UA 5.3.7 B03-F60 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Unsolicited Proposal - Concentrations of Insecticides, Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Mercury in Lake Ecosystems of Southern Africa Folder 1974
UA 5.3.7 B03-F64 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Urinary Excretion of Silica and the Production of Siliceous Urinary Calculi in Rats Folder 1963
UA 5.3.7 B03-F65 Station Biochemistry Research and Publications: Use of the AOAC Flourometric Method for Selenium in Plants for the Analysis of Papers and Tobaccos Folder 1972
UA 5.3.7: B04-F03 Selenium Analysis Folder 1937-1976
UA 5.3.7: B04-F04 Budgets Folder 1939-1969
UA 5.3.7: B04-F05 Information for CSESS Review Folder 1960-1963
UA 5.3.7: B04-F07 Project-424 Urinary Calculi of Cattle and Sheep Folder 1963-1974
UA 5.3.7: B04-F012 Project-322 Metabolic Aspects of Cold Acclimation in Field Crops Folder 1967
UA 5.3.7: B04-F024 Project H-634 Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and DDT on Penned White Pelicans Folder 1972-1974
UA 5.3.7: B04-F025 Institutional Self Study Folder 1973-1974
UA 5.3.7: B04-F030 Project H-520 Modeling the Physical Chemistry of Soil-Water-Solute Systems Folder 1974-1982
UA 5.3.7: B04-F037 Project-968 Station Biochemistry Administration Folder 1980
UA 5.3.7: B04-F038 Project H-269 Degradation Rates and Pathways for Metolachlor in Soils and Plants Folder 1980-1981
UA 5.3.7: B04-F040 Hatch-00022 The Role of Temperature in Cereal Genome Structure and Expression Folder 1981-1982
UA 5.3.7: B04-F042 H-401 Oats and Barley Utilization for Livestock Folder 1981-1986
UA 5.3.7: B04-F043 Chemistry Department Agricultural Experiment Station Section Folder 1982
UA 5.3.7: B04-F046 Review Folder #2 C.V. Folder 1982
UA 5.3.7: B04-F047 H-422 Cellular Photosynthetic Processes and the Regulation of Photosynthesis Folder 1982-1986
UA 5.3.7: B04-F054 H-133 Investiation of Chemical Equilibrium in Soil Solutions Folder 1983-1986
UA 5.3.7: B04-F055 H-143 Interactions of Agricultural Chemicals in Soil Folder 1983-1986
UA 5.3.7: B04-F057 H-394 Mineral Nutrition and Metabolism in Animals Folder 1984-1988
UA 5.3.7: B04-F066 H-054 Mineral Nutrition and Metabolism in Animals Folder 1994-1999