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Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 3.5 B04-24 Political Buttons - Miscellaneous (President Quayle?) (St. Kennedy'd Day '99) (A Driving Force Pepper) Folder 1988, 1999
DA 3.5 B04-34 United States 3rd Century Commemorative Banner : 1990 July 4 Folder 1990
DA 3.5 B04-35 United States House of Representatives checkbook cover Folder undated
DA 3.5 B01-001 President George Bush - The Leader's Lecture Series : 1999 January 20 Folder 1999
DA 3.5 B01-002 President H.W. Emil Constantinescu of Romania at a Joint Meeting of the United States Congress : 1998 July 15 Folder 1998
DA 3.5 B01-005 100 Influential South Dakotans, Eyes On You, A South Dakota Publication, Summer 1993, pp. 10 : 1993 June Folder 1993
DA 3.5 B01-006 100 Yard Daschle by Jake Tapper, Talk, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 166-169, 204-205 : 2001 September Folder 2001
DA 3.5 B01-007 After a Year Pragmatic Cooperatioin With Democrats Lott Will Face Pressure To Turn More Partisan in 1998, by Chuck McCutcheon and Richard Sammon, CQ Monitor, pp. 18-19 : 1997 November 24 Folder 1997
DA 3.5 B01-013 Bush makes the rounds to build his case against Iraq, by Miles A. Pamper, CQ Weekly, pp. 2313-2318 : 2002 September 7 Folder 2002
DA 3.5 B01-014 Choosing a Leader - Senate Democrats weigh Sasser's proven experience against Daschle's youthful energy, by George Hager and Janet Hook, Congressional Quarterly, vol. 52, No. 23. pp. 1489-1501 (ALSO Behind Daschle's Mild Manner Is a Man on ther Move, pp. 1491-1493) : 1994 June 11 Folder 1994
DA 3.5 B01-018 Cover photo: Students from Boxelder Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center in SD present Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle a Holiday Tree, Job Corps in Action, Vol. 6, Nol.1, 1998 Winter Folder 1998
DA 3.5 B01-034 Democrats' Resurgence fueled by pragmatism, by Jackie Koszczuk, Congressional Quarterly, Vol. 54, Nol. 18, pp. 1502-1210 : 1996 May 4 Folder 1996
DA 3.5 B01-040 Follow the Minoity Leader-Senatorial Gains Put Daschle in the Driver's Seat, by Mark Preston, Roll Call, Vol. 46, No. 34, pp. 1, 26 : 2000 November 11 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-049 In love with a lobbyist, by Sheila Kaplan, George, pp. 70 Folder undated
DA 3.5 B01-054 Lott indicates talks underway to break Senate logjam, National Journal's Congress Daily, pp. 1-2 : 1997 October 28 Folder 1997
DA 3.5 B01-059 New Faces in Congress - Moving Up, Dossier, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 44-45 : 1987 January Folder 1987
DA 3.5 B01-060 Nice Job, Turkey Fingers, (hand-tracing art), Time, pp. 24 : 1997 December 1 Folder 1997
DA 3.5 B01-066 Senate Finance Chairman's Agenda Trumped by Democratic Leader, by Alan K. Ota and Jill Barshay, CQ Weekly, pp. 2518-2522 : 2000 September 28 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-067 Senate, House Democratic Chiefs Pursued Differing Agendas, by Chuck McCutcheon and Elizabeth A. Palmer, CQ Monitor, pp. 25 : 1997 November 24 Folder 1997
DA 3.5 B01-068 Senate Leaders Begin Face-to-Face Talks on Organization by Matthew Tutly, CQ Daily Monitor, pp. 4 : 2000 December 8 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-070 Senators Debate How Much Power to Share, CQ Monitor, Vol. 36, Nol. 160, pp. 1-2 : 2000 December 5 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-075 Tom Daschle's Hidden Weapon, The Economist, pp. 30 : 1999 January 23 Folder 1999
DA 3.5 B01-078 We've Got to Sustain Rural Postal Facilities, by Renee Reede, Postmasters Gazette, pp. 16-17 : 2002 August Folder 2002
DA 3.5 B01-079 When I Grow Up, by Clara Jacob, Family Time The Guide to Family Life in Sioux Falls, pp. 6-11: 1998 March-April Folder 1998
DA 3.5 B01-086 Biographical Information Senator George Mitchell of Maine Folder undated
DA 3.5 B01-087 Brief History, Ten Outstanding Young Men : 1938-1979, The United State Jaycees Folder 1979
DA 3.5 B01-088 Bringing Prosperity Home - Choices for America's Families - the Gore-Lieberman Plan : 2000 October Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-090 Congressional Pictorial Directory, 101st Congress : Folder 1989
DA 3.5 B01-091 Congressional Quarterly - Committees of the 101st Congress, Vol. 47, No. 18, Suppl. : 1989 May 6 Folder 1989
DA 3.5 B01-094 Congressional Quarterly - Players, Politics and Turf of the 103rd Congress, Vol. 52, No. 9, Suppl., 1994 March 5 Folder 1994
DA 3.5 B02-04 Ending Airport Agony Leaders Special Reports Folder undated
DA 3.5 B02-06 Gift of Life (abortion, Papal Sin) Folder undated
DA 3.5 B02-28 Trent Lott and His Fierce Freshmen, The New York Times Magazine, pp. 40-48 : 1997 February 2 Folder 1997
DA 3.5 B02-30 United States Senate One Hundredth Congress pamphlet Folder 1987
DA 3.5 B02-32 Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, Vol. 31, No. 44, pp. 1951-1982 : 1995 November 6 Folder 1995
DA 3.5 B02-35 Why House Members Run: The Lure of the Senate, Congressional Quarterly, pp. 991: 1985 May 25 Folder 1985
DA 3.5 B02-47 Civil Aeronautics Board United States of America Patch Folder undated
DA 3.5 B02-50 Daschle's Pomtomac Maintenance Notebook (includes photo) Folder 1977-1987
DA 3.5 B02-55 Gavel - Used to convene the US House of Representatives - Presented to Senator Tom Daschle on his 40th Birthday by James Wright Speaker : 1987 December 9 Folder 1987
DA 3.5 B02-61 Kenner Lecture : 2003 November 9 Folder 2003
DA 3.5 B03-03 License Plates - 100th Congress - S - 95 Folder 1987
DA 3.5 B03-08 Miscellaneous pins Folder undated
DA 3.5 B03-13 Piano Recital expressly for Senator Tom Daschle by Stephanie, Jennifer and Lisa Wang : 1991 December 5 Folder 1991
DA 3.5 B03-14 Pro-Boxing Poster Signed by Pat Lightfoot Jefferson 1981 October 29 Folder 1981
DA 3.5 B03-15 Rolling Stones tickets and back stage pass : 1997 October 23 Folder 1997
DA 3.5 B03-16 Royal Caribbean Cruise - Captain's Table Menu Folder undated
DA 3.5 B03-25 Stamps - Flag Over Mount Rushmore US Postage Stamp : 1991 July 4 Folder 1991
DA 3.5 B03-26 Stamps - Georgia O'Keefe US Commemorative Stamp : 1996 May 23 Folder 1996
DA 3.5 B03-32 U.S House of Representatives - Congressman Tom Daschle South Dakota Marble Paper Weight Folder undated
DA 3.5 B03-34 American Political Systems Research Paper 1998 Senate Race - Thomas A. Daschle (D), Incumbent, SD, by John Stevens : 1999 November 2 Folder 1999
DA 3.5 B03-44 Hall, Louise, Poem - for Senate Byrd in appreciation of his comment on the floor (mother of Linda Hall Daschle) : 2002 September 13 Folder 2002
DA 3.5 B03-51 Lynn Smokey Hart Biography Folder 1996
DA 3.5 B03-60 Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Luncheon : 2004 March 4 Folder 2004
DA 3.5 B03-65 Sitting Bull Quote Folder 1877
DA 3.5 B03-71 Statement by Senator Jon Corzine Chairman Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee : 2003 May 7 Folder 2003
DA 3.5 B03-76 Tribute Delivered in Congress - Thomas A. Daschle United States Congressman 1979-1987 United States Senator 1987-2005 Folder 2005
DA 3.5 B03-80 Daschle armband Folder undated
DA 3.5 B03-82 Daschle Business cards : Congress and Senate Folder undated
DA 3.5 B03-83 Daschle's Taxes Stole My Lexus Bumper Sticker Folder undated
DA 3.5 B03-86 Democratic National Convention: Memorabilia Folder 1988
DA 3.5 B03-89 Health Care That's Always There Button Folder undated
DA 3.5 B03-93 State Party - The Majority Club (pin) : 1983 November 5 Folder 1983
DA 3.5 B03-97 Wood Cut-out - Donkey one side Elephant one side Folder 1994
DA 3.5 B04-02 1980 Election Argument Settler Folder 1980
DA 3.5 B04-04 Capitol Card - Alex Sanders For Senate Folder 2002
DA 3.5 B04-18 NATO Summit Identification Card Folder undated
DA 3.5 B04-21 No Tanks Iraq I use ethanol! bumper sticker Folder undated
DA 3.5 B04-28 Republican Donut Seeds Folder undated
DA 3.5 B04-37 bumper sticker Folder undated
DA 3.5 B01-003 President Kim Dae-jung of the Republic of Korea at a Joint Meeting of the United States Congress : 1998 June 10 Folder 1998
DA 3.5 B01-015 Clintonizer - How Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle became the President's Secret Weapon, by Joe Klein, The New Yorker, Vol. 73, No. 19, pp. 35-37 : 1997 July 14 Folder 1997
DA 3.5 B01-016 Compensate for Agent Orange Exposure - VFW, VFW Magazine, Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 42-43, 46-47 : 1983 January Folder 1983
DA 3.5 B01-026 Daschle Standing Tall, by David S. Broder, The Washington Post, pp. 87 : 2000 December 31 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-031 Democrats May Rule Senate for 17 Days, The Washington Post : 2000 November 29 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-032 Democrats on Senate Finance Could Hold Bush's Future, by Bill Swindell, CQ Daily Monitor, pp. 3 : 2000 December 18 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-033 Democrat's Pitch for Parity, by Andrew Taylor, CQ Weekly, pp. 2802-2804 : 2000 December 9 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-035 Dems Eye Closer Panel Margins, National Journal, Congress Daily AM : 2000 November 15 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-036 Electrion '86 - Short Coattails: New faces in the Senate Prairie Boy, Time, pp. 42 : 1986 November 17 Folder 1986
DA 3.5 B01-038 Fighting Across the Aisle, by Karen Tumulty, Time : pp. 34-37 : 2002 October 7 Folder 2002
DA 3.5 B01-039 Fighting for his life, by Kirk Victor, National Journal, No. 42, pp. 2134-3131 : 2004 October 16 Folder 2004
DA 3.5 B01-046 High anxiety for Democrats, by Gloria Borger, US News & World Report, p. 48 : 2002 September 30 Folder 2002
DA 3.5 B01-048 House and Senate Divided - After pickups, Daschle Eyues more panel slots, by Mark Preston, Roll Call, Vol. 46, No. 33, pp. 33 : 2000 November 9 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-050 Intercom - Senator Flies in the B-1B, Air Force Magazine, Vol 70, No. 7, pp. 109 : 1987 July Folder 1987
DA 3.5 B01-053 Lott, Daschle show flexibility in talks on organizing Senate, by Andrew Taylor, CQ Weekly, pp. 2848-2849 : 2000 December 16 Folder 2000
DA 3.5 B01-062 Rapid City Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Japanese Visitors: by Julie Hensen, Invensment Report, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 8 : 1988 November Folder 1988
DA 3.5 B01-069 Senate Steers Focus to News RFS BIll; House Passes RFS in Energy Bill, Octane Week : 2003 Arpil 14 Folder 2003
DA 3.5 B01-073 Tales of Finding Love, Alicia Abell and Courtney Rubin, Washingtonian, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 58 : 1998 February Folder 1998
DA 3.5 B01-076 Tom Daschle's Struggle to Save the Dems. Last, Best Hope, by Michael Crowly, The New Republic, Vol 224, No. 13, Iss. 4,497, pp. 21-25 : 2001 Marh 26 Folder 2001
DA 3.5 B01-077 Tribute to Senator Tom Daschle - The Personification of Caring in Public Service, by Val, J. Halamanderis, Caring Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 36-38 : 2002 August Folder 2002
DA 3.5 B01-080 Who Will Save the Democratic Party? by Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, pp. 174-183: 2001 October Folder 2001
DA 3.5 B01-083 World Spotlight - Senator Tom Daschle, by Jane Ammeson, World Traveler, (Northwest Airlines), pp. 68, 70, 74, 76 : 1996 January Folder 1996
DA 3.5 B01-092 Congressional Quarterly - Guide to the 1992 Democratic National Convention July B-1B, Vol 50., No. 27 Suppl., 1992 July 4 Folder 1992
DA 3.5 B01-095 Congressional Quarterly - The New Congress, Vol. 51, Nol. 3, Suppl. : 1993 January 16 Folder 1993
DA 3.5 B01-096 Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report - Special Report - A Delicate Balance, Vol. 55, No. 18 : 1997 May 3 Folder 1997
DA 3.5 B01-101 Disabled American Veterans - DAV Folder 2004
DA 3.5 B02-02 Finally Respect (Jimmy Carter) Chicago Tribune Magazine, pp. 10-19 : 1990 July 8 Folder 1990
DA 3.5 B02-03 Freedom Alert - A Publication of the Fund for Freedom : 1986 September Folder 1986
DA 3.5 B02-05 George - Farewell Issue : 2001 May 31 Folder 2001
DA 3.5 B02-08 Leader's Lecture Series Folder 1998-1999
DA 3.5 B02-09 Lincoln Portrait by Aaron Copland (Score) Folder 1943