Identity elements
Reference code
UA 17: B01-F48
Name and location of repository
Level of description
STATE - A Magazine for SDSU Alumni and Friends
- 1997 Autumn, v. 86, no. 3 (Creation)
- 1997 Winter, v. 86, no. 4 (Creation)
2 copies of each
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
- Volume 86, Number 3 1997 Autumn
- Hobnobbing with Hobos
- Famous Photo, Famous Myth - Hobo Day
- Flying with Hurricanes - Lowell Genzlinger
- Rommates stay friends
- Campanile appear
-Performing Arts Center
- Volume 86 Number 4 1997 Winter
- Constance Goodwillie: My Dad built the Campanile
- Old North 1887 to 1962
- Celebration sets tone for Campanile's Return to Glory
- Me; Jemrocjsem: For the kids - bookstore