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UA 17: B02-F11
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STATE - A Magazine for SDSU Alumni and Friends
- 2021 (Creation)
No. 1 - 1 copy
No. 2 - 2 copies
No. 3 - 2 copies
Name of creator
Content and structure elements
Scope and content
- Volume 110, No. 1, 2021 Winter [1 copy]
- Ted Sjurseth - University Transportation Center student of the year
- Cody Christensen - Laursen Award - Aviation
- Robert McTaggert - Physics society honors
- Students help older adults exercise
- Tyler Bish - National Collegiate Livestock Judging
- Concrete degree
- American Indian Student Center
- Kendra Alvizures - Thomas R. Pickering Foerign Affairs Fellowship
- Thodes Scholar and Pickering Fellows
- Blake Treinen - World Series Champion - baseball
- Covid-19 and Campus Fall 2020
- Student Nurses and pharmacists assist with COVID effort
- Women's basketball - 500 and counting - Aaron Johnston
- Glenna (Schauer) Fourberg
- Leslie Roberts
- Bel Brands - Jake Anderson
- Volume 110, No. 2, 2021 Summer [2 copies]
- SDSU Engineers use satellite images to protect national security
- Andrew Haldeman - Professional Football Athletic Trainers Society John Norwig Scholarship
- Dapeng Li - Modeling dire wildlife circumstances and help save lives
- Road to Frisco - Football
- Preston Tetzlaff earns Elite 90 award - football
- SDSU Softball emerges - NCAA regional tournament
- Class of 2021 - first to have outdoor ceremony in 49 years - graduation
- First-time champions - cheerleaders
- Gary Gacjstetter - Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory
- Pride of the Dakotas - Macy's parade 2022
- Historic Fall - One Day for State, Miller Wellness Center, Chicoine Architecture, Mathematics, and Engineering Hall dedication, endowed professorships, Raven Precision Agriculture Center Dedication, American Indian Student Center dedication
- Carol Hepper obituary
- Maxine Wilcox obituary
- Volume 110, No. 3, 2021 Fall [2 copies]
- Veterans honored, CIM ribbon cutting, Sander Endowed professor
- First Bank & Trust provides lead gift - Frost Arena remodel
- Paris Marcy - national leadership honor
- Kyle Clement named cadet of the year
- Augustina Osabutey - doctoral student creates nonprofit for STEM, teens
- Mitch Maguire - Managing director of Paisley Park
- Internships - Parker Bailey - Bailey Dergan - Jessica Rau
- Raven Precision Agriculture Center dedication
- Lohr legacy grown with endowed dean
- Grad takes stage with air force band - Mike Roe