SD Resources Coalition - Box 21

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
MA 27: B21-F05 GMO's Genetically Modified Organisims: clippings Folder 2007
MA 27: B21-F29 Irrigation: CENDAK: clippings Folder 1981-1999
MA 27: B21-F30 Irrigation: CENDAK: correspondence Folder 1984-1987
MA 27: B21-F44 James River (N.D. and S.D.): Floodplain management Folder 2002
MA 27: B21-F48 James River (N.D. and S.D.): No Scenic / Recreational Designation for the James -- Again!! Folder 1978 February 8
MA 27: B21-F49 James River (N.D. and S.D.): Scenic River Nomination James River Stratford Slough -- Brown County T122 N; R 62 W [map] Folder 1976 circa
MA 27: B21-F59 Keystone: Final Environmental Impact Statement - for the Keystone Oil Pipeline Project Folder 2008 January 11
MA 27: B21-F63 Keystone: Newsletter by Dakotans Concerned with the TransCanada Pipeline Folder 2007
MA 27: B21-F66 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Applicant's Testimony Folder 2007
MA 27: B21-F78 Keystone: TransCanada - Keystone Crude Oil Pipeline Folder 2007 circa
MA 27: B21-F02 Forests and biodiversity: Miscellaneous Folder 1988-2000, undated
MA 27: B21-F06 Groundwater: Farming & Groundwater - An Introduction Folder 1988
MA 27: B21-F13 Groundwater: South Dakota Ground Water Protection Strategy Folder 1988 September
MA 27: B21-F14 Groundwater: South Dakota Ground Water Protection Strategy Support Document Folder 1987 April
MA 27: B21-F16 Groundwater: Summary of Groundwater in South Dakota Folder 1986 April
MA 27: B21-F21 Health and Environmental Contaminants: Miscellaneous Folder 2003
MA 27: B21-F23 Herbicides: Miscellaneous Folder 1984-1986
MA 27: B21-F25 Hyperion Oil Refinery - 2008 Folder 2008
MA 27: B21-F31 Irrigation: CENDAK: Irrigation Project Master Plan Folder 1981 September
MA 27: B21-F32 Irrigation: CENDAK: miscellaneous Folder 1983-1993, undated
MA 27: B21-F35 Irrigation: CENDAK: Review and Analysis of CENDAK Irrigation Project Master Plan Folder 1981 November
MA 27: B21-F45 James River (N.D. and S.D.): James River Slide Show - An Introduction to Its Present Ecology and Its Possible Future Folder 1983
MA 27: B21-F47 James River (N.D. and S.D.): Miscellaneous Folder 1983-1989
MA 27: B21-F51 Keystone: Correspondence Folder 2007-2008
MA 27: B21-F54 Keystone: Correspondence Folder 2011-2012
MA 27: B21-F55 Keystone: Correspondence Folder 2016-2017
MA 27: B21-F57 Keystone: Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Testimony Folder 2007 September 13
MA 27: B21-F62 Keystone: Miscellaeous Folder 2009-2012
MA 27: B21-F71 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Intervenors' Testimony, November 2 Folder 2007 November 2
MA 27: B21-F72 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Keystone's Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Folder 2008 January
MA 27: B21-F74 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Scheduling and Procedural Orders Folder 2007
MA 27: B21-F01 Farms: Kor Farms Folder 1999 circa
MA 27: B21-F09 Groundwater: Legislation Folder 1986
MA 27: B21-F12 Groundwater: South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Miscellaneous Folder undated
MA 27: B21-F18 Hazardous wastes: South Dakota Folder 2004
MA 27: B21-F20 Hazardous wastes: Whitewood Creek Superfund Site Folder 1990 January, September
MA 27: B21-F22 Health and Environmental Contaminants: SDRC Position papers Folder 1990
MA 27: B21-F24 Hyperion Oil Refinery - 2007 Folder 2007
MA 27: B21-F26 Hyperion Oil Refinery - 2009-2010 Folder 2009-2010
MA 27: B21-F33 Irrigation: CENDAK: Missouri Breaks Chapter of the National Audubon Society - Materials Folder 1982-1987
MA 27: B21-F34 Irrigation: CENDAK: Plan of Study Working Draft - Central South Dakota Water Supply System (CENDAK) Draft Folder 1982 September
MA 27: B21-F38 Irrigation: KESD comments on SB197 [1978 SD Legislative Session] Folder 1978
MA 27: B21-F40 Irrigation: Oahe Unit: Pierre Canal and Blunt Reservoir Folder 2006-2007
MA 27: B21-F41 Irrigation: Oahe Unit: SDRC Position papers Folder 1980
MA 27: B21-F50 James River (N.D. and S.D.): Statement of Esther Edie on Scenic / Recreational Designation for the James River Folder 1976 September 28
MA 27: B21-F53 Keystone: Correspondence Folder 2009-2010
MA 27: B21-F56 Keystone: Draft Environmental Impact Statement - for the Keystone Oil Pipeline Project Folder 2007 August 10
MA 27: B21-F60 Keystone: Landowner and TransCanada communications and offers Folder 2007
MA 27: B21-F64 Keystone: Pipeline Safety - Memorandum for the [USA] Secretary of Transportation Folder 2000 November 3
MA 27: B21-F67 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Commission State Reply Brief Folder 2008 January
MA 27: B21-F69 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Final Decision and Order Folder 2008 March 11
MA 27: B21-F70 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Intervenors' Testimony, October Folder 2007 October 31
MA 27: B21-F73 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Permit Conditions Folder 2008 circa
MA 27: B21-F75 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Testimony from SDRC Folder 2007
MA 27: B21-F76 Keystone: Special Permit Folder 2006 November 17
MA 27: B21-F77 Keystone: Tar Sands Invasion Folder 2010
MA 27: B21-F79 Keystone: TransCanada - Keystone Oil Pipeline Folder 2007 circa
MA 27: B21-F03 Gasohol: Miscellaneous Folder 2002-2010
MA 27: B21-F04 Gasohol: SDRC Position papers Folder 2002, undated
MA 27: B21-F07 Groundwater: Groundwater Protection Folder 1980
MA 27: B21-F08 Groundwater: How Wells Affect Shallow Glacial Ground-Water Supplies in South Dakota (EC 677 Revised) Folder 1972
MA 27: B21-F10 Groundwater: Miscellaneous Folder 1984-1993
MA 27: B21-F11 Groundwater: Primer on Ground Water Folder 1963
MA 27: B21-F15 Groundwater: Summary of Groundwater in South Dakota Folder 1985 May
MA 27: B21-F17 Hazardous wastes: Legislation in South Dakota Folder 2004
MA 27: B21-F19 Hazardous wastes: Toxic substances Folder 1986-2002, undated
MA 27: B21-F27 Hyperion Oil Refinery - 2011-2012 Folder 2011-2012
MA 27: B21-F28 Irrigation: CENDAK: Advance Planning data sheets from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Folder 1984-1986
MA 27: B21-F36 Irrigation: CENDAK: SDRC Position papers Folder 1985
MA 27: B21-F37 Irrigation: CENDAK: United Family Farmers materials Folder 1980-1987
MA 27: B21-F39 Irrigation: Lake Andes - Wagner Irrigation Project Folder 1985-1987
MA 27: B21-F42 Irrigation: Oahe Unit: Working for Water - Governor Richard F. Kneip and the Oahe Irrigation Project Folder 2009 Spring
MA 27: B21-F43 James River (N.D. and S.D.): Degradation of the James (Oahe Comments) Folder 1976 June 9
MA 27: B21-F46 James River (N.D. and S.D.): James River Basin - An Introduction to Its Present Ecology and Its Possible Future Folder 1983 circa
MA 27: B21-F52 Keystone: Correspondence Folder 2007-2008
MA 27: B21-F58 Keystone: Environmental Impact Statement: Comments Folder 2010
MA 27: B21-F61 Keystone: Legislation in South Dakota SB138 & SB190 Folder undated
MA 27: B21-F65 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Applicant's Rebuttal Testimony Folder 2007 November 16
MA 27: B21-F68 Keystone: South Dakota P.U.C. HP07-001: Direct Testimony November 13 Folder 2007 November 13