SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 54

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B54-F02 Publications: Fertility Maintenance and Management of South Dakota Soils, Circular 92 Folder 1952
UA 5.3: B54-F14 Administrative: South Dakota Farm and Home Research Folder 1966-1969
UA 5.3: B54-F15 Administrative: South Dakota Farm and Home Research Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B54-F16 Administrative: South Dakota Farm and Home Research Folder 1989
UA 5.3: B54-F24 Publcations: Plants of South Dakota Grasslands, Bulletin 566 Folder 1970
UA 5.3: B54-F04 Administrative: Horizons South Daktoa Agriculture Experiment Station Centennial Folder 1887-1987
UA 5.3: B54-F05 Publications: Irrigation in South Dakota Circular 2 Folder 1950
UA 5.3: B54-F07 Administrative: Message from the Dean and Director of Agriculture and Agriculture Expantion Station Orville G. Bentley Folder undated
UA 5.3: B54-F08 Administrative: Oak Lake Field Staion Brochure Folder 1994
UA 5.3: B54-F09 Publications: Nels E. Hansen's Contributions to Alfalfa Breeding in North America, Bulletin 665 Folder undated
UA 5.3: B54-F19 Publications: South Dakota Production Yield and Land use Trends TB 69 Folder 1961-1982
UA 5.3: B54-F20 Publications: South Dakota Soybean Production Yield and Land use Trends TB 70 Folder 1961-1986
UA 5.3: B54-F01 Publications: Factors Influencing the Ascorbic Acid and Carotene Content and Quality of Vegtable Products Pamphlet 7 Folder 1945
UA 5.3: B54-F10 Publications: Rammed Earth Walls for Farm Buildings, Bulletin 277 Folder 1945
UA 5.3: B54-F11 Publications: Changes in Field Stored Large Hay Packages, TB53 Folder undated
UA 5.3: B54-F12 Publications: Salinity and Livestock water quality, Bulletin 481 Folder 1959
UA 5.3: B54-F17 Administrative: South Dakota Farm and Home Research Folder 1991
UA 5.3: B54-F03 Publications: Freezing Fruits and Vegtables Home Economics Department: Fourth Quarterly Bulletin Folder 1944
UA 5.3: B54-F06 Publications: Livestock Development in South Dakota Folder 2004
UA 5.3: B54-F13 Publications: Soil Moisture Depletion by Irrigated Crops Grown in South Dakota, Circular 104 Folder 1954
UA 5.3: B54-F18 Publications: South Dakota Farms: Changes since 1910 South Dakota State University Data Center volume 4 number 5 Folder 1981
UA 5.3: B54-F21 Administrative: South Dakota Farm and Home Research Folder 2006-2007
UA 5.3: B54-F22 Publications: Storage Structures for Grass Silage Bulletin 477 Folder 1959
UA 5.3: B54-F23 Publications: Prasites of South Dakota, Bulletin 484 Folder 1972