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UA 5.3: B34-F05 |
Publications: H-118: Plant Science: Amelioration of claypan range forage production |
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1988-1992 |
UA 5.3: B34-F15 |
Publications: H-279: Plant Science - Ecology and control of ward NW corn rootworm in SD |
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1989-1992 |
UA 5.3: B34-F16 |
Publications: H-199: Plant Science - Frozen soil effects on herbicide move. Alternative management |
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1989-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F17 |
Publications: H-338: Plant Science - Bio control insects affecting seed prod. Legumes and grasses |
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1989-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F20 |
Publications: H-320: Plant Science - Reduced tillage crop rotation systems |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F21 |
Publications: H-330: Plant Science - Genetics of host pathogen interactions crop in SD |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F24 |
Publications: H-380: Plant Science - Fertilizer nitrogen management of wheat under soil moisture stress |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F27 |
Publications: R-410: Plant Science - Nutrient management sustain prod. Ground water quality |
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1990-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F28 |
Publications: R-400: Plant Science - Biological and ecological basis for weed use in corn |
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1990-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F30 |
Publications: H-70: Plant Science - Soil survey info, soil prod. Relationship enviroment protection in SD |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F31 |
Publications: H-30: Plant Science - Crop rotation system influence earthworm pop. No till enviroment |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F33 |
Publications: H-16: Plant Science - Root growth and development of corn with respect to tillage system and landscape position |
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1990 |
UA 5.3: B34-F38 |
Publications: H-31: Plant Science - Etiology and epidemiology of plant viruses in SD |
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1991-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F39 |
Publications: G-41: Plant Science: Tilage induced microrelief . Oatrazine movement in soils |
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1991-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F40 |
Publications: G-61: Plant Science: Mapping QTL molecular markers in cultivated cuts |
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1991-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F44 |
Publications: R-312: Plant Science - Forage genetics and breeding yield and quality |
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1992-1997 |
UA 5.3: B34-F50 |
Publications: G-412: Plant Science: Improvement and implementation of the . Soil test |
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1992-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F56 |
Publications: SD-260: Plant Science - Management options for groundwater quality . Biostressed enviromental |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F58 |
Publications: H-323: Plant Science - Corn genetics, physiology and breeding |
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1993-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F62 |
Publications: H-343: Plant Science - Spring wheat breeding and genetics |
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1993-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F63 |
Publications: H-353: Plant Science - Soil, specific fert. Pesicide . Sediment management |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B34-F71 |
Publications: H-23: Plant Science - Ag management a systems approach |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B34-F74 |
Publications: H-174: Plant Science - Biological control of tan spot of wheat residue |
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1994-1997 |
UA 5.3: B34-F75 |
Publications: H-493: Plant Science - Management factors required to utiolize .. Winter wheat systems |
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1994-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F77 |
Publications: H-144: Plant Science - Alternative crop production systems for northeastern |
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1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F81 |
Publications: R-34: Plant Science - Overwinter survival of nemmatodes in NC regions |
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1994-1999 |
UA 5.3: B34-F01 |
Publications: R-287: Plant Science - Feed prod breeding lines of insect pol linated forage legumes |
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1987-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F04 |
Publications: H-356: Plant Science - Detection and control of soybean diseases in SD |
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1987-1989 |
UA 5.3: B34-F06 |
Publications: H-58: Plant Science - Spring water breeding and genetics |
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1988-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F10 |
Publications: R-148: Plant Science - Soil productivity and erosion |
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1988-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F11 |
Publications: H-377: Plant Science - Soil moisture regime: relationship to soil morphology |
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1988-1992 |
UA 5.3: B34-F14 |
Publications: H-269: Plant Science - Alternative farming systems |
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1989-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F23 |
Publications: H-230: Plant Science - Tillage and crop rotations for eastern SD |
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1990-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F25 |
Publications: H-250: Plant Science - Root system responses to stress soil tillage systems |
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1990-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F26 |
Publications: SD-242: Plant Science - Breeding perennial grasses for forage insect-related stresses |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F45 |
Publications: G-332: Plant Science: Molecular genetic variability within macrophomina phaseolina |
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1992-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F49 |
Publications: G-382: Plant Science: App burber cushman model in improving peff in corn |
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1992-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F52 |
Publications: G-15: Plant Science: SDAgricultural Extension Service participation in NAPIAP |
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1992 |
UA 5.3: B34-F59 |
Publications: SD-270: Plant Science - Marpholigical aspects of growth, quality .. Forage crops |
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1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F61 |
Publications: H-283: Plant Science - Breeding perennial grasses and legumes insect - related stress |
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1993-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F67 |
Publications: H-383: Plant Science - Fertilizaer management and nutrient use eff. Field crops |
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1993-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F68 |
Publications: R-423: Plant Science - Thifensulfuron-methl magnitude residue on flax |
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1993-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F69 |
Publications: H-73: Plant Science - Water flow through weathered glacial till |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B34-F70 |
Publications: R-33: Plant Science - Forage protein characteristic and utilization for cattle |
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1993-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F72 |
Publications: H-153: Plant Science - Metabolic genetic conseg inverted . Frillze selection |
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1993-1997 |
UA 5.3: B34-F78 |
Publications: H-114: Plant Science: Oilseed breeding and genetics |
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1994-1999 |
UA 5.3: B34-F79 |
Publications: H-94: Plant Science - Winter wheat breeding and genetics |
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1994-2000 |
UA 5.3: B34-F80 |
Publications: H-104: Plant Science: Soybean breeding, genetics and production |
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1994-1999 |
UA 5.3: B34-F82 |
Publications: H-14: Plant Science - Elateridae of northern great plains |
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1994-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F83 |
Publications: H-164: Plant Science - Weed ecology and control in comen management systems |
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1994-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F09 |
Publications: H-138: Plant Science - Corn genetics, physiology and breeding |
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1988-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F13 |
Publications: H-229: Plant Science - Expert system for scheduling fung app. Wheat disease control |
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1989-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F29 |
Publications: H-180: Plant Science - Modeling and veriFiscal Yearing chemical transperent root zone |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F34 |
Publications: H-60: Plant Science - Molecular genetics of lipid and protein oilseed crops |
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1990-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F35 |
Publications: H-150: Plant Science - Biological factors contributing to rehydrate winter wheat tissue |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F36 |
Publications: H-341: Plant Science - Isolation and uses of actinomycetes rootsof grasses |
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1991-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F37 |
Publications: H-201: Plant Science - Abscisic acid regulated genes in freeze resistance of barely |
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1991-1996 |
UA 5.3: B34-F41 |
Publications: H-21: Plant Science - Soybean breeding and genetics |
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1991-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F48 |
Publications: G-372: Plant Science: Ratio mass spectrometer to study card N transformation |
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1992-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F53 |
Publications: H-62: Plant Science - Phospate buffering capacity in select SD soil |
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1992-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F55 |
Publications: Management of northern and western corn rootworm in SD |
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1992-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F57 |
Publications: H-313: Plant Science - Genetics of fungal pathogens of row crops |
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1993-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F64 |
Publications: H-363: Plant Science - Alfalfa forage yield quality and establishment |
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1993-1997 |
UA 5.3: B34-F66 |
Publications: H-393: Plant Science - Conversation compliance in western SD |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B34-F76 |
Publications: H-154: Plant Science - Soil management to reduce biostress |
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1994-1999 |
UA 5.3: B34-F02 |
Publications: H-277: Plant Science - Breeding and evaluation of forage grasses in SD |
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1987-1990 |
UA 5.3: B34-F03 |
Publications: H-267: Plant Science - Water quality soil water under intensity |
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1987-1990 |
UA 5.3: B34-F07 |
Publications: R-78: Plant Science - Interaction of nematode - host crop losses |
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1988-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F08 |
Publications: SD-8901221: Plant Science - Effects of spring seeded annual medic on weed management and soil quality in corn production |
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1988-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F12 |
Publications: SG-68: Plant Science - Select in vitro pest - resistance sunflower CSRS/USDA |
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1989-1990 |
UA 5.3: B34-F18 |
Publications: R-398: Plant Science - Forage protein characterization and utilization beef cattle |
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1989-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F19 |
Publications: H-309: Plant Science - Oilseed breeding and genetics |
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1989-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F22 |
Publications: H-280: Plant Science - Enviromental and biological stress in wheat |
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1990-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F32 |
Publications: H-10: Plant Science: Correlation, calibration and interpretation soil and plant tests |
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1990-1992 |
UA 5.3: B34-F42 |
Publications: H-91: Plant Science - Soybean in vitro |
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1991-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F43 |
Publications: R-161: Plant Science - Inro, multi, preserv plant germplasm |
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1991-1996 |
UA 5.3: B34-F46 |
Publications: G-352: Plant Science: Spatial variablility of selenium in glacial till soils |
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1992-1994 |
UA 5.3: B34-F47 |
Publications: G-362: Plant Science: NIRS equipment for soybean analysis |
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1992-1993 |
UA 5.3: B34-F51 |
Publications: H-102: Plant Science: Correlation, calib and interpretation of soil and plant tests |
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1992-1995 |
UA 5.3: B34-F54 |
Publications: H-92: Plant Science - Development and utilize of oats and rye adapted in SD |
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1992-1997 |
UA 5.3: B34-F60 |
Publications: H-293: Plant Science - Tech transfer applied basic soils |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B34-F65 |
Publications: R-373: Plant Science - Impact of accel erosion on soil . Productivity |
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1993-1998 |
UA 5.3: B34-F73 |
Publications: G-234: Plant Science: Integrated farming system management utilizer watershed level |
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1994-1998 |