SD Ag Experiment Station Records Box 32

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.3: B32-F003 Publications: H-370: Economics - Econ of rangeland improvements Folder 1990-1995
UA 5.3: B32-F007 Publications: H-181: Economics - Econ and eviroment implication of conserv expiration in SD Folder 1991-1994
UA 5.3: B32-F014 Publications: R-64: Economics - Econ and enviroment implications cons and contracts Folder 1994-1998
UA 5.3: B32-F015 Publications: H-24: Economics - Econ implications current marketing . Slaughter cattle Folder 1994-1995
UA 5.3: B32-F023 Publications: H-187: Economics - Econ analysis of marketing and producing swine producers in SD Folder 1997-2000
UA 5.3: B32-F024 Publications: R-19: Economics - Financing ag rural america tech change Folder 1998-2000
UA 5.3: B32-F038 Publications: RRF-427: Plant Science - The development and improvement of lab oratory methods for determining forage Folder 1964-1972
UA 5.3: B32-F042 Publications: H-455: Plant Science - Market quality in wheat Folder 1966-1970
UA 5.3: B32-F044 Publications: H-518: Plant Science - Nutrient enrichment of water by soil and sediment Folder 1969-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F046 Publications: H-548: Plant Science - Investigation of heterosis during the gametophyte generation of autoetraploid Folder 1970-1973
UA 5.3: B32-F050 Publications: H-558: Plant Science - Protein seperations by visual protein reference bards Folder 1970-1973
UA 5.3: B32-F052 Publications: S-570: Plant Science - The development of a soil fertility and testing program for SD Folder 1970-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F053 Publications: H-767: Plant Science - Plant growth control Folder 1970-1987
UA 5.3: B32-F059 Publications: H-597: Plant Science - Plant growth control Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F087 Publications: H-713: Plant Science - Occurance and effects of mycotoxins in feeds and foods Folder 1975-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F004 Publications: H-81: Economics - Analysis of patterns in grain prices SD producers Folder 1991-1995
UA 5.3: B32-F008 Publications: R-291: Economics - Regularoty, effic and management issues affect finon markets Folder 1991-1996
UA 5.3: B32-F012 Publications: R-303: Economics - Domestic and internation marketing strat for us Beef Folder 1993-1997
UA 5.3: B32-F016 Publications: H-134: Economics - Econ analysis of farmland markets in SD Folder 1994-1997
UA 5.3: B32-F017 Publications: H-145: Economics - Econ assessment grain marketing pattern stategies in SD Folder 1995-1999
UA 5.3: B32-F025 Publications: G-109: Economics: Health and management factors affecting beef value Folder 1999-2002
UA 5.3: B32-F026 Publications: S-276: Plant Science - Flax diseases and their control Folder 1955-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F030 Publications: H-322: Plant Science - Winter injury in field crops Folder 1958-1970
UA 5.3: B32-F033 Publications: S-367: Plant Science - Physiological investigations in flax Folder 1961-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F035 Publications: S-375: Plant Science - Nematode diseases of plants and their control Folder 1962-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F036 Publications: H-386: Plant Science - Pathogenicity and control of common scat and ring rot of potato Folder 1962-1970
UA 5.3: B32-F041 Publications: S-409: Plant Science - Characteristics of range soil group used in range site classigications Folder 1964-1972
UA 5.3: B32-F047 Publications: RRF-546: Plant Science - forage legumes genetics, breeding and management Folder 1970-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F048 Publications: H-547: Plant Science - Market quality of wheat Folder 1970-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F049 Publications: H-545: Plant Science - The breeding and testing of superior grasses adapted to SD Folder 1970-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F058 Publications: H-598: Plant Science - Foliar and root diseases of alfalfa Folder 1971-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F064 Publications: S-604: Plant Science - Control of the major diseases of hybrid corn through the development of diseases Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F067 Publications: RRF-642: Plant Science - Soil landscape characteristics affecting land use planning and rural dev Folder 1972-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F069 Publications: S-627: Plant Science - Determination of soil properties ecological selection of range and pasture plants Folder 1972-1978
UA 5.3: B32-F070 Publications: H-625: Plant Science - Spring wheat breeding Folder 1972-1978
UA 5.3: B32-F071 Publications: H-631: Plant Science - Development of oats, flax and rye adapted to SD Folder 1972-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F073 Publications: H-650: Plant Science - Evaluation of visual protein seperation for determining the protein content Folder 1973-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F074 Publications: S-652: Plant Science - Biology and control of nematodes associated with range grasses Folder 1973-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F075 Publications: S-651: Plant Science - Breeding and testing of barely for SD and upper midwest conditions Folder 1973-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F078 Publications: S-666: Plant Science - Flax breeding, cultural practices and disease resistance Folder 1974-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F081 Publications: H-679: Plant Science - Accumulation of nutrients as affected by soil and crop management Folder 1974-1981
UA 5.3: B32-F086 Publications: H-729: Plant Science - Influence of fall and spring temp on survival heading dates, etc, winter wheat Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F089 Publications: H-782: Plant Science - Ribonuclease as a determinant or as an associative factor in winter hard of barely Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F091 Publications: H-721: Plant Science - Breeding alfalfa for grazing Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F094 Publications: H-765: Plant Science - Cultural practices for improving the efficiency and stability of crop production Folder 1976-1981
UA 5.3: B32-F097 Publications: H-724: Plant Science - Fertility program that will increase the productivity of SD soils Folder 1975-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F098 Publications: H-764: Plant Science - Winter wheat improvement Folder 1976-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F099 Publications: H-786: Plant Science - Breeding cool season forage species for improved feeding value and productivity Folder 1976-1981
UA 5.3: B32-F002 Publications: H-50: Economics - Econ alternatives market/ management strategies SD cattle prod Folder 1990-1993
UA 5.3: B32-F006 Publications: H-191: Economics - Policy and econ aspects of sustainable cropping systems Folder 1991-1996
UA 5.3: B32-F009 Publications: H-109: Economics: Simulation and risk analysis for SD prod and agribusiness Folder 1992
UA 5.3: B32-F010 Publications: H-302: Economics - Acreage supply response for major crops of SD Folder 1992-1995
UA 5.3: B32-F011 Publications: H-152: Economics - Crop prod functions econ implications for SD Folder 1992-1995
UA 5.3: B32-F018 Publications: H-155: Economics - Feasibility of new value based cash . For fed cattle Folder 1995-1999
UA 5.3: B32-F019 Publications: Assessing long term econ profit and risk . Crop prod SE SD Folder 1995-2000
UA 5.3: B32-F027 Publications: S-292: Plant Science - Control of diseases afecting shelterable forest and shade trees in SD Folder 1956-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F028 Publications: H-296: Plant Science - Seed treatment and soil amendments for control of seed rot blight Folder 1956-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F034 Publications: H-111: Plant Science: Agricultural management impacts on wetlands Folder 1961-1967
UA 5.3: B32-F037 Publications: H-352: Plant Science - Pythium and ophiobolus gramminis root rots of cereal Folder 1962-1970
UA 5.3: B32-F040 Publications: S-423: Plant Science - Effeciency of beef cattle production in SD with various methods of land use Folder 1964-1970
UA 5.3: B32-F043 Publications: S-467: Plant Science - Micotoxins in livestock feeds Folder 1966-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F045 Publications: S-517: Plant Science - Crop and soil management with and without supplemental water Folder 1969-1982
UA 5.3: B32-F051 Publications: H-567: Plant Science - Nucleic acid and protein synthesis in winter cereal during cold acclimation Folder 1970-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F055 Publications: S-593: Plant Science - Occurance effect and control of lacterial plant diseases in SD Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F057 Publications: MS-592: Plant Science - Identity, extent, and control of forest shade and shelterbelt diseases in SD Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F061 Publications: S-596: Plant Science - Epidemiology of wheat rusts Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F062 Publications: S-600: Plant Science - Nematode diseases of range grasses and their growth Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F068 Publications: S-624: Plant Science - Improvement of range grass productivity in western SD Folder 1972-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F072 Publications: S-568: Plant Science - The efficiency of beef cattle in SD with method of land use and cattle manage Folder 1973-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F083 Publications: S-682: Plant Science - Biology and control of nematodes associated with field crops grasses and legumes Folder 1974-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F093 Publications: RRF-769: Plant Science - Relating soil and landscape characteristics to land use Folder 1976-1982
UA 5.3: B32-F095 Publications: MS-766: Plant Science - Identification and control of shelterbelt and ornamental tree diseases in SD Folder 1976-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F001 Publications: S-746: Economics - Econ of machinary ownership and use on northern great plains farms Folder 1976-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F005 Publications: H-11: Economics: Sustain of organic vs, convential beef prod in SD Folder 1991-1996
UA 5.3: B32-F013 Publications: H-241: Economics - Farm financial management succesfull family in SD Folder 1993
UA 5.3: B32-F020 Publications: H-215: Economics - Econ linkages between ag and other sectors of SD Folder 1995-1999
UA 5.3: B32-F021 Publications: H-56: Economics - Implications of risk .. Sustainable farming systems Folder 1996-2001
UA 5.3: B32-F022 Publications: H-267: Economics - Impacts of changes in the structure credit to ag Folder 1997-1999
UA 5.3: B32-F029 Publications: S-303: Plant Science - Breeding and testing of barley for SD and upper midwest conditions Folder 1957-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F031 Publications: H-353: Plant Science - Disease of wheats and their control Folder 1960-1971
UA 5.3: B32-F032 Publications: H-346: Plant Science - Soil moisture evaporation Folder 1960-1973
UA 5.3: B32-F039 Publications: H-425: Plant Science - mechanism of survival of root infecting fungi in soil Folder 1964-1970
UA 5.3: B32-F054 Publications: S-594: Plant Science - Grain sorghum breeding and productions Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F056 Publications: S-599: Plant Science - Physiology of the flax plant in relation to seed production and quality of oil Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F060 Publications: H-595: Plant Science - Study of hydraulic and physical properties of soil plant enviroment Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F063 Publications: H-605: Plant Science - Toxigenic and pathogenic capabilities of fungis isolated from animal tissues Folder 1971-1975
UA 5.3: B32-F065 Publications: S-602: Plant Science - The effect of folar diseases on quality and yield in forage grasses Folder 1971-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F066 Publications: S-609: Plant Science - Crop and soil management and associated platn plant enviroment relationships Folder 1971-1974
UA 5.3: B32-F076 Publications: S-657: Plant Science - Soybean breeding and soybean and oilseed production Folder 1973-1976
UA 5.3: B32-F077 Publications: S-691: Plant Science - Cropand soil management and associated plant plant enviroment relationship Folder 1974-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F079 Publications: H-678: Plant Science - Epidemiology and control of wheat streak mosaic virus Folder 1974-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F080 Publications: H-680: Plant Science - Control of wheat diseases in stuble mulch culture Folder 1974-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F082 Publications: H-690: Plant Science - Root - infecting fungi Folder 1974-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F084 Publications: S-727: Plant Science - Root patterns relation as mod by deep lowing N. Folder 1975-1978
UA 5.3: B32-F085 Publications: H-728: Plant Science - Local soil geography and soil fertility relationships on SD landscapes Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F088 Publications: H-726: Plant Science - Biology and control of nematodes associated with field crops, grasses and legumes Folder 1975-1980
UA 5.3: B32-F090 Publications: H-720: Plant Science - The breeding and testing of superior grasses adapted to SD Folder 1975-1979
UA 5.3: B32-F092 Publications: H-770: Plant Science - Sunflower management for production and insect control Folder 1976-1981
UA 5.3: B32-F096 Publications: H-743: Plant Science - Pathogenic bacteria on seeds and plant propagative materials Folder 1975-1981
UA 5.3: B32-F100 Publications: S-784: Plant Science - Educ and diag services for ident plant diseases for chop prod and gen public Folder 1976-1982