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UA 5.3: B25-F05 |
Publications: R-432: Dairy Science - Redirecting the Nutrient Flow in Cows for Maximum Milk Production |
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1982-1987 |
UA 5.3: B25-F07 |
Publications: H-492: Dairy Science - Preservation and Feeding Value of High Moisture Corn for Dairy Cattle |
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1983-1986 |
UA 5.3: B25-F12 |
Publications: H-157: Dairy Science - Composition Quality and Consumer Accept Milk and Dairy Products |
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1987-1990 |
UA 5.3: B25-F15 |
Publications: H-257: Dairy Science - Analysis of Dairy Product |
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1987-1990 |
UA 5.3: B25-F25 |
Publications: R-202: Dairy Science - Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Lactating Cows |
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1992-1997 |
UA 5.3: B25-F26 |
Publications: R-172: Dairy Science - Dairy Herd Management Strat .. Making and Profitability |
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1992-1997 |
UA 5.3: B25-F28 |
Publications: H-103: Dairy Science: Improvement of the Quality of Lowfat Cheeses |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B25-F37 |
Publications: H-116: Dairy Science: Reuction of reliance on antibiotics livestock production |
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1996-2001 |
UA 5.3: B25-F44 |
Publications: H-450: Horticulture- Vegetable breeding and cultural practices |
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1966-1974 |
UA 5.3: B25-F46 |
Publications: S-476: Horticulture- Campus landscape design |
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1967-1973 |
UA 5.3: B25-F49 |
Publications: S-254: Horticulture- Selection of adapted species and strains of trees and shrubs for SD farms |
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1969-1976 |
UA 5.3: B25-F52 |
Publications: H-528: Horticulture- Developing improved fruit varietties and fruit cultural practices for SD |
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1969-1974 |
UA 5.3: B25-F57 |
Publications: H-622: Horticulture- Improving vegetable production in SD |
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1971-1976 |
UA 5.3: B25-F61 |
Publications: H-696: Horticulture- Improved fruit Cultivars and cultural practices for South Dakota |
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1974-1980 |
UA 5.3: B25-F63 |
Publications: MS-745: Horticulture- Physiological and morphological ohar of trees suit for enviorment tree plantings |
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1976-1978 |
UA 5.3: B25-F66 |
Publications: S-865: Horticulture- Effect of nitrogen source and water quality on growth and cold hardiness |
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1978-1982 |
UA 5.3: B25-F67 |
Publications: S-710: Horticulture- Selection propagation and culture of annual herbaceous and woody ornamentals |
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1979 |
UA 5.3: B25-F68 |
Publications: H-369: Horticulture- Split-night temp for greenhouse prod and energy conservation |
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1980-1982 |
UA 5.3: B25-F69 |
Publications: R-336: Horticulture- Strategies and procedures for advanced . Forest species |
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1986-1991 |
UA 5.3: B25-F70 |
Publications: MS-420: Horticulture- Select superior coniferious and deciduous trees and shrubs for SD |
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1980-1984 |
UA 5.3: B25-F77 |
Publications: H-412: Horticulture- Production and evaluation of new pot plant species |
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1983-1986 |
UA 5.3: B25-F80 |
Publications: M-494: Horticulture- Renovation of Windbreakes in SD |
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1984-1989 |
UA 5.3: B25-F90 |
Publications: H-297: Agricultural Research Service- Optimizing grazing strat native and intro rangelands |
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1987-1990 |
UA 5.3: B25-F91 |
Publications: H-357: Agricultural Research Service- Nutrient and management interrelationships effeciences swine |
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1987-1990 |
UA 5.3: B25-F92 |
Publications: R-307: Agricultural Research Service- Increasing Prolificacy in sheep impact nutritional needs |
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1987-1992 |
UA 5.3: B25-F04 |
Publications: R-262: Dairy Science -Improving Dairy Cattle Through Breeding with Special Emphasis on Selection |
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1982-1987 |
UA 5.3: B25-F08 |
Publications: H-254: Dairy Science -Compostition Quality and Consumer Accept of Milk and Dairy Products |
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1984-1987 |
UA 5.3: B25-F16 |
Publications: H-27: Dairy Science - Properties and Applications of Ultra Filtered Milk |
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1987-1990 |
UA 5.3: B25-F17 |
Publications: H-317: Dairy Science - Improving Quality, Micro Safety Prof. Dairy Products |
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1987-1990 |
UA 5.3: B25-F18 |
Publications: H-258: Dairy Science - Optimizing Nutritional Utilization Dairy Cattle |
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1988-1993 |
UA 5.3: B25-F19 |
Publications: H-130: Dairy Science - Improving Quality and Microbio safety of Dairy Products |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B25-F21 |
Publications: H-93: Dairy Science - Comp. Qual. Consumer Accept milk and Dairy Product |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B25-F29 |
Publications: H-113: Dairy Science: Analysis of Dairy Products |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B25-F30 |
Publications: R-105: Dairy Science - ModiFiscal Yearing milk fat composition for . Consumer accept |
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1995-1999 |
UA 5.3: B25-F33 |
Publications: H-413: Dairy Science - Reduc, Reliance antibiotics dairy . Immuno-enhancement |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B25-F35 |
Publications: H-83: Dairy Science - Improving quality and micro safety of dairy products |
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1993-1996 |
UA 5.3: B25-F38 |
Publications: H-36: Dairy Science - Yields of cheese and improvement low fat and proces cheese |
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1996-2001 |
UA 5.3: B25-F39 |
Publications: H-354: Horticulture- Breeding Improved varieties of tree fruits |
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1960-1969 |
UA 5.3: B25-F42 |
Publications: MS-420: Horticulture- Establishment of tree plantings to enhyance recreation potential of sites |
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1964-1970 |
UA 5.3: B25-F47 |
Publications: S-475: Horticulture- Selection propagation and culture of woody plants for the northern plains |
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1964-1967 |
UA 5.3: B25-F50 |
Publications: S-526: Horticulture- Improving Floral Crop Production and Management |
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1969-1974 |
UA 5.3: B25-F53 |
Publications: H-523: Horticulture- Developing improved tomatoes for home and commercial production in SD |
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1969-1974 |
UA 5.3: B25-F56 |
Publications: H-614: Home Economics- Effect of sodium hypocheorite bleach on durable press fabric |
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1971-1976 |
UA 5.3: B25-F60 |
Publications: H-695: Horticulture- Develop and test improved tomato var of hyb for home and corn production in SD |
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1974-1980 |
UA 5.3: B25-F62 |
Publications: S-711: Horticulture- Growth and cold hardiness responcses of woody ornamental to different N sources |
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1974-1978 |
UA 5.3: B25-F64 |
Publications: H-780: Horticulture- Increasing vegatable production in SD |
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1976-1982 |
UA 5.3: B25-F73 |
Publications: H-389: Horticulture- developing fruit cultivates ad improved fruits cultural proactices for SD |
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1980-1984 |
UA 5.3: B25-F74 |
Publications: S-610: Horticulture- IdentiFiscal Year of management factors that create park and outdoor recreation user satification |
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1980-1984 |
UA 5.3: B25-F78 |
Publications: H-164: Horticulture- Sel and prop of super native and intro trees and shrubs |
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1984-1989 |
UA 5.3: B25-F79 |
Publications: H-474: Horticulture- Increasing vegatable yields in SD |
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1984-1989 |
UA 5.3: B25-F84 |
Publications: R-186: Horticulture- Introduction main, eval and utilization of Plant germplasm |
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1986-1991 |
UA 5.3: B25-F88 |
Publications: R-42: Horticulture- Rootstock and interstem on pome and stone fruit trees |
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1992-1997 |
UA 5.3: B25-F01 |
Publications: S-570: Dairy Science - Analysis of Dairy Products |
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1980-1984 |
UA 5.3: B25-F03 |
Publications: S-405: Dairy Science - Analysis Dairy Products |
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1981-1985 |
UA 5.3: B25-F06 |
Publications: R-442: Dairy Science - Improvement Dairy Herd Management Practices |
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1982-1987 |
UA 5.3: B25-F10 |
Publications: H-454: Dairy Science - Improv, Quality, Microbio. Safety, and Profit of Dairy Products |
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1984-1987 |
UA 5.3: B25-F11 |
Publications: H-206: Dairy Science - Whey Utilization by Dairy Cattle |
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1986-1989 |
UA 5.3: B25-F20 |
Publications: H-100: Dairy Science: Analysis of Dairy Products |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B25-F22 |
Publications: H-119: Dairy Science: Whey Utilization by Dairy Cattle |
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1990-1992 |
UA 5.3: B25-F23 |
Publications: H-80: Dairy Science - Comp. Quality and Consumer Accept Milk in Dairy Products |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B25-F24 |
Publications: R-142: Dairy Science - Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cattle Molecular Markers |
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1992-1993 |
UA 5.3: B25-F27 |
Publications: H-212: Dairy Science - Whey Utilization of Dairy Cattle |
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1920-1995 |
UA 5.3: B25-F31 |
Publications: H-96: Dairy Science -Compostion, Quality, Consumer, Acceptance of Dairy Products |
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1996-2001 |
UA 5.3: B25-F32 |
Publications: H-106: Dairy Science: Public health signigicance new and emerging pathogens |
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1996-2000 |
UA 5.3: B25-F34 |
Publications: H-20: Dairy Science - Application of Mik concentration tech in dairy processing |
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1990-1993 |
UA 5.3: B25-F36 |
Publications: G-235: Dairy Science: Omega-3 Acids in Dairy Ration Immunity |
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1995-1998 |
UA 5.3: B25-F41 |
Publications: Horticulture: Small Greenshouse No. 286 |
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1955-1963 |
UA 5.3: B25-F43 |
Publications: H-470: Horticulture- Biochemical promotion of stem lignification |
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1966-1970 |
UA 5.3: B25-F45 |
Publications: S-472: Horticulture- Bicolor grandiflora petunias as potted |
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1967-1969 |
UA 5.3: B25-F51 |
Publications: MS-527: Horticulture- Afforestation along missouri river reservation for recreation |
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1969-1971 |
UA 5.3: B25-F54 |
Publications: MS-551: Horticulture- ecological succession an missouri river reserviors to develop forest recreation |
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1970-1974 |
UA 5.3: B25-F55 |
Publications: S-613: Home Economics- Availability of phospats as a regulator of sugar-fat metabolism |
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1971-1975 |
UA 5.3: B25-F58 |
Publications: MS-663: Horticulture- Establishment and growth of trees and shrubs for enviroment tree planting in SD |
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1973-1976 |
UA 5.3: B25-F59 |
Publications: S-649: Horticulture- Analysis of parks and outdoor recreation site resourse potential and patterns |
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1973-1979 |
UA 5.3: B25-F71 |
Publications: H-399: Horticulture- Increasing veg. yields in SD through eval, breed, and cultural Methods |
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1980-1985 |
UA 5.3: B25-F75 |
Publications: RRF-779: Horticulture- Intro., Multi, evalu, catalog and utilize of plant germplasm |
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1981-1986 |
UA 5.3: B25-F76 |
Publications: MS-941: Horticulture- Physio character of conifers suitable for envirom planting in SD |
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1981-1986 |
UA 5.3: B25-F81 |
Publications: H-204: Horticulture- Breed Fruit Cultevars and Dev impr Fruit cul pract for SD |
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1984-1989 |
UA 5.3: B25-F83 |
Publications: H-166: Horticulture- Micropropagations of herbaceous perem sabria in sheperba |
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1986-1989 |
UA 5.3: B25-F86 |
Publications: MS-88: Horticulture- Genetic improvement of tree species aplication SD |
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1988-1993 |
UA 5.3: B25-F02 |
Publications: H-580: Dairy Science - Whey Tuilization by Dairy Cattle |
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1980-1983 |
UA 5.3: B25-F09 |
Publications: S-384: Dairy Science - Analysis of Dairy Products |
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1984-1987 |
UA 5.3: B25-F13 |
Publications: R-137: Dairy Science - Metabolic Relat in Supple Nutrients Lactating Cows |
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1987-1992 |
UA 5.3: B25-F14 |
Publications: R-147: Dairy Science - Dairy Herd Management, Strat. Imp. Decision Profatalitites |
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1987-1992 |
UA 5.3: B25-F40 |
Publications: H-373: Horticulture- Preservation and evaluation of the hansen hardy fruit plants |
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1961-1962 |
UA 5.3: B25-F48 |
Publications: S-525: Horticulture- Effect of spacing on survival growth and effectiveness of wind breaks in SD |
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1969-1976 |
UA 5.3: B25-F65 |
Publications: MS-781: Horticulture- Establish and growth of trees and shrubs for enviroment tree plantating in SD |
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1976-1982 |
UA 5.3: B25-F72 |
Publications: H-400: Horticulture- Guidelines for increased residental energy effeciency and human confort |
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1980-1983 |
UA 5.3: B25-F82 |
Publications: MS-236: Horticulture- Physiological characteristics of conifers suitable windbreakers in SD |
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1986-1987 |
UA 5.3: B25-F85 |
Publications: MS-387: Horticulture- Factors assoc with success/Failure Black Hills SD |
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1988-1993 |
UA 5.3: B25-F87 |
Publications: H-69: Horticulture- Veg. Breeding eval, prod, and cultural increase yield |
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1989-1995 |
UA 5.3: B25-F89 |
Publications: H-52: Horticulture- Enviromental stress and fruit in SD |
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1992-1997 |
UA 5.3: B25-F93 |
Publications: H-328: Agricultural Research Service- Nutrient interrelationships affect perform growing swine |
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1988-1991 |
UA 5.3: B25-F94 |
Publications: H-268: Agricultural Research Service- Influence of grazing system change range prod values |
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1988-1993 |
UA 5.3: B25-F95 |
Publications: H-308: Agricultural Research Service- Energy and nutrient utilization swine fed fiber |
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1988-1991 |
UA 5.3: B25-F96 |
Publications: SD-298: Agricultural Research Service- Interactions between growing and finishing beef cattle |
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1988-1989 |
UA 5.3: B25-F97 |
Publications: H-318: Agricultural Research Service- Effects of pestweaning diets intestinal morphology of pigs |
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1988-1991 |
UA 5.3: B25-F98 |
Publications: H-38: Agricultural Research Service- Precooking and coating meat products methods |
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1988-1991 |
UA 5.3: B25-F99 |
Publications: H-128: Agricultural Research Service- Reducing breeding reasonality in the Ewe |
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1988-1993 |