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UA 5.3: B02-F13 |
Publications: Growing pedigreed sugar beet seed in South Dakota 1910, Bulletin 129 |
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1911 |
UA 5.3: B02-F15 |
Publications: Northern alfalfa seed picture: Marketing, Bulletin 483 |
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1959 |
UA 5.3: B02-F19 |
Publications: Rushmore spring wheat, Bulletin 394 |
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1949 |
UA 5.3: B02-F20 |
Publications: Selecting and breeding corn for protein and oil in South Dakota, Bulletin 153 |
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1914 |
UA 5.3: B02-F27 |
Publications: Central substation, Highmore, South Dakota: A progress report, Circular 124 |
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1956 |
UA 5.3: B02-F28 |
Publications: Chemical control of weeds in South Dakota, Circular 69 (revised) |
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1951 |
UA 5.3: B02-F47 |
Publications: Agricultural outlook for South Dakota, 1957,Extension leaflet 183 |
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1957 |
UA 5.3: B02-F53 |
Publications: Handbook on the soil bank |
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1956 |
UA 5.3: B02-F55 |
Publications: Improving water quality through the South Dakota Oakwood Lakes-Poinsett rural clean water program: Project summary |
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1991 |
UA 5.3: B02-F59 |
Publications: Central Crops and Soils Research Station, Highmore, South Dakota: Progress report 1997, Plant Science pamphlet 71 |
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1998 |
UA 5.3: B02-F62 |
Publications: Small grain variety trials in South Dakota 1949-1953, Pamphlet 27 |
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1954 |
UA 5.3: B02-F01 |
Publications: Bulletin index |
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1887-1950 |
UA 5.3: B02-F03 |
Administrative: Lease: Larsen Farm, USDA Northern Grains Insect Lab |
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1962-2013 |
UA 5.3: B02-F04 |
Administrative: Agreement: U.S. Dept. of Interior Cooperative Fisheries Unit |
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1963-1970 |
UA 5.3: B02-F06 |
Publications: Crop yields as related to depth of plowing, Bulletin 369 |
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1943 |
UA 5.3: B02-F06 |
Administrative: Past Project List |
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1964-2010 |
UA 5.3: B02-F08 |
Administrative: Veterinary Science Projects |
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1968-1990 |
UA 5.3: B02-F10 |
Publications: Grass, Bulletin 300 |
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1941 |
UA 5.3: B02-F02 |
Administrative: Soils of South Dakota |
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1959 |
UA 5.3: B02-F03 |
Publications: Analysis of small grain performance in South Dakota 1942-1951, Bulletin 422 |
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1952 |
UA 5.3: B02-F05 |
Publications: Crop production practices for irrigated land in the James Basin and Angostura areas, Bulletin 517 |
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1964 |
UA 5.3: B02-F07 |
Publications: Dual: An early grain and forage sorghum, Bulletin 467 |
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1958 |
UA 5.3: B02-F12 |
Publications: Grasses and legumes: Production and management for South Dakota, Bulletin 427 |
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1953 |
UA 5.3: B02-F17 |
Publications: Producing grass seed in South Dakota, Bulletin 502 |
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1961 |
UA 5.3: B02-F22 |
Publications: Twenty years of soil management on a Vienna silt loam, Bulletin 508 |
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1962 |
UA 5.3: B02-F24 |
Publications: Circular index |
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1920-1950 |
UA 5.3: B02-F31 |
Publications: Fertility maintenance and management of South Dakota soils, Circular 92 |
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1952 |
UA 5.3: B02-F33 |
Publications: Grasses and legumes for South Dakota, Circular 81 |
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1950 |
UA 5.3: B02-F34 |
Publications: Irrigated crop rotations on the clay soils of Western South Dakota, Circular 83 |
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1950 |
UA 5.3: B02-F37 |
Publications: Planning a father-son farm partnership, Circular 142 |
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1958 |
UA 5.3: B02-F42 |
Publications: South Dakota crop varieties: Recommendations and descriptions, Extension circular 474 |
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1952 |
UA 5.3: B02-F48 |
Publications: Best practices: Manure management (videocassette) |
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2001 |
UA 5.3: B02-F50 |
Publications: European corn borer service release |
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1950 |
UA 5.3: B02-F52 |
Publications: Federal public land laws and policies relating to intensive agriculture, Volume 3, Working paper, Federal public lands: Economics of farm size in Western United States |
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1969 |
UA 5.3: B02-F54 |
Publications: How can we improve the quality of cream and butter in South Dakota? |
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1951 |
UA 5.3: B02-F56 |
Publications: Input and output data for principal crops on selected irrigated soils, Tri-county and Platte Valley areas, Central Nebraska |
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1951 |
UA 5.3: B02-F58 |
Publications: Pasture Field Day: Report |
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1978 |
UA 5.3: B02-F65 |
Publications: South Dakota's report for the Northern Great Plains Committee: Long time agricultural planning |
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1938 |
UA 5.3: B02-F66 |
Publications: Soybean information |
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1994-1996 |
UA 5.3: B02-F68 |
Administrative: Correspondence and Agreements |
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1999-2003 |
UA 5.3: B02-F69 |
Administrative: Department of Energy Project |
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1999-2003 |
UA 5.3: B02-F01 |
Administrative: Annual Progress Report |
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1956-2005 |
UA 5.3: B02-F02 |
Publications: Alfalfa in South Dakota: Twenty-one years research at the Redfield Station, Bulletin 383 |
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1946 |
UA 5.3: B02-F04 |
Publications: Cows, calves and grass: Effects of grazing intensities on beef cow and calf production and on mixed prairie vegetation on Western South Dakota ranges, Bulletin 412 |
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1951 |
UA 5.3: B02-F05 |
Administrative: Inactive Cottonwood Field Station Session Laws Public Lands |
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1964 |
UA 5.3: B02-F07 |
Administrative: Harold C. Futzel Ag Engineering gift |
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1968-1971 |
UA 5.3: B02-F08 |
Publications: Farm plans for wheat farmers in North Central South Dakota, Bulletin 488 |
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1960 |
UA 5.3: B02-F09 |
Publications: Fertilizing irrigated rotations in the proposed Oahe irrigation area, Bulletin 416 |
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1964 |
UA 5.3: B02-F14 |
Publications: James hulless oats, Bulletin 401 |
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1950 |
UA 5.3: B02-F18 |
Publications: Plant introductions, Bulletin 224 |
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1927 |
UA 5.3: B02-F23 |
Publications: What farmers think of farming, Bulletin 223 |
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1927 |
UA 5.3: B02-F32 |
Publications: Graphic views of changes in South Dakota Agriculture, Circular 78 |
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1949 |
UA 5.3: B02-F35 |
Publications: Irrigation research in the James River Basin: A five-year progress report, Circular 107 |
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1954 |
UA 5.3: B02-F36 |
Publications: Most profitable rotations for the corn belt of Southeastern South Dakota, Circular 129 |
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1956 |
UA 5.3: B02-F38 |
Publications: Progress report of research in crops and soils, Circular 86 and 98 |
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1951, 1953 |
UA 5.3: B02-F39 |
Publications: Rammed earth walls, Circular 149 |
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1959 |
UA 5.3: B02-F40 |
Publications: Research in crops and soils: A progress report, Circular 113 and 136 |
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1955, 1957 |
UA 5.3: B02-F43 |
Publications: South Dakota's farm and home development program, Extension circular 525 |
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1955 |
UA 5.3: B02-F51 |
Publications: Farm credit: Uses and sources for South Dakota Farmers |
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1955 |
UA 5.3: B02-F60 |
Publications: Preliminary report of potentialities for dry milk production in the Sioux Falls area of South Dakota |
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undated |
UA 5.3: B02-F61 |
Publications: Production adjustments in agriculture during 1945 in South Dakota: Preliminary report |
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1944 |
UA 5.3: B02-F63 |
Publications: South Dakota Soil Conservation Districts law and amended |
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1947 |
UA 5.3: B02-F64 |
Publications: Soil testing for South Dakota, Agronomy pamphlet 17 |
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1949 |
UA 5.3: B02-F67 |
Publications: Twelfth Annual Report of Cooperative Cereal Investigations on the Belle Fourche Experiment Farm, Newell South Dakota by Arthur Ellison |
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1919 |
UA 5.3: B02-F09 |
Administrative: Ag Engineering Farm |
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1969, 1997, undated |
UA 5.3: B02-F11 |
Publications: Grass performance in South Dakota, Bulletin 536 |
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1966 |
UA 5.3: B02-F16 |
Publications: Oahe intermediate wheat grass, Bulletin 506 |
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1962 |
UA 5.3: B02-F21 |
Publications: Teton alfalfa: A new multi-purpose variety for South Dakota, Bulletin 469 |
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1958 |
UA 5.3: B02-F25 |
Publications: Attractive farm homes, Extension circular 412 |
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1944 |
UA 5.3: B02-F26 |
Publications: Budgets for major livestock enterprises in South Dakota, Circular 220 |
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1977 |
UA 5.3: B02-F29 |
Publications: Dry-land crop production on the clay soils of Western South Dakota, Circular 85 |
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1951 |
UA 5.3: B02-F30 |
Publications: Feebar barley, Circular 67 |
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1947 |
UA 5.3: B02-F41 |
Publications: Soil survey and land valuation for tax purposes, Circular 109 |
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1954 |
UA 5.3: B02-F46 |
Publications: 100 Practical farm questions asked and answered by Highmore Experiment Farm |
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undated |
UA 5.3: B02-F49 |
Publications: Delinquency Proneness |
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1981 |
UA 5.3: B02-F57 |
Publications: List of Series 4: Publications |
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1940, 1941 |